Mass. Governor’s response to Illegal who rapes Teen? “Oh Well”

Good day all. The invasion of the United States occurring under Joe Biden and the Democrats is probably going to cost them the 2024 election. However, remarks such as this one from the Governor of Massachusetts regarding a rape of a teenager is certainly not going to help the Democrats.

Recently, a criminal alien raped a disabled teen in Rockland, Massachusetts. He’s under arrest of course, and he shouldn’t have even been in the country in the first place. However, it’s the comments of the current govno of Massachusetts, Maura Healey that should set people off. Here are the details from the Federalist:

Massachusetts Democrat Gov. Maura Healey pretends to care about how the invasion at the Southern border is affecting states like hers but shrugs off questions about how to prevent illegal border crossers from raping, brutalizing, and killing Americans.

Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who entered the U.S. illegally, was arrested this month after it was alleged he assaulted and raped a disabled teen at Rockland, Massachusetts migrant shelter.

As I mentioned before, this POS shouldn’t even be here. The only reason he is in the country is Joe Biden.

Alvarez didn’t simply cross into the U.S. on his own accord. He took advantage of a taxpayer-funded flight from Haiti to New York City “as part of the Biden Administration’s illegal categorical parole program known as CHNV that ‘allows up to 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to fly into the U.S.’ each month,” House Republicans noted in a recent letter probing the illegal’s presence in the U.S.

30 Fu**ing Thousand? If you are seething about this, join the club. When I read that my blood pressure spiked. If you need a reason to remove Biden in November, this is a good one. In the mean time, Govno Healey originally mouthed the usual political platitudes regarding the crime. That didn’t last long.

Healey initially claimed Alvarez’s alleged actions were “horrible” and said her “thoughts are with the victim.” When asked this week by Boston 25 if she “can prevent this type of incident from happening again,” Healey’s reply drastically differed.

She did not call for pressure on the Biden administration to close the border or deport the millions of illegals who have entered the U.S. under his watch. Instead, Healey implied that rapes and other preventable violent crimes perpetrated by foreign criminals will simply happen “from time to time.”

We have security and systems in place, we have vetting in place. It is unfortunate that, you know, from time to time, things will happen,” Healey said.

There is so much wrong with that statement, and Healey’s final remarks that “Things will happen” should have her booted from office. We know that there is no vetting going on at all. ICE has lost track of some 80,000 children, and I think we can guess what’s happening to most of them. As for security?

There is none. In the People’s Democratic Republican of Taxachusetts, they have the standard Progressive Liberal Democrat attitude to the 2nd Amendment. It only exists for the ruling elites. The average person? Not at all. Massachusetts actively denies people their right to keep and bear arms without the permission of the State, and if you actually have to defend yourself? You’re the one they will go after, not the criminal. Security my ass.

Now I’ve mentioned before that the Anger Central offices are in New Hampshire. We aren’t seeing that much of an issue up here and for a very simple reason. New Hampshire is a Constitutional Carry state and we have our version of the 2nd Amendment that’s even more explicit in the right to keep and bear arms.

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

December 1, 1982

We also have a stand your ground law and no duty to retreat. We don’t have anywhere near the crime problem of Massachusetts for a simple reason. Up here, a criminal has a good chance of getting shot. In Massachusetts, the criminals and illegal aliens have all the rights.

That statement by Govno Maura Healey should be hung around her neck from now until she runs for reelection in 2026. If at all possible, she should be forced to resign in utter and complete disgrace. Of course, this being Massachusetts, that stupid cow will probably be reelected of course. Most of the smart people have already fled the state. (Some to NH, most south and west)

Now what can you do? Pass this post around. If you know anyone in Massachusetts, let them know what an insensitive twat Govno Healey is. We need to make her political life absolute Hell. Do nothing that is illegal of course. Just humiliate her and see if the “Great and General Court,” (The Massachusetts Legislature) can do anything to punish Healey.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Mass. Governor’s response to Illegal who rapes Teen? “Oh Well”

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    You do realize that it’s New York and Massachusetts that give you Yankees a bad name elsewhere in the union? Not as bad as California but close and getting worse.
    I think “Rittenhoused” should be a new noun/verb in English. Defined as one who contracts transonic lead poisoning whilst in commission of a criminal act. What do you think?

    • Angry Webmaster says:

      I am coming to the conclusion that both vigilantism and removing certain prosecutors the hard way may be, sadly be required.


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