Dum Dum Dum, another one bites the dust! DeSantis has dropped out

Good day all. I saw this late Sunday and I’m putting this together fairly quickly. Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to call it a day and has ended his campaign for President. He has also endorsed President Trump over Nikki Haley.

There are a lot of people who will be disappointed that Governor DeSantis has thrown in the towel. I’m not one of them. I honestly didn’t want him to run in the first place. He has way to much to do in Florida, such as completing the crushing of Disney Corporation. I always saw him as President Trump’s VP. I don’t know if that is possible now.

One thing that may happen Tuesday is that all the voters in the Republican Primary who were going for DeSantis will probably switch to President Trump. I don’t see all that many going to Nikki Haley since she has shown herself to be just another Deep State RINO.

With Governor DeSantis’s withdrawal from the race and Governor DeSantis’s endorsement of President Trump, President Trump went from attack dog to being a gracious winner. Here are some of the details of Gov. DeSantis’s withdrawal from Fox News:

Former President Trump said he is “very honored” by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ endorsement in the GOP presidential nomination race, telling Fox News Digital he is looking forward “to working together with him to beat Joe Biden.”

“Very honored to have his endorsement,” Trump told Fox News Digital. “I look forward to working together with him to beat Joe Biden, who is the worst and most corrupt president in the history of our country.”

President Trump is a brawler as we have seen for years, however, once the fight is done, he generally puts the gloves away and hold out his hand. I suspect that privately he told Governor DeSantis that all the verbiage was politics and now it’s time to get to work burying Biden, the Democrats and start working to fix the mess of the last 3 years. This may be one of the reasons that Governor DeSantis endorsed President Trump.

“It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance. They watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance, and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day to attack him,” DeSantis said Sunday. “While I have had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of [Dr.] Anthony Fauci, Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. That is clear.”

Fauci was a mistake, however we didn’t know what a corrupt lying weasel he was back then. We started figuring it out towards the end of President Trump’s first term, and now we’re only wondering when the indictments against Fauci and others involved with the Gain of Function and other things that happened during the panicdemic will be handed down.

DeSantis said Trump has his endorsement “because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear – a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism – that Nikki Haley represents.”

Haley has shown herself to be nothing more then a George Bush, (Either one), in a skirt. She has zero chance of ever being president. Governor DeSantis does have a chance down the road once he finishes his job as Governor.

One of the things I’ve seen since I started working on this is the responses by DeSantis supporters. Most of them will move over to President Trump. Many of these people would have stayed with President Trump if Governor DeSantis hadn’t thrown his hat into the ring. If President Trump had chosen not to run, most of his supporters would have gone to Governor DeSantis. Only the most extremes on both teams are upset with Governor DeSantis getting in and then retiring from the field.

Now we have the New Hampshire Primary Tuesday. The GOP(e) is pushing Nikki Haley hard, but there is still the problem of her third place finish in Iowa, behind Governor DeSantis. It isn’t that the GOP base doesn’t like her, it’s that they don’t trust her. I suspect she will be out either before Super Tuesday or soon after. Then it’s on to November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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