More shoes dropping for Harvard Law graduates

Good day all. The fallout over Harvard University’s actions with regard to the Hamas October 7th attack, along with the protection of their president and apparent plagiarist, Claudine Gay, continues.

Harvard is now seeing donations starting to fall off and people who could attend the Harvard’s schools are starting to look elsewhere. Now another shoe is dropping. A law firm has announced it will no longer recruit on campus. Here are the details from Fox News:

A law firm will cease on-campus recruiting of Harvard Law students due to the university president’s recent congressional testimony, telling Fox News Digital the move will be in place until there is a “sea change” on campus.

Edelson PC law firm founder Jay Edelson penned a letter to Harvard Law’s director of recruitment and operations saying that the firm will not be participating in the university’s upcoming Spring Interview Program. The Spring Interview Program, which begins Jan. 29, facilitates opportunities for employers to interview prospective students on campus.

The firm added that it will also skip a larger on-campus interviewing event in August, according to Reuters. Edelson told Reuters in an interview that the event is where major law firms often hire many of their summer associates.

I looked up Edelson PC. It’s not a giant law firm. It has some 27 lawyers and offices in several cities. They do seem to to be successful according to their Wikipedia page. I doubt they are looking to hire more then 2-3 new lawyers. Still, this decision to walk away from Harvard may start a trend. As to why?

Edelson sent a statement to Fox News Digital about the decision, saying the move came because of how Harvard and its president Claudine Gay handled the aftermath of her disastrous testimony before Congress on antisemitism at the school.

Gay and her cohorts in stupidity basically tried to pull a Clinton, using their version of “It depends what the meaning of “is” is.” That has gone over like a lead balloon, and the recent decision by the Harvard Boards to back Gay may be the final nail in the coffin.

Harvard University’s top brass backed the embattled president following intense backlash towards her comments about antisemitism and accusations of plagiarism.

“We have no intention of returning to on-campus recruiting unless there is a sea change. The easiest solution would be for Harvard to simply remove Dr. Gay but would, in many ways, just gloss over the core problem. Harvard has been one of the most vocal proponents of ‘educating’ the nation on the need for safe spaces for students, how important trigger warnings are, and how words can be equated with violence,” Edelson told Fox News Digital.

Harvard, actually most of the Colleges and Universities in this country have gone full on stupid. This has been a long process, but seems to have accelerated with the demise of the Soviet Union. This nonsense about trigger warnings, safe spaces and that words hurt people. Basically, Harvard, Yale, the entire Ivy League and all the other major and most of the small colleges are producing a pack of wimps, bullies and cowards. To this list we can add antisemites. Now employers are starting to claw back job offers as well as doing any recruiting as Edelson PC.

The letter came after two dozen Wall Street law firms warned universities last month they wouldn’t hire students engaging in antisemitism, calling on law schools to better address and combat students and campus organizations promoting support for Hamas following its deadly attack against Israel on Oct. 7.

Davis Polk & Wardwell had previously rescinded job offers for three law students from Harvard and Columbia universities after the students signed open letters supporting Hamas against Israel. 

The Harvard open letter, signed by about 30 student groups including from the law school, was released in the hours after the terrorist attack blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for “all unfolding violence.” 

That open letter is what set off a lot of law firms and companies. CEO’s started demanding to know who signed this letter. We also saw a lot of students suddenly trying to remove their signatures, claiming they didn’t know what they were signing. That doesn’t help their future employment prospects. Employers tend to look askance at people they might be considering for employment if they aren’t paying attention to whatever it is they’re signing.

As it is, if you are a member of the graduating classes of 2024, 2025, 2026 and possibly 2027, you might want to start thinking about how you’re going to explain your activities regarding the Hamas October 7th massacre and your stance on it. I don’t doubt that a number of CEO’s are telling their HR departments to lower the priority, or even remove from consideration, any Harvard graduates. The new motto for these nitwits is going to be #FAFO

In this case, it means no high paying job and a ton of student loan debt. The days of an Ivy League education and degree being a near guarantee of a great job are rapidly coming to an end. Well, they can always learn to dig coal.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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