Now Jewish organizations are donating to Trump

Good day all. For decades, the Jews have been supporting the Democrat Party. Of course, the Democrat Party has, as it always does, pretended to care about what Jewish Americans considered important, took their money and ignored them. (This does seem to be standard operating procedures for the Democrats. They do this with every group they claim to represent)

Then came the October 7th attack in Israel by Hamas that slaughtered over a thousand men, women and children. Almost overnight, all the nice, progressive, liberal Democrat educational institutions went hard Nazi on both Israel and Jewish students. When Israel declared war on Hamas and then moved into Gaza to clean out the terrorist scum once and for all, the gloves, such as they were, came off these Nazi students and flat out attacks on Jewish students started happening.

I won’t bother rehashing what the Nazis have been doing, you can read my posts on my utter contempt for them at your leisure. One thing that is happening is a solid split in the Democrat party. On one side, you have those who are Jewish, or who fully support what Israel is doing to Hamas. Then you have those who flat out are calling for the destruction of Israel and for the extermination of the Jews. (Quite literally in a few cases) Then you have UpChuck Schumer who is trying to determine which side gives him the most advantage.

Now the Republican Party has been pretty much solid in their support of Israel and enraged at the colleges and universities for allowing the Nazi pro-terrorist students free reign. You are also starting to see more conservative students, even those who are not Republicans, decide that enough is enough and have started taking a stand against both the Nazi students and the school administrations that have been bending the knee to them.

Now it looks like that Jewish organizations are finally beginning to see who is actually interested in them and Israel, and they are starting to move towards the GOP and more importantly, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

A top grassroots group that represents Jewish Republicans across the country is showcasing what it calls its largest-ever fundraising and expenditure effort in support of a GOP presidential nominee.

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), in an announcement shared first with Fox News on Thursday, highlighted that it is committed to raising a minimum of $5 million — from its donors and from its RJC Victory Fund super PAC — to help elect former President Trump in his November White House rematch with President Biden.

First a few little facts about me. I am not Jewish. Saying that, I’ve always been a touch radical with how Israel should have handled the Gaza strip. I wanted to lease a squadron of B-52’s to Israel so they could turn that entire pest hole into an 18 million hole golf course. Like I said, I’m a touch radical here.

My father grew up in a time when Jews weren’t all that well regarded. He was a product of that time, right up until early May, 1945. That was when he saw Dachau and what the Nazis had been doing to the Jews and anyone else they considered to be Untermensch. Needless to say, his views changed rather dramatically and he made certain his children and grandchildren knew what he saw and experienced. No one in my family will tolerate these new Nazis if they show their faces where we can punch them.

RJC national political director Sam Markstein highlighted that this “will be the RJC’s largest effort ever to mobilize support in the Jewish community for President Trump.”

Additionally, Markstein noted that the announcement is “in addition to our $15 million independent expenditure,” which he characterized as the largest independent expenditure in the organization’s history.

The announcement comes amid weeks of anti-Israel protests that have erupted on college campuses across the country over Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. The protests in support of Palestinians have grabbed plenty of attention on cable news and online coverage. Demonstrators have criticized President Biden’s support for Israel in its battle with Hamas and have called on colleges and universities to cut financial ties with the government in Jerusalem.

Biden, being incompetent, stupid and senile, has been seeing how these little thugs along with a large number of Muslims have threatening not to vote for him in November. Being the weak psychopath that he is, he’s tried to have it both ways. Trying to support Israel and yet trying to keep Israel from crushing Hamas like the bugs that they are. Like everything else he’s done, it’s blowing up in his face.

Polls suggest that while many Democrats are divided over the demonstrations, Republicans are nearly entirely united in opposition.

Not just Republicans, but a large number of Independents as well. (FYI, I am not a registered as a Republican. I am an Independent) Still, the Republican Party has been very supportive of Israel. More so now that the old Uniparty Republicans along with the Neocons are being pushed aside. It was President Trump who moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, Not Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and certainly not Barack Obama.

“As antisemitism spikes to record highs and America’s relationship with our ally Israel continues to reach new lows, the Jewish community is more energized than ever to turn the page from the failures, broken promises, and betrayals by Joe Biden. November 5 cannot come soon enough,” Markstein argued.

Israel has started moving into the last stronghold of Hamas in Rafah. They have spent the last few weeks trying to get civilians to leave, setting up temporary camps for them until they can go home. Hamas, being Hamas, is now firing on Palestinian civilians who just want to get out of the area, and is basically holding them hostage as human shields.

By the time of the election, I expect it will be all over but the shouting. Before that happens, expect the Nazis to take to the streets and try for another “Summer of Fiery love” at both the Republican and Democrat conventions. These morons might actually try to go full on brownshirt and pull their idea of a Kristallnacht on homes and businesses owned by Jewish Americans. If they do try, that will see two things happening.

First, a large segment of Jewish voters will finally say “Enough is enough!” and move formally into the Republican Party. Second, you’re going to see a lot of these Antifa Nazis and Fascists who try this crap getting pummeled by everyone else, and not a few probably ending up getting shot. We, the decent Americans, are slow to anger, but when we do…

If things keep moving they way they seem, November will be in electoral blowout territory for President Trump. In other words, so far ahead that the democrats won’t be able to steal this election no matter how hard they try. Then all these Nazi slime will be formally dealt with in accordance to the laws of the United States of American.


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~The Angry Webmaster

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