Disney is remaking the X-files? WHY?! WHY?!

Good day all. I have something a bit different then my usual drivel. While listening to WDWPro on YouTube, they mentioned, almost as an aside to the topic they were talking about, that the classic television series The X-Files. For 11 years, starting in 1993 we watched FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating all sorts of weird cases. The show’s motto was “The Truth is Out There”

The show as a cross between Kolchak, the Night Stalker, The Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone. It eventually became a pop culture entity. Of course, it eventually ended, and lives on in syndication. There have been a few attempts to emulate the show, but none succeeded. Now Hollyweird is looking to remake the series. Here are the details from IGN:

The X-Files is reportedly making a comeback yet again after its recent lackluster revival.

According to Bloomberg, the popular 90s sci-fi show is in the running for what sounds like a reboot, with Disney eyeing a “new version” from Black Panther director Ryan Coogler. However, what form that will take remains to be seen.

Oh Crap! Disney is going to do this? Well, that’s it then. It’s toast. Disney is Woke and failing. They haven’t produced anything that people want to watch for a while. The DEI is so strong that this is the general practice for any new project.

After 11 seasons and two movies, The X-Files stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny have put in plenty of time as Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. Whether or not they return in the upcoming show remains to be seen. However, Anderson herself recently suggested a lot would have to change for her to consider another return.

It just feels like such an old idea. I’ve done it, I did it for so many years, and it also ended on such an unfortunate note,” Anderson said. “In order to even begin to have that conversation [about another season] there would need to be a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on for it to feel like it was new and progressive. So yeah, it’s very much in the past.”

Well, how about Dana Scully being made gay and/or transexual? Think of all the possibilities. We could put Fox Mulder in a dress and change his name to Francine.

I think this stupid idea shows just how desperate Disney is becoming. In the past 4 or 5 years, they have gone from a company that parents could trust with their children to now being a continuing criminal enterprise that appears to want to groom children not entertain them in a safe and wholesome manner.

I have no idea if they will actually go forward with this project. Remaking an old movie or TV series usually fails. I can only think of two shows that did as well or better then the originals, Hawaii 5-0 and Battlestar Galactica. (Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise has done fairly well in theaters) With Disney at the helm, I can’t see a new X-Files succeeding, especially if they only put it on Disney+. I don’t see myself watching it, especially if it’s only on Disney+. I canceled my subscription a couple of months ago.

If a new version of the X-Files is made, wil you watch it?

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~The Angry Webmaster~


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