Once again Mike Pence shows why he can’t be Trusted

Good day all. Currently, the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is about on par with that of the old Gestapo, East German Stasi, and the KGB. One of the issues is the allegations that undercover FBI agents helped instigate the January 6th riot. The DoJ under Merrick Garland and the FBI under Christopher Wray have not been providing congress with answers to this and other questions.

This brings us to former Vice President and complete failure as a presidential candidate Mike “The Backstabber” Pence. When he was questioned about the protests and riot, he said two things. First that it wasn’t an insurrection. Second, he believes the FBI when they say they had nothing to do with what happened. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Former Republican vice president Mike Pence claims that the FBI had no involvement in the Jan. 6 protest at the US Capitol in 2021, telling CNN on Sunday, “I take them at their word.”

Good for you. No one else does.

Pence rebuffed allegations that the FBI instigated the riot, praising the federal agency for charging more than 1,000 protesters for the day and saying he hopes to see everyone involved that conducted the protest “held to the fullest extent of the law.”

Does that include you for allowing a potentially rigged election to stand?

“I’ve seen the director of the FBI repeatedly assure the American people that the FBI were not the instigators of the riot that occurred on January 6,” Pence said to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday.

And we always believe everything that Wray says, don’t we? It’s not as if he hasn’t been caught lying to congress now.

“Frankly, I’m very grateful for the efforts of the FBI to bring nearly a thousand people to justice who ransacked our Capitol and did violence against police officers that day,” added Pence, Donald Trump’s former VP.

Ransacked? We now are seeing the actual videos showing the “Ransackers” being escorted around by the guards who were acting more like tour guides and the “Ransackers behaving like any other tourists.

“I’ve heard the many repeated assurances from the FBI that they were not involved and I take them at their word,” said Pence.

Except that people have been identifying federal agents in the crowds pushing people to go into the capitol building. Are you saying that these were rogue agents and they were not acting under instruction from higher authority?

Pence’s comments strongly differentiate from the majority of the GOP’s stance that the FBI had a role in the riot, mostly citing the incident surrounding a man named Ray Epps, who was caught on video encouraging Trump supporters to go into the Capitol on Jan. 6. Epps first appeared on the FBI’s most-wanted Jan. 6 list, but was later removed from the poster, which caused extreme suspicion due to the FBI hunting down grandmothers who peacefully walked through the Capitol with American flags.

A minor update on the Epps case. He was just sentenced to a year probation, 100 hours of community service and a $500 fine. So yeah, he’s a Fed.

Over 1,200 people have been apprehended in connection with the day thus far. According to data from the DOJ reviewed by the Washington Examiner, by the end of 2023, nearly 850 years of prison time has been handed down to around 450 defendants. While the majority have received sentences of only a few days, others who were found guilty of more serious offenses that day now face years, and in some cases decades, behind bars.

Several of the Proud Boys, who weren’t even in Washington have been railroaded on bogus sedition charges. They are looking at 10-20 years. This is the Biden Justice Department.

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump, who is the current Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential primary election, referred to the Jan. 6 political prisoners as “hostages” and demanded President Biden release them. He has also claimed that the FBI had an alleged role in the riot, according to the New York Post.

One of President Trump’s promises is that he is going to pardon almost all of those convicted by the Biden DoJ. (Some committed real crimes and should go to jail) During his failed campaign, Pence was asked if he would pardon the thousands railroaded by Garland and Biden. His answer? No.

The relationship between the former vice president and Donald Trump declined after Pence refused to abide by Trump’s request to not certify the results of the 2020 election on Jan. 6. Pence, the former governor of Indiana, launched a presidential bid last year but dropped out in October.

There were a number of questions that needed to be answered. Pence, being the secret Deep State Uniparty swamp dweller that he is now confirmed as being, refused. People may argue about his ability to actually do this, and I’ve heard that it is permitted legally. Mike Pence couldn’t even be bothered to say “Well, let me see what the Constitution, the Law and the facts say.”

Pence’s latest comments regarding the FBI and DoJ demonstrates just how unfit he is for the office of President. It didn’t used to be this way. He was seen to be President Trump’s successor for the 2024 election. His cop out to the Deep State never Trump Uniparty in 2021 blew a hole in that, and his belief that the election wasn’t rigged, put the cover on his political coffin. His current remarks on trusting the FBI brought out the nail gun and sealed his political future. He’s done. Pence should just fade away, never to be heard from again. In fact, I’ve already forgotten him.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Once again Mike Pence shows why he can’t be Trusted

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Pence was the first mistake of the Trump administration. He should have picked another outsider and accepted the resignation of all department head (it is customary for department heads to submit their resignation to an incoming president. It is usually denied pro forma but there is the option to accept them)

    • No question Trump made some personnel mistakes. He was learning and replacing those who didn’t measure up. Pompeo was a great choice for SecState after Trump got rid of Tillerman. Trump also learns. I suspect he has a list.


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