RNC Fundraising sees massive increase after RINO McDaniel leaves

Good day all. The Republican National Committee, which is supposed to help Republicans get elected across the country, hasn’t been doing it’s job for quite a while. The main reason for this was the previous head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel. She flat out wouldn’t spend the money the RNC took in to help Republicans win, especially the Make America Great Again Republicans.

Instead she spent the donors money on things that had no bearing on winning elections, such as office furnishing and travel. Finally, she was “encouraged” to resign after the GOP Donor class closed their checkbooks and instead started donating directly to candidates. When she left, The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, put his Daughter in-law, Lara Trump and Michael Whatley in charge as co-chairs. Since they took control, donor money has been rolling in. Here are the details from RedState:

The joint fundraising committee made up of the RNC and several Trump-centered entities announced a total of $65.6 million raised during March. That comes after the resignation of Ronna McDaniel as chairwoman of the Republican Party apparatus. 

Under McDaniel, fundraising had slowed to a trickle, a problem fueled by distrust in the organization following several exclusive reports from RedState detailing how money was being wasted and misappropriated. 

I don’t know if a full audit is being done by the two co-chairs, but it should be. Ronna McDaniel, who is related to TransRepublican Mittens Romney, (Her Uncle), basically did everything she could to help the GOP(E) RINO’s crush President Trump and everyone who supported his ideas to Make America Great Again and to always put America first. Thanks to her, a number of house and senate races that should have been won by the Republicans went to the Democrats when the GOP candidates ran out of money.

Republican donors, both small and large, saw an RNC under McDaniel that was prioritizing Beltway perks over winning elections, and the results from 2018 to 2022 provided no evidence to counter that judgment. Since then, new leadership has taken over in the form of Chairman Michael Whatley. The direct connection of having Lara Trump as co-chair is also likely playing a role as well. 

With that said, a money gap still exists between the DNC and RNC with their joint fundraising committees. This latest haul for Republicans brings cash on hand to over $90 million while the Democrats had that much at the end of February. Biden and his party are expected to announce a massive haul in March, headlined by a $25 million star-studded “grassroots” fundraiser that started at $100,000 a plate. 

Well, the Democrat Party is the Party of Progressive Liberal Billionaire Plantation owners, and they do want to keep the slave class average person from having any say in how things are run. It’s also only been about a month since Ms. Trump and Mr. Whatley took control, and they’ve been busy cleaning out all the useless RINO’s that have been infesting the RNC for years.

In the end, despite all the caterwauling about “big donors,” the GOP needs those with deep pockets to start writing big checks again. The Democrat war chest wasn’t built with small-dollar donations because there simply aren’t enough of them to raise the necessary amount of cash. It seems like Republicans are heading in the right direction, though.

Yes they are and that is worrying the Democrats. They are already seeing their property usual voting base start moving away from them and towards the Republican Party and President Trump. The Democrats keep ramping up the usual drivel that President Trump and all those deplorable Ultra MAGA Republicans are racists and sexists and want to take away people’s constitutional rights.

The problem for the Democrats is that all these people that they thought they owned, (And I mean that literally. The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery), are opening their eyes and seeing what a literal Hell the Democrats have made of the United States in general and the states and cities they’ve been mismanaging for decades. Then the look back at how things were under President Donald Trump.

Now the big donors are coming back and even better, more and more small donors are throwing a few dollars into the Republican coffers. The Democrats? They have a lot more rich people these days, (Funny how they’ve always claimed to be for the working people and against the rich, isn’t it?), and they will do whatever it takes to keep their power, prestige, money and slaves. (What? You think Liberals pay the illegals they hire? Don’t be silly) We shall see how things proceed under the new management.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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