Here we go again. Another Chinese Spy Balloon is over the United States

Good day all. About a year ago we found out that the People’s Republic of China had sent a large balloon over the United States to intercept signals and probably take pictures of military bases. The balloon was spotted by people on the ground and pictures were posted.

At the time, the Biden Maladministration flat out lied about the balloon even though people could see that the equipment hanging off of it was to large for an atmospheric scientific package and that the antennas were massive. Congress started asking the Pentagon and the maladministration WTF? Why were they letting this obvious electronic espionage package drift over the North America. The maladministration finally sent up an ace pilot after the balloon had pretty much completed it’s mission and was now offshore and hit it with a missile.

This led to a few other balloons being taken down including some actual scientific balloons. (They fired a $500K missile and shot down a $200 school project) After that, things quieted down. No more balloons were spotted and other things came up to hammer Biden over. Well, it looks like the Chinese have decided that it’s time to send another balloon over, and the maladministration is working hard at not doing anything about it. Here are the details from Fox News:

The U.S. military is tracking a high-altitude balloon over the Western United States, two U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News on Friday. It was spotted by U.S. military aircraft and determined to not be a threat.

The origin of this balloon and its purpose are not yet known, the two officials said.

The balloon is drifting east in the jet stream.

Well Duh. The jet stream blows west to east. We found that out the hard way in WW 2 when B-29 bombers flying at 30,000 feet with an air speed of 250 knots had an actual ground speed of 50 knots. I think it’s safe to say the Chinese are aware of this.

“In close coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) detected a small balloon at an altitude varying between 43,000-45,000 ft,” North American Aerospace Defense Command Public Affairs told Fox News Digital. “The balloon was intercepted by NORAD fighters over Utah, who determined it was not maneuverable and did not present a threat to national security. NORAD will continue to track and monitor the balloon. The FAA also determined the balloon posed no hazard to flight safety. NORAD remains in close coordination with the FAA to ensure flight safety.”

You will understand that people aren’t going to believe a word you just said, right? Your track record isn’t exactly good. (Actually, it sucks, but that’s what happens when the banana daiquiri in the oval office, when he’s not falling up the stairs, is told by his Chinese paymasters not to shoot this one down)

A year ago, a Chinese spy balloon was discovered and shot down after it flew over the U.S. for several days. 

The Pentagon said in June that while the Chinese balloon had “intelligence collection capabilities,” it didn’t collect any data before it was shot down. 

“We also took steps to mitigate the potential efforts of that balloon,” Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said in June. 

They did no such thing. They finally shot the damn thing down after massive public outrage and it had completed it’s mission.

Information captured by the spy balloon is not believed to have been successfully sent back to Beijing. It is unclear why the spy mission seemed to fail, but officials said intelligence agencies used countermeasures to prevent data collection.

No one believes for a second that the equipment on that balloon was stopped from sending it’s data back. The thing drifted over military bases and was set up to intercept radio and cellphone communications. If you think that the Chinese weren’t able to build in a secure transmission system, I have a bridge in Death valley you might be interested in.

I think we’re seeing yet another failure by the military, (Senior officers in the Pentagon), the State Department and of course, the Worst President in American History, Joe Biden. However, we do have a public comment from Dementia Joe regarding the latest incursion.



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~The Angry Webmaster~

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