Biden claims executive privilege to block release of Hur recordings

Good day all. A few months ago, Robert Hur, who was the Special Counsel, (And had been confirmed into office by the Senate), that was investigating Joe Biden’s theft of classified information, released his findings. Basically, he said that Biden did break the law, but was to senile to be tried in court.

That set off a number of firestorms. First was that it wasn’t Hur’s job to determine if Biden is mentally competent. (He’s not), and second that he said that Biden was not mentally competent, which should have triggered his immediate removal from office. When Hur testified in front of Congress, it was noted that he had recorded the interviews with Dementia Joe. Now that Congress wants to hear the tapes, the Biden Maladministration is trying to use Executive Privilege to block the release. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

The White House asserted executive privilege over audio and video recordings related to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Biden.

“I write to inform you that the President has asserted executive privilege over the requested audio recordings and is making a protective assertion of privilege over any remaining materials responsive to the subpoenas that have not already been produced,” Associate Attorney General Carlos Uriarte wrote in a letter Thursday to Reps. Jim Jordan and James Comer, chairmen of the Committee on the Judiciary and Committee on Oversight and Accountability, respectively. 

“It is the longstanding position of the executive branch held by administrations of both parties that an official who asserts the President’s claim of executive privilege cannot be prosecuted for criminal contempt of Congress.”

There is a small problem with this claim. To begin with, Robert Hur was not acting as a member of Biden’s staff and advising Biden about anything. It was a criminal investigation into the actions of Joe Biden before he was appointed president* with an eye towards his violations of the Espionage Act. As I mentioned above, Hur basically declared Biden mentally incompetent.

“Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness,” Hur wrote in his report. 

Hur didn’t just open a can of worms, he opened a 55 gallon drum of them with that finding.

The findings sparked widespread outrage that Biden was effectively deemed too cognitively impaired to be charged with a crime but could serve as president. Trump has meanwhile slammed the disparity in charges as a reflection of a “sick and corrupt, two-tiered system of justice in our country.” 

The executive privilege, according to the letter, also includes interviews between Biden and ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer. 

That one might be valid. I can see the propagandist, I mean ghostwriter being provided information that is meant to be private. With regards to the Hur recording? No way in Hell can those, in my utterly unschooled opinion, be considered privileged. That was an investigation into criminal activities.

White House Counsel Ed Siskel also wrote to Jordan and Comer Thursday that House Republicans would “chop” up the recordings for “partisan political purposes.” 

You mean like the Democrats always do? Obviously, Siskel thinks that GOP are going to pull the same stunts that his party is notorious for. He might want to consider that the Republicans won’t need to edit anything. They will let Biden hang himself with his own incoherence in the recordings.

Comer told Fox News Digital Thursday that there’s a “a five-alarm fire at the White House” over the matter. 

“Clearly President Biden and his advisors fear releasing the audio recordings of his interview because it will again reaffirm to the American people that President Biden’s mental state is in decline. The House Oversight Committee requires these recordings as part of our investigation of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents,” Comer said. 

“The White House is asserting executive privilege over the recordings, but it has already waived privilege by releasing the transcript of the interview. Today’s Hail Mary from the White House changes nothing for our committee. The House Oversight Committee will move forward with its markup of a resolution and report recommending to the House of Representatives that Attorney General Garland be held in contempt of Congress for defying a lawful subpoena.”

The problem with holding the most corrupt Attorney General in the last 100 years in contempt is who will be the ones to prosecute him? As AG, he would be called on to arrest himself and that isn’t happening. Besides, his first and only job is to Protect the Bidens.

One thing that Biden’s claim does, sadly, is protect that crook Garland from contempt charges since he’s “Just following orders” from Biden. (which Biden is, of course, the question. Is out Joe or Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden?) I don’t know if that might work or not, but it will slow things down, which has always been the plan of the Biden Handlers. Stall and delay so that when the inevitable victory of the Democrats in November happens, they can shut all these investigations down.

That may be the plan, but reality has a nasty habit of showing up at inopportune times and punching people right in the face. I have little doubt that the recordings will come out eventually, and when they do, it will show that Joe Biden was mentally unfit to hold office, and the Democrats knew it. That’s when the real fun begins.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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