Another innocent victim of Biden’s open borders

Good day all. Last week a young woman attending college in Georgia was found brutally murdered after she went out jogging. When she didn’t return, her friends called the police who found her remains. It was quickly determined that she had been murdered and had not died in some sort of accident.

The investigation began and police investigators quickly made an arrest. Now the suspect is, of course, innocent until proven guilty, and I have not seen the evidence that the Jury will. I will assume, for the sake of this post, that the police have captured the correct individual. Now, with all that, the suspect was identified as Jose Antonio Ibarra. At first, the police weren’t certain of his immigration status. They are now. Here are the details from Just The News:

Georgia authorities on Friday announced charges against Jose Antonio Ibarra, a non-U.S. citizen from Venezuela, in connection with the murder of a University of Georgia student on Thursday.

Laken Riley, 22, was found dead on campus near Lake Herrick on Thursday, according to Fox News. Authorities indicated she showed signs of sustaining blunt-force trauma. A friend who called the police said Riley had gone for a run.

Ibarra is not a UGA student and campus Police Chief Jeffrey L. Clark indicated Ibarra likely had no prior connection to her.

“Right now I don’t know his full status. He is not a citizen of the United States,” he said.

He does now. And this is the part that is enraging people.

U.S. immigration records reviewed by Just the News show that Ibarra entered the United States in 2022 and was flagged for illegal entry and removal. A year later he was given parole under the Biden administration’s new policy and provided a work permit, the records show.

But wait! There’s more! It turns out that this is a family affair. Here are those details from the New York Post:

The brother of the illegal immigrant arrested in connection with the killing of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley has been taken into custody for possessing a fake green card — which he used to get a job on the campus where her body was found, The Post learned Saturday evening. Diego Ibarra, 29, was charged after he was stopped by police in connection with the ongoing murder investigation, the US Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia said. He is now in state custody, jail records show.

I don’t know if this criminal had anything to do with the murder of Laken Riley. However, it would explain why his brother was there. He was probably living with his brother, or at least visiting him.

Diego Ibarra presented a fake green card to the hiring unit to begin a temporary position as a dishwasher in Bolton Dining Hall at the University of Georgia on Feb. 6, 2024,” UGA spokesperson Greg Trevor told The Post Saturday evening.

He subsequently failed to submit further documentation required to keep the job and was never paid by the University. He has been fired.”

As I understand it, there is a verification system in place similar to the NICS system used for background checks on people who want to buy guns. If you provide a green card, that also has a registration number that can be very easily checked. (SWMBO has one) That he was allowed to even start working before verification makes me wonder if the HR department even bothered trying to find out and is now backpedaling as fast as their DEI feet can carry them.

This murder is all on Joe Biden, his handlers and all the Progressives who have been aiding and abetting the invasion of this country by people like the Ibarra’s. This crime would not have happened if these two walking pieces of human debris has been deported as soon as they were caught.

Now the wheels of justice are going to start their grinding. If Jose Ibarra is found guilty, well, Georgia does have the death penalty. If his brother turns out to have been involved, then Georgia needs to have a “2 for 1” deal. What happens nationally is another matter.

We need to border secured and not just with a wall. A full defensive system needs to be put into place, including razor wire, the wall of course, and a mine field. As for those now in the United State illegally? No more games. A general roundup and instant deportation needs to be done.

All benefits these criminals are getting from the Taxpayers needs to stop, and politicians who have been enabling them need to be removed from office and if warranted, jailed. As for the inevitable progressive judicial morons, primarily Obama and Biden judges, (Not all of course), they need to be flat out told to get out of the way and that if they continue “Protecting the rights of these invaders,” then they will be removed from the bench and criminally charged with aiding and abetting, and potentially, treason. See how they like that.

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Ms. Riley. If it hadn’t been for the absolute dereliction of duty by the worst president* in American History, Joe Biden, Ms. Riley would be alive today. Hopefully, the criminal(s), will be sentenced after a fair and impartial trial to be rendered unalive themselves.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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