Karine Jean-Pierre: Just give Bidenomics more time. It will work!

Good day all. One of the dumbest White House spokesmen, Karine Jean-Pierre has proven that being quick on her feet is not something she does. Of course, it doesn’t help that she is serving the worst president* in American history, Joe Mush for Brains Biden.

Recently, the Maladministration’s deep thinkers decided to try and claim “Bidenomics” as a positive influence on America. That attempt has been about as successful as anything else the incompetent idiots have done. In other words, a complete and utter failure. This hasn’t stopped Jean-Pierre from trying. Here are the details from Fox News:

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Americans needed to give President Biden’s economic policies more “time” to take effect as voters remain sour on the president and said voters were straying from the president and the Democratic Party because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

MSNBC host Willie Geist asked Jean-Pierre about how she would explain key voting blocks, such as young voters, “straying” from the president and looking at other choices, such as Donald Trump. 

This was a question from an MSNBC host? Was he tripping on bad acid or something? That isn’t a question they would normally ask any Democrat, let along someone in the Biden maladministration.

“Look, we understand what the American people went through these past three years, right? We came out of a pandemic, right? A pandemic that we haven’t seen in a hundred years. And when the president walked in, the economy was upside-down,” she acknowledged. 

Well, that was a load of horse manure. We have been learning that the entire Covid -19 panicdemic was basically nonsense and that it really wasn’t any worse then a normal flu even if it was a manufactured bioweapon paid for by Anthony Fauci. The problems were due to the lies by Fauci and the medical elites leading to a number of bad decisions.

Then we had the cover ups by Fauci and his people aided and abetted by Social Media and the Biden Maladministration. We were starting to come out of the downturn and things were starting to improve until Biden was installed and promptly initiated Bidenomics. That led to massive levels of inflation and crushing regulations on businesses.

Jean-Pierre continued, “And so we get it. We get that, so it’s going to take a little bit of time for folks to feel what the ‘Bidenomics’ has been able to do. That’s not something that I’m saying. That’s something that economists have said, right? It takes a little bit of time. But it doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean that the president is not going to continue to work.”

A little time? I think three years is plenty of time. So does everyone else suffering under the socialist dream being imposed by the Democrats and Dementia Joe Biden.

The White House spokesperson then said Biden was going to “finish the job.” 

Oh God help us! That senile moron has done enough. His ideas, or should I say the ideas of his handlers, have done tremendous damage to the United States economy. This brings up the next question, namely that some of the Democrat’s slaves minority groups are walking away from Biden and the Democrat plantation.

Geist also asked Jean-Pierre about Biden’s diminishing support among Black and Latino voters. 

“What we have done for the Black community and the Latino community, the Black community, when the president walked in, unemployment was 9.2%. Now, it is under 6%. That is because of ‘Bidenomics,’ as we started this conversation. Very similarly, in the Latino community, we saw unemployment go down. And we saw, also, when you think about wealth, the wealth gap, the economic wealth, that grew with both communities,” she told the MSNBC hosts.

This is the usual lies told by the Biden maladministration. The drop in black and Hispanic unemployment was due to people being called back to work as the lock-downs were removed, not due to new jobs being generated.

Jean-Pierre said “equity” was part of every single piece of the president’s legislation.

“So look, the president has always, always put equity at the center of every policy he’s put forward, every legislation that he’s put forward. Because we understand that many communities have been left behind, have been left behind. We’re not trying to do the trickle-down economics. We really, truly are not. That’s not what the president believes in,” she said.

I’m not surprised that the Biden Maladministration is pushing what amounts to a racist policy. Some of the worst racists you will ever meet this side of the Klan are white progressive liberal democrats. The problem for the Democrat Party is that the black and Hispanic Americans are figuring out what the game is with the Democrats and they aren’t going to play any more.

The “Bidenomics” terminology has become increasingly unpopular within the Democratic Party, as some have started to distance themselves from it. A Democratic strategist told NBC News in November that it was a terrible messaging tactic.

“Whoever came up with the slogan Bidenomics should be fired,” the strategist told NBC. “It’s probably the worst messaging you could ever imagine.”

Actually, I think it was the Republicans who came up with it because the Biden Economy and his economic plan basically sucks dead donkey dicks. Biden’s team tried to usurp it and make it their own the way conservatives did with “Deplorables” when Felonia von Pantsuit used the term to insult half the country.

CNN political analyst Errol Louis warned that Biden might “lose” his re-election bid if he keeps touting “Bidenomics,” especially if voters “don’t perceive” it in time.

“Sure, the economy might be getting better, but if voters don’t perceive it in time, then he’ll lose,” Louis predicted.

What’s to perceive? The economy is in the toilet. Inflation is at levels not seen in 40+ years, (Although it might be dripping a bit), and interest rates are at a point that people can’t afford to borrow money. This is all due to the socialist policies of the people Biden and his handlers have been imposing on an unwilling America.

Karine Jean-Pierre can keep saying things are going to get better, but we all know they won’t as long as the Democrats remain in charge. Just look at the Blue states to see what the entire country will be like if things continue the way they are. Sorry Karine Jean-Pierre, there is only one option to fix things.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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