Comrade Bernie plans on being the next Fossilized Politician to die in office

Good day all. Vermont’s Senior, in more ways than one, is Comrade Bernie Sanders. He is an unabashed communist would wants to create the Soviet States of American. He’s also rather long in the tooth.

He is up for reelection this year and has announced that he will be seeking his 4th term in office. He’s also 82 years old. There was some thought that Sanders would retire this year, however, the Jurassic Pol has announced he is running for reelection. Here are the details from the Associated With Terrorists Press:

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced Monday he will run for reelection this year, squelching speculation that the 82-year-old progressive icon might retire at a time when the Democratic Party is anxious about the advancing age of its top leaders.

Hailing from a Democratic stronghold, Sanders’ decision virtually guarantees that he will return to Washington for a fourth Senate term. And his announcement comes at a critical moment for Democrats as the party navigates a growing divide over Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Divide? Well yes, there is. You have the Nazis who want Dementia Joe to send in the Marines to attack the Israelis and hand Israel over to Hamas, and you have those who actually understand what happened on October 7th and think that Hamas needs to be wiped out.

Sanders has criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S. relationship with Israel even as he’s hailed much of Biden’s domestic agenda ahead of what could be a tough reelection fight for Biden against presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Sanders said he wants the war in Gaza ended immediately, massive humanitarian aid to follow and no more money sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

We are living in a complicated and difficult political moment,” Sanders told The Associated Press on Monday. “I very strongly disagree with Biden in terms of the war in Gaza.”

So he actually backs Hamas? I shouldn’t be at all surprised. Sanders is one of those who supports “Revolutionaries” when they attack democracies. As for his support of Biden’s domestic policies, that isn’t surprising. Sanders wants the United States to collapse so he and his ilk can rebuild it into their socialist workers paradise where everyone knows their place and the workers are managed by their Progressive betters.

At home, he said, the presidential election is between Biden and Trump, “and Donald Trump is in my view the most dangerous president, has been the most dangerous president in American history.”

He is definitely dangerous to traitors like Bernie Sanders. The Greatest President of the 21st Century is dead opposite of everything that Comrade Bernie stands for. Comrade Bernie wants a one world Socialist/Communist government and the end of the United States and everything that makes it great.

President Trump believes in the United States, he wants to Make America Great Again, he believes in individual rights and freedoms and despises top down centralized control of all aspects of a person’s life.

With the prospect of Trump’s possible return to the White House, Sanders framed his bid to return to the Senate as being driven by concerns about the future of democracy in the U.S. In an announcement video, he said that in many ways the 2024 election “is the most consequential election in our lifetimes.”

Oh this one should be good.

Will the United States continue to even function as a democracy, or will we move to an authoritarian form of government?” he said. He questioned whether the country will reverse what he called “the unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality” and if it can create a government that works for all, and not continue with a political system dominated by wealthy campaign contributors.

Has this morons paid any attention to who the “Ultra Rich” have been generally backing lately? Someone should tell this idiot that it isn’t the Republican Party or Donald Trump. (See George Soros) Last time I checked, (And I grant that I may be in error), most of President Trump’s donations have been from the average American, not billionaires. Yes some have donated, but the Democrats are notorious for Dark Money contributions from “The Rich.”

I have been, and will be if re-elected, in a strong position to provide the kind of help that Vermonters need in these difficult times,” Sanders said in a review of his positions as chairman of the important Senate panel and a member of the chamber’s Democratic leadership team, as well as a senior member of various other committees.

Yes, Comrade Bernie will be well positioned to help Vermonters right into abject poverty and totalitarian government. The problem with the people of Vermont is they’ve been sniffing cow farts for so long that they’ve fried their brains. They used to be a fairly libertarian, old school liberal state. Then all sorts of moonbats and massholes moved their to escape the nightmare of their home states, (Kalifornistan, New York, Massachusetts), and yet brought the exact same ideas with them that have trashed the states they left.

Bernie Sanders is yet another reason we need Term limits for members of the House and Senate. He will not complete another 6 year term, and has never had an original idea in his life. In fact, until he started mooching off the taxpayers as an “Elected official,” he has failed at everything he did. Now, like all good Socialists, he owns three houses and is worth millions. Does us all a favor Comrade Bernie. Pull out of the race and call it a day.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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