Kalifornistan turning on Govno Newsom after he “Misplaces” $20 billion

Good day all. It’s no secret that the state one known as California is in the process of collapse. Because of the single party rule by the Democrats, along with the stupefying incompetence of Govno Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom, both businesses and people are fleeing the state.

The state, now known as Kalifornistan, is billions of dollars in the hole. The Progressives have been spending taxpayer funds on things that make the elites feel good about themselves, but do nothing for anyone else. It’s gotten so bad, that the Democrats are now starting to turn on each other starting with Govno Hair gel Newsom himself. It seems he’s “Lost” some $20 billion dollars. Here are the details from Fox News:

Some California Democrats are turning on their Golden State leader after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s homelessness council failed to track whether billions of dollars spent on curbing the homelessness crisis were successful in the last five years. 

“You come to a budget committee, and there’s no numbers,” Democratic Assemblymember Phil Ting said to Newsom’s housing and homelessness officials during Monday’s budget committee hearing. “How many people have we helped? How many people are off the street?”

“Because that’s what people want to know,” he added. 

I can provide Mr. Ting the answer he seeks. How many homeless people were helped off the streets? None. How many were “Helped” by the missing $20 billion dollars? Plenty, they just weren’t who you thought the money was aimed at. It went to bureaucrats, Non-Governmental Organizations and not much further. There are a lot of people who got nice big paychecks who did basically nothing.

A California Interagency Council on Homelessness (CICH) executive responded that they’re dealing with “data quality issues,” so metrics are not yet available for how more than $20 billion was spent since the council’s inception.

“We’re working expeditiously,” executive officer Meghan Marshall said. 

Megan Kirkeby, deputy director for the California Department of Housing and Community Development, told lawmakers in the committee that the state didn’t previously require them to track its progress on spending or the viability of its programs, adding it’s not “something to be proud of.”

In the past, Kalifornistan wasn’t broke, it wasn’t watching hundreds of thousands of taxpayers and businesses flee to other states and they had piles of cash to hand over to their friends. Now those people remaining are walking around, trying not to step into human waste in the streets and want to know where all their money has gone to.

As the state faces a significant budget deficit that must be worked out by a July deadline, both Republicans and Democrats in the legislature fear the audit’s findings could interfere with multiple city requests for more funding to address the homeless crisis.

In a bombshell report last month, the state auditor found that nine state agencies have collectively spent $24 billion in state funding over the past five years in administering at least 30 programs dedicated to tackling the homelessness crisis, and the auditor said Newsom’s homelessness council “is responsible for coordinating, developing, and evaluating the efforts of these nine agencies.”

Apparently, the California Department of Housing and Community Development is required by law to track all the expenditures for all the homeless, or is it the “Currently Unhoused Victims of the Ultra MAGA Deplorable Trump supporters and Donald Trump?” I can’t keep up with the constant changes in the Woke nomenclature. In any case, it looks like the agency responsible for tracking the money stopped doing so back in 2021. (Probably started seeing who was raking of most of the money and decided to bury it)

Over the past five years, CICH didn’t consistently track whether the money actually improved the situation, the audit concluded. It also failed to collect and evaluate outcome data for these programs due to the lack of a consistent method.

Of course they didn’t collect that data. I’m sure they have some raw information, and it showed that all the programs were complete and total failures and the money was wasted. That is the last thing any bureaucracy wants to see since it could mean budget cuts and staffing reductions.

Despite billions spent on homelessness and housing programs during the 2018-2023 fiscal years, the problem didn’t improve in many cities, according to the state auditor’s report. Since 2013, homelessness has jumped more than 53%.

Is anyone really surprised that Homelessness has skyrocketed under Govno Hair Gel? The man is a complete and utter idiot. Being a good Rich Progressive Liberal Democrat, instead of reviewing what the problems are, just blamed everyone else instead.

Newsom consequently called for cities to take more rigorous steps to enforce the state’s progressive housing laws, saying he is “not interested in failure any longer.” In a press conference, Newsom announced the state would expand a Department of Housing and Community Development agency to enforce compliance with laws that require cities to meet a threshold of new homes, leading to legal action against rebellious cities like Huntington Beach that have refused to increase building.

“This will allow us to center accountability in both housing and homelessness programs going forward. And we are continuing to work with local jurisdictions to improve the type and quality of the state coming into our statewide Homeless Data Integration System,” a CICH spokesperson told Fox News Digital. 

Good luck with that. There is a reason the cities have refused to comply. They are closer to the problem and their citizens have had it with the moonbats, morons, socialists and communists in Sacramento. They also know that low income housing generally isn’t. Kalifornistan has reached the breaking point and is now collapsing in on itself. The money for all these feel good projects is gone and the state is flirting with bankruptcy.

Govno Hair Gel Newsom sees himself as President of the United States, (Possibly replacing Dementia Joe at the Convention between riots), and having Kalifornistan be declared a failed state, with a significant amount of the damage occurring under his administration, would kill his plans. (Not that he has any chance. He doesn’t understand that more then half the country despises Kalifornistan and wants it to fall into the Pacific) It will be interesting to see what happens next.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Kalifornistan turning on Govno Newsom after he “Misplaces” $20 billion

  1. An Old Country Doctor says:

    In a press conference, Newsom announced the state would expand a Department of Housing and Community Development agency to enforce compliance with laws that require cities to meet a threshold of new homes, leading to legal action against rebellious cities like Huntington Beach that have refused to increase building.
    I have kinfolk in that area, and I strongly recall that Huntingdon Beach, except for a narrow strip adjacent to the Beach itself, is pretty well packed cheek to jowl with large houses/smallish mansions on very small city lots, at least as early as 2001, when I visited.
    There there is just not a lot of room for ‘affordable housing,’ and most of the new builds I saw, and my Cuz and I discussed, were on lots where older homes – maybe 5 years old, costing well over $500K – had been torn down to make room for homes costing $1M or more, EXCLUSIVE of land cost!


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