Alec Baldwin re-indicted for Rust killing

Good day all. It’s been almost three years since Alec “Deadeye” Baldwin shot two people, killing one, on the set of his movie, Rust. He was indicted, but the prosecutors dropped the charges last April. He has now been indicted for involuntary manslaughter.

Many people, myself included, are fairly angry that Baldwin hasn’t already faced a jury for his actions. If it had been anyone else, they would already have been convicted and be cooling their heels in prison. When the charges were dropped, without prejudice, people started saying that because he was a a big name Hollywood liberal, he was going to get a pass. Now Baldwin will be facing a jury. Here are the details from Fox News:

Prosecutors charged Alec Baldwin again with involuntary manslaughter after he was indicted by a grand jury Friday in the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of “Rust” in 2021, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital.

Hutchins was shot and killed on the “Rust” set during the rehearsal of a scene after a gun Baldwin was holding discharged. Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter, negligent use of a firearm, or, in the alternative, involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.

Now to refresh your memories, Rust is a western, and the firearms used were the classical guns of the time. This included a Single Action Army revolver that Baldwin was waving around like an idiot. (I forget the actual manufacturer) This style of pistol requires the hammer to be cocked in order to fire. If the hammer isn’t cocked, the gun isn’t going off. Actor John Schneider posted a video on YouTube about this and how to do a safety check for this style of firearm.

From what we have learned over the course of this case, the armorer on the set was very inexperienced and apparently a bit intimidated by Baldwin and others. There have been reports that Alec Baldwin refused to go through the standard safety training before handling the firearms. There is no question that he didn’t bother to check the handgun he was given before the incident, otherwise he would have seen the cartridge in the chamber. (How a live round found its way on the set is another matter)

Baldwin has been denying that he did anything and that the gun “Just went off.” He’s also been saying that it malfunctioned which is why it went off.

Fox News Digital has reached out to prosecutors for further comment.

“Our clients have always sought the truth about what happened on the day that Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on October 21, 2021,” the Hutchins family lawyer, Gloria Allred, told Fox News Digital. “They continue to seek the truth in our civil lawsuit for them and they also would like there to be accountability in the criminal justice system.”

“The grand jury has decided that there is sufficient evidence to indict Alec Baldwin on the charge of involuntary manslaughter,” the statement continued. “We are looking forward to the criminal trial which will determine if he should be convicted for the untimely death of Halyna, who was the daughter of our clients Olga Solovey and Anatolii Androsovych, the sister of Svetlana Zemko, and the co-worker of our client, Mamie Mitchell.”

There was a lot of behind the scenes legal details, especially with regards to a potential malfunction of the pistol. It was sent to the FBI forensics lab, where they, apparently, managed to actually break the firearm. Once the forensics was finally completed, everything was taken to a grand jury.

“After extensive investigation over the past several months, additional facts have come to light that we believe show Mr. Baldwin has criminal culpability in the death of Halyna Hutchins and the shooting of Joel Souza,” special prosecutors Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis said in a statement last month.

“We believe the appropriate course of action is to permit a panel of New Mexico citizens to determine from here whether Mr. Baldwin should be held over for criminal trial.”

I suspect that the panel of New Mexico citizens, aka The Jury, will look at the evidence and convict that hypocritical pile of diseased cockroach crap. The question then will be, will the Judge lock Baldwin up for 5-15 years, (Or whatever the normal sentence is for involuntary manslaughter is), or will he just give him a slap on the wrist and a $50 fine? We shall see.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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