Judge orders new vote because there is no election fraud

Good day all. One of the many bogus narratives from the Democrat Party is that there is no such thing as voter or election fraud, and if there is, it’s the Republicans who are doing it.

We all know this is a flat out lie of course. The Democrats have been stealing elections for decades, if not centuries. Yes there are a few cases where idiot Republicans have stolen, or tried to steal election, but in general, when fraud is found, you will also find the slimy hands of the Democrat Party holding the stuffed ballot box.

Well, it looks like they might have gone just a bit to far this time in Texas. Recently a judge down there determined that there were over a thousand votes that were fraudulently cast, which was significantly over the margin of victory for the, wait for it, Democrat candidate. The judge has ordered a new election. Here are the details from the Federalist:

A judge ordered that a 2022 Texas judicial election must be redone after finding more than a thousand illegal ballots were cast, far exceeding the margin of victory.

Judge David Peeples ruled Wednesday that the 2022 race between Republican Tami Pierce and Democrat DaSean Jones for the 180th District Court in Harris County must be held again after finding “the true outcome [of the election] cannot be determined.”

Harris County again. Why am I not surprised?

Pierce contested the race after losing by just 449 votes to incumbent Jones. Jones, however, filed a motion to dismiss — which was later rebuked by Peebles as being “frivolous.”

Of course Jones wanted the case dismissed. He’s a Democrat and he benefited from the fraud. Now I’m not saying he actually had anything to do with the fraud. As far as I know, he had nothing to do with it. Considering he was running for a judge position, getting involved personally wold have been eventually discovered and he would find himself making little rocks out of big ones. I don’t think he’s that kind of stupid.

Peeples ultimately found 1,430 invalid votes were cast, and declared it was “not realistic or feasible to determine which candidate received those votes.”

Oh I think we can hazard a guess who got those invalid votes.

The court has also found that a net margin of 321 votes (1146 to 825) were cast for Jones over Pierce in the extended one hour of voting on Election Day, which the court has found resulted from an official mistake by the Harris County Elections Administration Office,” Peeples wrote.

I can’t comment on this “Official mistake” by Harris County’s election office. Maybe they hired people who handle elections in Maricopa County in Arizona?

Pierce argued, in part, that 953 votes were cast by “out-of-county residents whose [Statement of Residence forms] show on their face a residence other than Harris County” and that 245 voters “submitted incomplete [Statements of Residence], which gave no information about their residence.” If a voter has changed residences but still lives in Harris County, he must submit a Statement of Residence testifying that he still meets the residency requirements for voting there.

This is one reason I think that the voter rolls need to be, not just purged, but set on fire after every presidential election. (I’m not opposed to purging them after every congressional election either) People should be required to re-register and prove they live in the district. They will have at least 2 years to do so, and the voter rolls should be closed say 30 days prior to the election. (Just spitballing here)

The judge found both of Pierce’s arguments were true, though the totals he reached were slightly different. Peeples found there were 606 votes cast by voters whose Statement of Residence showed a location outside the county and an additional 146 ballots were counted from voters who listed their residence as being in a “nearby town or city without stating any county of residence”

In total, the judge found that 983 votes were “cast by persons whose residence is outside Harris County” and therefore were “illegal votes” that never should have been counted.

In addition to the votes that should have been disqualified for residency issues, Peeples found another 445 votes were cast by voters who failed to meet a voter ID requirement. And dozens of mail-in ballots should have been rejected, Peeples concluded, for lacking the required signature and for not being returned on time.

I, of course, have no idea what the voter laws are in Texas. It does sound like the office that handles the voter registration lists as well as those handling ballots did their usual progressive style “Bang up job!” for the Democrats. There have been a number of other cases where Republicans found potential voter and election fraud and would you care to guess who’s court they ended up in?

Harris County was the subject of multiple other election challenges filed by Republicans, such as one in which GOP candidate Erin Lunceford challenged the outcome of a race she lost to Democrat Tamika Craft. Peeples, who also presided over that case, acknowledged that “illegal conduct” by the Harris County Elections Administration Office regarding ballot paper likely disenfranchised “250 to 850 lawful voters” and that “there were 2041 illegal votes” in that election. Nevertheless, Peeples ruled those problems were “not enough to make the true outcome unknowable in an election with a 2743-vote margin.”

So, a new election has to be held. I do have a few things that I’m wondering about. If this guy Peebles became a judge through election fraud, and it’s now been determined that he might not have been actually elected, how does that affect any cases he presided over? It will be interesting, once the election date is set, to see if Peebles still wins an actual honest election of if the voters boot him out. We shall see.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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