Primary Day in New Hampshire

Good day all. Today is the day for the First in the Nation Primary, unless you’re a Democrat. In case you weren’t aware, the Democrat Party announced that the Democrat Primary in New Hampshire won’t count at the Democrat National Convention.

The Democrats decided to deny New Hampshire it’s traditional role as the First in the Nation primary. This is in violation of State Law. The New Hampshire Democrat party was not happy with this and announced that they would hold their primary today as usual. As I recall, that incompetent fraud in the White House, Dementia Joe Biden, isn’t even on the Democrat Primary ballot here. He didn’t bother to file the required paperwork.

As for me, I am registered as an Independent, and when voting in a primary, can pull either ballot. Once I completed my voting and put my paper ballot into the box, I re-registered as an independent voter. (I really don’t like all the calls, email and regular junk mail asking for money)

The Republican Ballot had all the original candidates including Governor DeSantis. The reason for this is simple. The ballots were printed before all the candidates other then the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump and Neocon Nikki Haley dropped out.

While you have all the old choices, there are really only two. You have the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Then we have Nikki Haley

According to reports, Haley won the Hypoxia vote in Dixville Notch up in the White Mountains. How she will do in the rest of the state, we will find out tonight and tomorrow. I will say that I haven’t seen a single Haley for President sign.

So ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for you in New Hampshire to do your civic duty and vote. If you pull a Democrat ballot, you won’t find Dementia Joe on it, so vote for whoever else is offered instead. For the Republicans, vote for the Person you think should be the nominee, (Trump!)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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