Texas takes control of park, blocks border patrol from entry

Good day all. Yesterday, January 11th, the State of Texas sent the National Guard into a park along the border of the United States. This park has been used by illegal aliens to cross into the United States en mass, and is one of the areas that the Federal Government has been cutting razor wire.

Texas has been the front line in the invasion of the United States, thanks to the Biden Maladministration’s throwing open the borders. Even the sanctuary cities are crying uncle as they are swamped with 10’s of thousand of illegal aliens. Texas has been trying to stop the invasion, and at every turn, the Garland DoJ has sued them, usually unsuccessfully. Now Texas is taking the next step to defend the state and by extension, the nation. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Texas National Guard has seized control of a park at the U.S. southern border and is now blocking Border Patrol from entering the area – part of an effort to stop the surge of illegal immigration into Texas and a move likely to significantly increase tensions between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the federal government. 

The state government has taken control of Shelby Park in the city of Eagle Pass, Texas, which has been at the center of the migrant crisis that has engulfed the U.S. border. Authorities have now set up razor wire and fences to block off the area.

Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas said he was informed that the decision was made as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s emergency declaration. Salinas told reporters it was not something the city had requested, and he said his understanding is that Border Patrol was now not in the area as a result.

The Border Patrol has not only been hamstrung by the Maladministration, they have been forced to actively aid and abet in the invasion of the United States. Texas has been doing what it can, such as putting barriers in the middle of the Rio Grande river to keep illegals from swimming across. Rather then applaud Texas, the Biden DoJ sued to force Texas to remove them, the grounds? Among other things, illegal might drown attempting to swim across.

The Border Patrol union confirmed to Fox News that agents were being blocked from entering by Texas soldiers, and praised Abbott for taking matters into his own hands.

“Governor Abbott is not harming Border Patrol operations, he is enhancing them,” National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd said in a statement. “His seizing control of Shelby Park allows our agents to deploy to troubled spots that experience high numbers of gotaways. Governor Abbott’s actions should be seen as a force multiplier.”

While I have little doubt that most of the rank and file Border Patrol agents are just fine with Texas stepping up, the higher ups aren’t. Look for the next court challenge any day now.

The dramatic move marks the latest escalation in a feud between the state of Texas and the federal government over how to handle the record-setting crisis, which has left both Texas and cities throughout the country overwhelmed.

The feud is, once again, heading to court. Garland is demanding that the Supreme Court tell Texas to stop interfering with the illegal aliens invasion of the United States. Here are those details from Fox News:

The Department of Justice has renewed its push for the Supreme Court to act on an ongoing legal dispute between Texas and the federal government after a dramatic move in which Texas seized control of a park near the border and blocked Border Patrol from entering.

“Texas’s new actions since the government’s filing demonstrate an escalation of the State’s measures to block Border Patrol’s ability to patrol or even to surveil the border and be in a position to respond to emergencies,” the DOJ told the high court in an overnight supplemental filing on Friday.

Sorry Charlie. You’ve not been doing the job, and now Texas has stepped up to do the job you’re refusing to do. Not I am saying refusing to do, not unable to do it. There is a difference. Being unable to do it could be do to any number of issues. Refusing to do the job is an entirely different kettle of fish. Besides, Texas has been there for a few years now, keeping an eye on things.

In a statement, the Texas Military Dept. said it has maintained a presence in the park since 2021, including with security points and temporary barriers.

“The current posture is to prepare for future illegal immigrant surges and to restrict access to organizations that perpetuate illegal immigrant crossings in the park and greater Eagle Pass area,” it said.

I understand that Amazon is having a sale on razor wire. If you back that up with some land mines, I think you can close that section of the border quite effectively.

Senior Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources later confirmed that Border Patrol is being blocked at two areas of operation in Eagle Pass and said that agents pulled resources to avoid a confrontation. 

That’s a nice way of saying that the CBP agents were politely told to leave or else.

In the overnight filing, the DOJ says Border Patrol learned of the new barriers late on Wednesday and says that the barriers stop Border Patrol from reaching the Rio Grande Reiver in certain areas.

“It also includes the staging area that Border Patrol has used to evaluate and begin inspecting migrants that it has apprehended along this stretch of the border,” the administration said.

I see you are missing the point of the exercise. The idea is not to process the criminals, it’s to stop them from coming in to the country in the first place.

The move ramps up an ongoing dispute between Texas and the administration over Texas’ setting up of razor wire along the southern border to stop illegal crossings. The Biden administration was recently blocked by an appeals court from cutting or damaging the wire, and asked the Supreme Court to intervene as a result. The administration said the wire was preventing agents from apprehending migrants and accessing parts of the border.

As I said before, the idea is to stop them from crossing the border in the first place, not catch them after they’ve illegally entered the United States. The Supreme Court gets it, at least those who aren’t Obama or Biden justices that is. The problem is simple. We have an administration that is flat out refusing to protect the country and has thrown open the borders. Of course, that’s not how they see it.

The White House. in a statement, also took aim at Abbott over the seizure of the park and other moves he has made at the border.

“Governor Abbott continues his extreme political stunts that not only seek to demonize and dehumanize people, but that also make it harder and more dangerous for Border Patrol to do their jobs,” a spokesperson said. “Whether it is leaving migrants on the side of the road in the dead of winter, installing razor wire to make Border Patrol’s job more dangerous, promoting extreme and unconstitutional laws like S.B. 4, or his latest actions in Eagle Pass. Governor Abbott has repeatedly proven that he is not interested in solutions and only seeks to politicize the border. ”

“The President has been clear that we need adequate resources and policy changes, and that our immigration system is broken. That is why on his first day in office he presented Congress with a comprehensive immigration reform plan and that is why he is working to find a bipartisan agreement with Congress that includes funding and meaningful reforms,” they said.

This statement is a flat out lie, but that isn’t surprising. We are suffering under the most corrupt and incompetent administration in over a century, if not ever in the history of the United States. President Trump had managed to significantly slow the entry of illegal aliens and probably would have shut it down almost completely if it hadn’t been for the active interference of the Democrats, Progressive Activist Obama Judges and of course, the Chamber of Congress RINO’s.

While I agree that there needs to be a complete overhaul of the current immigration system, anything that allows those who crossed in illegally to stay is a nonstarter. Things are coming to a head, and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Texas and the other states order the border patrol out and take control of the Mexican/American border themselves, and lock it down tight.

Of course, the courts might say no to this and that is where the constitutional crises begins. The states, when ordered to stop by the courts might just say “No.” What happens then is anyone’s guess, but it won’t be good. In the mean time, if you want something that will scare the living crap out of you, I just finished a book by Kurt Schlichter called “The Attack.

Basically he comes up with a “What if” scenario. The scenario is a repeat of the October 7th attack that Israel suffered, scaled up massively. The Terrorists were able to waltz across the border and using smuggled weapons, killed 10’s of thousands of people. Considering that they are catching people on the terrorist watch list, this isn’t all that far fetched. I commend Texas for doing what Washington won’t. Protecting this country.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Texas takes control of park, blocks border patrol from entry

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    As the current maladministration has effectively ceded Texas to Mexico, I would say they are well within their natural rights to defend themselves. Texas, being the only state to have been an independent country prior to admission to the union, may choose to return to it’s independent status. This is secessionist movements get started. Look to the fedgov to precipitate a Fort Sumter type incident, as the Lincoln administration did, to give cause for an attempted military occupation of Texas and the other recalcitrant border states like Arizona and Florida.


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