Jerry No Nads Nadler went there. Says we need illegals to pick vegetables

Good day all. Every once in a while, you get a Progressive liberal Democrat who says something truly profound. Well, actually, profoundly stupid. This time we have that pathetic excuse for a member of Congress, Jerry “No Nads” Nadler.

Nadler is best known for his part in the attempt coup’s against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. After he blew his attempted impeachment, (He was missing this thing called “Evidence”) he sort of slunk back into the wood work. However, when New York lost a house seat, he and Carolyn Maloney, another barking moonbat, were forced to run against each other. Sadly, No Nads Nadler won.

However, he hasn’t amounted to anything of late due to the Republicans managing, barely, to take the house from the Democrats. Of course, like any good Progressive Liberal Democrat, Nadler managed to make a complete ass of himself again. He has announced that we need millions of illegal aliens. Why? You might ask? Nadler said that we need them to pick vegetables. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) faced backlash this week after arguing during a congressional hearing that the U.S. needs “many illegal immigrants,” which comes as the U.S. experiences a historic flood of illegal aliens into the country because of President Joe Biden’s policies.

I and many others would argue that this isn’t a flood so much as an active invasion by a hostile force.

Nadler made the remarks during a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement hearing on Thursday about the “Impact of Illegal Immigration on Social Services.”

We need immigrants in this country,” Nadler said. “Forget the fact that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants.”

The fact is the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking,” he added. “And the ratio of people on Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them.”

What a moron. He’s suggesting that we do what Europe has been doing for the last 20 years, importing foreigners to act as, well, serfs for the rulers. It hasn’t worked out well and Europe, especially since the immigrants are from Islamic countries and are trying to do what they failed to do 700 years ago, turn Europe into an Islamic caliphate.

With regards to his comment on birth rates, he’s talking about white birth rates. He isn’t taking into consideration, like pretty much all Progressive Liberals, that real Americans are having plenty of children. You have white men and women meeting black men and women or Asian men and women etc, and starting families. It’s only the Progressive Liberals who are concerned that the “White Race” is not breeding. That is what racism is all about.

Nadler might want to review the left’s hero Cesar Chevez. He hated illegal aliens working in the fields and had no problem calling in the Immigration service to round them up and deport them. There were some other reasons as well of course, such as his union and punishing farm owners. One of the things that Nadler and others pushing open borders, on both sides of the aisle aren’t considering, is that illegals do not pay taxes.

Former Trump administration immigration adviser Stephen Miller responded to Nadler’s remarks on X: “Yes, all the millions of illegals from 150+ countries spanning the globe are going to Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, New York, etc. to work in the fields.”

What a tired, vapid, exhausted and stupid cliche,” he continued. “Just utter nonsense.”

Vapid describes Nadler perfectly. Another Republican, Mike Lawler, (R-NY) blasted Nadler and his idiocy.

No one is against immigration — but there must be a process,” he continued. “What is happening at the border is a catastrophe and cannot continue. Secure the border and fix our broken immigration system so that those who want to come here and contribute to our economy can do so, and do so legally.”

Rep Lawler is correct of course. Most people aren’t opposed to legal immigration. What they are opposed to is the millions of criminals crossing the border and then demanding handouts. There used to be a program where migrant farm workers could legally cross into the United States, work on the farms during the growing and harvesting seasons, then go home.

I don’t believe that this program exists any longer. Perhaps we should bring it back. As for those who are in the United States illegally? Boot them out. As for that fat slob Nadler? Hopefully the people in his district will do the right thing this time and boot his fat racist ass out in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Jerry No Nads Nadler went there. Says we need illegals to pick vegetables

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Rotten to the core! and to think he was reelected. Scary-jerry makes quidprojo look good. Not really!


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