Govno Newsom’s 10 year plan on homelessness now 20 years old

Good day all. Govno Gavin Newsom is arguably the most incompetent governor that California has ever had. Before he became Govno of Kalifornistan, he was a failed mayor for the Toilet by the Bay, San Francisco. When Newsom took office as mayor, he put together a 10 year plan to solve homelessness in the city.

That plan was implemented 20 years ago and, well, we see the results on the news every night. Here are the details of Newsom’s Epic Failure from Fox News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, commands a Golden State that has turned into a deep blue “Sapphire State.”

As a “Blue State” Kalifornistan is the template on how to take a successful, economically prosperous state and turn it into a third world shithole.

As Newsom took over following the 2003 San Francisco mayoral election, the then-mayor-elect said that December he intended to “aggressively” make ending homelessness in his city his administration’s top priority.

The plan involved a 10-year strategy to end chronic homelessness with “tens of millions” of federal dollars in funding to create 550 “supportive housing” units for the troubled homeless, SFGate reported at the time.

And that was 20 years ago. How has it worked? You are joking, aren’t you?

“Twenty years ago, then-Mayor Newsom laid out his 10-year plan to end homelessness in San Francisco,” California GOP chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson told Fox News Digital. “Not only does the problem remain unsolved today, but in the time since, he has taken his failures statewide, where communities across California are grappling with the devastating homeless crisis.”

“Instead of focusing on bashing red states or hitting the late-night talk show circuit while foolishly eyeing a promotion to the White House, Gov. Newsom should pay attention to the actual job he was elected to do and work with Republicans to find real solutions for the Golden State,” Patterson continued.

That is like asking Joe Biden not to accept bribes from foreign governments, sniff girls hair or paw preteens. It’s not happening. Newsom is a typical elitist Democrat. He cares only about himself and doesn’t care what his policies have done to Kalifornistan, only how he can con people into giving him more power.

The nonpartisan think tank Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) found that, as of 2022, 30% of homeless Americans lived in the Golden State, “including half of all unsheltered people (115,491 in California; 233,832 in the US).”

“Since 2020, California’s overall homeless population has increased about 6%, compared to just 0.4% in the rest of the country,” PPIC wrote in February. “A 17% increase in the homeless but sheltered population accounts for almost all of California’s change, while the more visible unsheltered population increased 2%.”

There are a number of reasons for this of course. First and foremost, Kalifornistan’s ruling elites have no problem throwing money at “The homeless” and “The Needy.” Of course, most of that money is actually going to agencies, departments and NGO’s. Very little actually gets to where it’s needed.

Then there is the climate. Kalifornistan is a nice place to live if you’re homeless. It’s generally warm, sunny, the drugs are plentiful and the government won’t do anything to you when you break the law. Is it any wonder that homeless people migrate to Kalifornistan? Then the failed mayor ran for Governor and he decided that he could double down on his garbage.

During Newsom’s successful 2017 run for governor, the California Democrat pledged that he would “lead the effort to develop the 3.5 million new housing units we need by 2025 because our solutions must be as bold as the problem is big.”

“I realize building 3.5 million new housing units is an audacious goal – but it’s achievable,” Newsom said. “There is no silver bullet to solve this crisis.”

No actually, it wasn’t. The Kalifornistan state bureauscum live to throw monkey wrenches into anything that might make life better for people not part of the wealthy elites in their gated communities. Actually doing something to help the average person, never mind the homeless? Don’t make me laugh.

“We need to attack the problem on multiple fronts by generating more funding for affordable housing, implementing regulatory reform and creating new financial incentives for local jurisdictions that produce housing while penalizing those that fall short,” he continued.

Ahh yes, the standard Progressive answer to any problem. Throw other people’s money at it. It also worked about as well as you would expect.

A 2022 Department of Housing and Urban Development report found that 67% of California’s homeless population is unsheltered.

Again, as usual, the cunning plans of progressive politicians worked as expected. They were expensive flops. How expensive?

Additionally, a 2023 report found that California has spent $20 billion fighting homelessness over the last five years.

For the final nail in the coffin as it were, would you care to guess who the governor was when Kalifornistan set fire to $20 billion dollars?

Newsom was elected governor in 2018 and re-elected in 2022, with 2023 marking his fifth year in office.

Govno Newsom is sucking around the country hinting that he’s going to run for President in 2024, but only if Dementia Joe Biden isn’t running. He’s been out picking fights with Republican governors such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The problem for Newsom is that in general, the Governors of the Red States such as Florida aren’t failing miserably at everything they do.

Without question, the Democrat Party is trying to figure out a way to get rid of both Biden and Harris. While there are some in the Democrat party who think Newsom would be the perfect candidate, there are a few issues. First, he’s white. Second, he’s male. That might be enough for him to be pushed aside by the Woke DEI crowd in the DNC.

It would take quite a bit for the Democrats to remove an incompetent “Woman of color who is Vice President” and replace her with an incompetent White Male. Still, it’s the Democrats and if Biden collapses during the campaign, they might decide to replace him at the Convention. Considering that Kameltoe Harris has pissed off everyone and is despised by a fair percentage of the party, they might just try slipping Gruesome Gavin Newsom in as the Democrat nominee. I’m sure that will go over swimmingly with the Democrat base.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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