More proof that the DOJ’s primary job is to protect Corrupt Democrats

Good day all. Jack Smith is, allegedly, a special counsel put in place to “Get Trump!” by any means necessary. I use the term “Allegedly” since there is now a question before the court that Smith wasn’t legally appointed to the job. Now information is coming out on how one of his “Prosecutors” ran interference for the Clinton Crime Family.

There is really no doubt remaining that the sole reason for the legal assaults on the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is to keep him from running and potentially returning to the White House. On the flip side however, has been the flat out cover ups of the Clinton’s criminal activities. Now it has been learned that one of Smith’s Top Men helped to bury the potential criminal charges against the Clinton’s. Here are the details from Fox News:

A top prosecutor on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team discouraged the FBI from pursuing an investigation into the Clinton Foundation in 2016 due to what he viewed as negligible evidence, despite multiple Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) related to hundreds of thousands of dollars in foreign transactions, Fox News Digital has learned.

Ray Hulser, the former chief of the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section (PIN), who serves on Smith’s team currently prosecuting former President Donald Trump, was identified as the official who “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation in 2016 in Special Counsel John Durham’s report.

How interesting. This putz was supposed to look into things like bribes, election crimes and all around corruption. Here is the exact definition from the Justice Department:

The Public Integrity Section (PIN) oversees the investigation and prosecution of all federal crimes affecting government integrity, including bribery of public officials, election crimes, and other related offenses.  PIN investigates and prosecutes some of the most sensitive, complex, and contentious public corruption cases handled by the Department, including cases involving elected and appointed officials at all levels of government. 

PIN also serves as a source of advice and expertise for federal prosecutors and agents regarding the handling of public corruption cases nationwide, and plays a key role in developing Department policy concerning public corruption and election crime investigations and prosecutions.  PIN handles cases in Districts across the country, either on its own or in partnership with the local U.S. Attorney’s Office.

There is no question that Felonia von Pantsuit sold her office as Senator and later as Secretary of State. She was also involved in selling the office of Governor when Bill Clinton was in office in Arkansas. (See Tyson Chicken) However, the DoJ has been so politicized and now weaponized by the Democrats the only way a Democrat gets prosecuted is if he or she crosses the Ruling Elites. (See Bob Menendez)

According to the Durham report, in January 2016, “three different FBI field offices, the New York Field Office, the Washington Field Office, and the Little Rock Field Office, opened investigations into possible criminal activity involving the Clinton Foundation.”

The report reveals that the case was opened referring to an intelligence product and corroborating financial reporting that a particular commercial “industry likely engaged a federal public official in a flow of benefits scheme, namely, large monetary contributions were made to a non-profit, under both direct and indirect control of the federal public official, in exchange for favorable government action and/or influence.”

The Fox News story goes into how the three field offices found things and that it was decided that there was a need to coordinate between the field offices and the FBI. They started holding meetings on all the graft they were finding.

“These meetings likely were deemed especially important given that the investigations were occurring in an election year in which Clinton was a declared candidate for President,” the report states, including details from those meetings.

One meeting detailed in the report took place on Feb. 1, 2016. Present for that meeting were several FBI officials, as well as Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell and Hulser, who, at the time, was Public Integrity Section chief.

At this point the 2016 election was underway and the Democrat Party was working to rig things so that Felonia would be the nominee. Because she was being anointed to replace the Second Worst President in American History, Barack Obama, shutting down any investigations into the Clinton Crime Cartel was a priority.

Durham interviewed Hulser as part of his investigation. Hulser told Durham that the FBI briefing on the Clinton Foundation was “poorly presented and that there was insufficient predication for at least one of the investigations due to its reliance on allegations contained in a book.”

“Hulser downplayed information provided by the New York Field Office CHS [confidential human source] and recalled that the amount involved in the financial reporting was ‘de minimis,’” the report states.

The Durham team did what the DoJ wouldn’t do. It reviewed what the field offices had found that was suspicious.

“The reporting, which in itself is not proof of wrongdoing, was a narrative describing multiple funds transfers, some of which involved international bank accounts that were suspected of facilitating bribery or gratuity violations,” the Durham report states in a footnote. “The transactions involved occurred between 2012 and 2014, and totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

This is not dissimilar to what the House of Representatives has been finding with regards to the Biden Crime Family. A bunch of shell companies with millions of dollars being moved around them to hide the source of the money.

The Durham report states that during the February 2016 meeting, Hulser “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation on behalf of the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section. Hulser told Durham during his interview, though, that he “made it clear” that “his decision was not binding on the various U.S. Attorneys’ Offices or FBI field divisions.”

Of course it was binding. Any attempt to file criminal charges against Felonia von Pantsuit would have been shut down by the Obama DoJ and the careers of those filing the charges ended, with a possibility of the people filing the charges ending up under arrest themselves, if they didn’t commit Akancide that is.

In interviewing another individual present for the meeting, Durham learned that the Justice Department’s reaction to the Clinton Foundation briefing was “hostile.

“There are mega indications that the Obama Justice Department slow-walked and discouraged the Clinton Foundation investigation, including discouraging the FBI from pursuing it,” former federal prosecutor and Fox News contributor Andy McCarthy said. 

Now we come to this corrupt official’s appointment to the “Get Trump!” team.

With regard to Hulser, McCarthy told Fox News Digital that “it has been obvious from the beginning that the decision by the Biden Justice Department to appoint a special counsel was utterly political and done to create distance between the attorney general and the president from the decision to bring charges against Trump, that Smith has conducted it throughout with an eye on the election calendar.”

“Nobody should be surprised if people on Smith’s staff have been involved in situations that make it politically conflicting for them to be involved in this,” McCarthy said.

The whole rotten mess that is the Special Counsel’s office is designed to keep President Trump and be extension, any other non-Deep State RINO, (Such as Nikki Haley), from winning the 2024 election. Currently, the nomination is pretty much Donald Trump’s. If/when he wins reelection you can bank on whoever he appoints as Attorney General, (Someone I suspect won’t be part of the Deep State in DC), is going to shut down Smith, and look for him or her to bring a high pressure hose in to the DoJ to clean out the manure.

Right now the question is will the courts rule that Smith was illegally appointed. If the courts say he was, then the entire investigation and indictments collapse. Chutney Chutkan will have no choice but to dismiss the entire case. That will leave the state cases and those are just as fraudulent as the federal ones. We’re in for a very interesting 2024.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to More proof that the DOJ’s primary job is to protect Corrupt Democrats

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    I remember Ross Perot’s allegations of interference and threats from the political establishment as the reason why he dropped his candidacy. The general reaction to this was that he was paranoid or a fabulist. Seeing the way the establishment (all sides of the aisle) are treating Trump, in the public eye, I am re-evaluating this condemnation. Perhaps Mr. Perot was not prevaricating after all. He was a serious challenge to Bush at the time, and if he had won the nomination, he could have stopped Clinton. The Clinton Crime Syndicate is now known to be capable of the exact threats Perot reported. Maybe he was right?


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