Democrats: When in doubt, cheat. When there is no doubt? Cheat anyway

Good day all. It seems the Democrats have a small problem in Ohio. They won’t be holding their convention to nominate Mush for Brains Biden and the retired prostitute Kameltoe Harris for president and Vice President until after the window closes to get them on the ballot.

The Democrat Party, which was fully aware of this law, has been doing what Progressive liberal Democrats do so well when they screw up. Whine, complain and nag to get things changed to suit them. Since the legislature had completed their session and gone home, the RINO govno, who seems to always bend over a table and drop his pants for the Democrats, called them back to “Fix” the problem and put Dementia Joe and Kackling Kamala on the ballot.

However, just because Govno DeWine called the legislature back into session doesn’t mean that they will actually change the law to help the Democrats. (Ohio’s legislature is very Republican) Since the DNC is aware that they might not get their way, they have come up with an alternative. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is preparing to nominate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party nominees via virtual proceedings before Ohio’s Aug. 7 deadline, and before its in-person convention this summer in Chicago

The reason that the DNC is going to do their pretend virtual convention is simple. Ohio requires its parties to certify presidential candidates at least 90 days before Election Day. The convention was scheduled for long past the deadline. As I mentioned above, Govno Rino DeWine called the legislature back into session to “Fix” the problem. That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.

Republicans, who hold supermajorities in the state House and Senate, have been opposed to passing a bill that would relax the deadline for Biden without a vote on unrelated campaign finance legislation that Democrats opposed.

So, since the Democrats are fairly certain that Ohio won’t change the law, as much as their pet RINO pushes the legislature, their answer is to basically, cheat. They’re going to hold their “Nomination” via Zoom or something, right out of the Covid-19 playbook and make it all nice and official for Biden and Harris. Now the question is, what about the real convention?

In addition, the virtual nomination will mostly likely take away from the fanfare and celebration at the DNC slated to begin Aug. 19. 

Once upon a time, the conventions were a big deal and every network sent large teams to report and analyze every second of the convention. They would also go outside and do man in the street interviews and check out the local businesses and other things. Of course, these days, no one care much about the conventions since everyone knows who the nominee is going to be. (The GOP convention will probably see who President Trump selects as his VP. It won’t be that milquetoast RINO Pence) Of course, the Democrats, who knew what the laws were for ballot access, are blaming the Ohio GOP for not bowing to the Democrats and making exceptions for their own incompetence.

“Joe Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio and all 50 states, and Ohio Republicans agree,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said in a statement. “But when the time has come for action, they have failed to act every time, so Democrats will land this plane on our own. Through a virtual roll call, we will ensure that Republicans can’t chip away at our democracy through incompetence or partisan tricks and that Ohioans can exercise their right to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice.”

Ohio Democratic Party Chair Liz Walters said state Republicans were “playing politics with our democracy by trying to prevent Ohio voters from choosing who they want to be president.”

“But Democrats will not trade Ohioans’ ability to hold their government accountable for presidential ballot access,” she said. “Just like when they attempted to take away our rights and freedoms last year, Ohio Republicans have shown their blatant disregard for the rights of voters, and we won’t let them get away with another effort to hold our democracy hostage.”

Whenever something affects the Democrat party in a negative way, they blame everyone else and claim it’s a threat to “Our Democracy.” Of course, what they really mean is that it’s showing everyone what a bunch of incompetent spoiled brats the Democrats are, and that they think that others should just cave into their demands because they’re very important and can’t be bothered with little things like following the election laws.

“It is unimaginable that a major party candidate for president would be kept off the ballot in a context like Ohio has created, without any legitimate reason, and when literally every other state has come around,” said Justin Levitt, a law professor at Loyola Marymount University. “So in addition to being an unprecedented distraction, this petty partisanship is bound to fail.” 

“Both candidates will inevitably be on the ballot; the only real question is whether Ohio’s legislators and secretary of state will feel any shame for lighting their constituents’ tax dollars on fire in the meantime,” added Levitt. 

I think the simple answer to this is “Oh HELL NO!” After what has been going on with President Trump, most Republicans have had enough of the Democrats and their constant whining and demanding that everyone do what they want. You idiots are the ones who screwed up your scheduling, and there is no reason for the Republicans to help you unscrew your screw ups. This isn’t some newly passed law, it’s been on the books for a while now. You just ignored it because it wasn’t convenient to for you. Now you’re scrambling and no one cares.

Biden’s problems arise from Ohio’s requirement that parties certify their presidential candidates at least 90 days before Election Day. The Democratic Party won’t certify Biden until its national convention in Chicago, which is scheduled for Aug. 19, just 75 days before the election.

So, the Republicans will hold their convention before the closing date for ballot access in Ohio, yet the Democrats apparently can’t read a calendar. Now they want Ohio to fix their mistake. Since the Republican legislature is in no mood to help Biden, the Democrats are going to “Virtually” nominate him. Well, that is the Democrat Party. They like to claim they’re all in favor of the Democratic process. They just can’t be bothered to actually follow it.

One thing that does come to mind is the actual convention in Chicago. There are a lot of people who think that the Pro-Hamas antisemites that have been demanding the extermination of the Jews along with a lot of other Antifa and BCLOM thugs, might actually come into the city, riot and try to storm the convention center. If the nomination process has already been completed, why would any of the delegates bother showing up and put their own progressive hides at risk? We might see the Democrat Convention turn out to be a complete failure. That will be something to look forward to.


And, of course, the GOP in Ohio dropped their pants and bent over for the Democrats.

President Joe Biden will appear on Ohio’s general election ballot this fall and foreign nationals will be banned from contributing to state ballot campaigns after the Ohio Senate approved bills on May 31 that now head to Gov. Mike DeWine’s desk.

Mr. DeWine, a Republican, is expected to sign both bills. Last week, he chastised lawmakers on both sides of the aisle for not passing legislation that would put President Biden on the ballot and prevent foreign money in Ohio ballot issues.

If Mr. DeWine signs the bill as expected, Ohio’s ballot certification deadline will be Aug. 23.

What a pack of useless, gutless cowards.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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