How can we miss Liz Cheney when she won’t go away?

Good day all. Liz Cheney was absolutely destroyed in her Primary election in 2022 due to her blind hatred of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Since her crushing defeat, she has doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on her epic stupidity.

Her hatred for President Trump comes from how he threw out the Transnational Globalist agenda in favor of American Supremacy and Making America Great Again. He wasn’t interested in starting useless wars that weren’t in American interests. He also tore up a number of agreements that hurt the United States and working Americans.

Cheney managed to find a phony job at some liberal college somewhere not in Wyoming. (I forget the name and can’t be bothered to look it up) Her blind hatred of All Things Trump has only increased. She has said that she will do anything to “Stop Trump!” from winning a second term, and is considering a run for the presidency. Here are the laughable details from the Washington Examiner:

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) hasn’t ruled out running for president this year, vowing she will do whatever is necessary to stop former President Donald Trump.

Cheney, who was once the chairwoman of the Republican Conference, is one of Trump’s fiercest detractors. While she lost a primary challenge in 2022 to a pro-Trump candidate, she has remained a prominent political figure and has left her options open to future campaigns.

Lost her primary is a polite way of being crushed in a landslide defeat of historical proportions. As to her future political options?

The missive came after questions about Trump’s former attorney general, Bill Barr — who resigned near the end of the former president’s term during the fallout of the 2020 presidential election — suggested that while voting for Trump’s reelection would be “Russian roulette,” a vote for President Joe Biden would be “outright national suicide.”

Bill Barr proved himself to be a Deep State disgrace. The GOP base has now relegated him to the same level of importance as Liz Cheney. I will say that Barr isn’t as delusional as Cheney and while he is wrong about electing President Trump, that it would be Russian Roulette he is right about Dementia Joe Biden.

Cheney said that Barr was “absolutely wrong” in his comparison. Cheney, who also served as vice chairwoman of the House January 6th Committee, noted that she hasn’t endorsed anyone in the presidential race, Republican or Democrat, but would “certainly never support Donald Trump.”

Electing Donald Trump is not Russian roulette; electing Donald Trump would mean putting in power a man who is committed to unraveling our constitutional framework. So Bill Barr is just wrong on that,” the former congresswoman said.

I see that Cheney is projecting again. When it came to unraveling the Constitution, her antics on the January 6th Kangaroo Committee showed exactly where she stands. The committee has been pretty well discredited and we’re now learning that actively hid anything that would be exculpatory, such as video footage of people being let in and escorted around by the Capitol Police.

The show’s host, Jake Tapper, prodded Cheney about what she would do if the race came down to being a rematch of just Biden and Trump and whether she would ultimately endorse Biden.

I’m not going to make any announcements or endorsements this morning, but the most important thing is to defeat Donald Trump, and I’ll do whatever it takes to do that,” Cheney responded.

Hmm, has the Secret Service been notified that former representative Elizabeth Cheney appears to be threatening violence towards President Trump? Saying that you will do whatever it takes could imply that you are willing to take a shot at him. Perhaps someone can contact the head of President Trump’s Secret Service Detail and let them know that they should keep an eye on Cheney. She has proven herself to be delusional and deranged. She should just fade away into the obscurity she so richly deserves. Or be arrested and tried for making threats toward President Trump. Either one works for me.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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