Bob Menendez charged with additional crimes

Good day all. With all the other news going on, the criminal charges facing Senator Bob Menendez, (D-NJ), have slipped under the radar. Recently, additional charges were filed against him, and these might just stick.

Menendez is a senior Democrat, and it’s rather surprising that the Party has decided to throw him under the bus. However, he’s also known to buck the Party, especially under Obama, so it looks like he’s being made their latest sacrificial lamb. The latest charges accuse Menendez of being a foreign agent. Even better, it looks like Menendez used his position to block increasing penalties for violating this statute. Here are the details from Fox News:

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who is now facing an additional charge of acting as a foreign agent in an indictment released Thursday, has a history of opposing Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) reforms, according to Senate records.

I suspect he always knew he would end up facing charges for breaking that law, so he wanted to make sure he would be protected.

In 2020, Menendez blocked Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley’s bipartisan-led effort to create stricter penalties regulating influence of foreign entities on the U.S. government. The Foreign Agents Disclosure and Registration Enhancement Act of 2019 would have built upon existing law to boost disclosure to the public of foreign lobbying campaigns.

It’s obvious now why Menendez blocked any toughening of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. He was acting as a foreign agent while a member of the United States Senate. I don’t have any information on this, however I would think that it’s against rules in the Senate on lobbying for a foreign entity.

“It seems shortsighted to provide additional enforcement tools before we have figured out what that regime should look like,” Menendez said on the Senate floor, according to congressional records. “The disturbing rise of foreign influence campaigns that use a variety of measures to mask who is the ultimate source or beneficiary should serve as an alarm bell for all of us.

“So, before this body passes any tweaks or new tools and adds to the current patchwork of FARA regulations and exemptions, I think we should take a step back and take a comprehensive look, and we have not done that.” 

At the time, Grassley said the bill would give “the Justice Department new tools to detect and deter secret foreign lobbying and ensures policymakers and the American public know when influence campaigns are being pushed by foreign interests.”

And we now know whet Menendez was so opposed to anything that would make it easier for the DoJ to investigate potential FARA violations. He was up to his corrupt neck in them.

Another bill seeking to close loopholes in FARA and foreign lobbying disclosure, brought forth this year by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas and called the PAID OFF Act, would have made it more difficult for unregistered foreign agents to lobby in the U.S.

As you might have guessed, Menendez was dead set against that one as well.

A GOP aide told Fox News Digital Menendez “actively fought” to keep the legislation from being added as an amendment to the Senate’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed over the summer. Both chambers will have to agree on a package by the end of the year.

Frankly, I think it should be a separate, stand alone bill. I think it will have a far better chance of passing now that Menendez’s corruption has finally come out publicly. While he is innocent until found guilty, I don’t see that crook trying to block the bill this time. Oh he may want to, but now people know why. Where Biden is wholly owned by the People’s Republic of China, Menendez is currently under lease to the Egyptian government.

Both bills would have established stricter regulations for disclosing foreign lobbying and created harsher penalties for misstatements resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

So Menendez would have had to part with a couple of bars of gold or something? This is something I can’t get my head around. Why would anyone not file the proper paperwork to register as a foreign agent? I don’t mean a spy of course. As I understand it, this would allow you to legally bribe lobby members of congress.

Now in Menendez’s case, besides the FARA violations, it looks like he was just flat out taking bribes. Of course, that will need to be proven in a court of law. My other question is why now? Why are they going after Menendez? Of course, there is a desire for revenge by the DoJ after they blew the last case against Menendez. (Not acquitted, a hung jury) Is he meant to be the “Sacrificial lamb for the Democrats?

After all, the Clintons and the Bidens are even more corrupt. The Clintons came up with a way to launder their ill gotten gains. The Biden Crime Family is currently under investigation and it looks like they weren’t quite as good at the money laundering as the Clintons. Menendez? That idiot was stashing cash and gold all over the place and not even trying to “Clean it up.” (There is something to be said for just plain arrogant stupidity)

It’s a safe bet that Bob Menendez is done as a United States Senator. From the little I’ve seen, he’s also going to be retiring to Club Fed. Still, the reservations for his long term rental haven’t been finalized yet and they are working on the details. With a bit of luck, he might have the Bidens as his neighbors in a few years.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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