Ken Paxton for Attorney General?

Good day all. It appears that the Greatest President of the United States, Donald Trump, is looking to start staffing up once he is sworn back into office in 2025. There is no question that President Trump made some serious personnel errors in the early days of his administration. One of them was his initial choice for Attorney General. President Trump expected a serious clean out of the mess that is the DoJ. Instead, we ended up with Sleepy Sessions.

President Trump fired that useless RINO after the 2022 midterms. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of listening to Chris Christie and we ended up with William Barr. Barr tended to blow hot and cold, but he would always back the Deep State. It’s highly likely that President Trump would have replaced Barr in 2020 if the election hadn’t been stolen by the Democrats.

Now that it looks like President Trump may be the next president of the United States in 2025, people are wondering who he will choose to be his AG? One thing the GOP UltraMAGA Deplorable base agree on, it can’t be someone from inside Washington. Now it looks like President Trump is looking at Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

President Donald Trump has revealed that he would consider Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for national AG if Trump wins in November. 

When asked by a KDFW-TV reporter if he would consider Paxton for the position, Trump responded, “I would, actually,” in the interview on Saturday at the annual NRA convention in Texas.

He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.” Paxton has been a longtime ally of Trump. “I fought for him when he had the difficulty, and we won,” Trump added. “He had some people really after him, and I thought it was very unfair. He’s been a good attorney general.”

That he has, and he’s been so effective that the Texas RINO’s tried to remove him from office. That worked out so well that many of those RINO’s are now looking for new jobs and Ken Paxton is being looked at as the Attorney General of the United States if things go as we hope in November.

Both Paxton and Trump have supported each other in legal cases when they have gotten tied up in them. Earlier in April, Paxton posted online about the NYC case brought by Alvin Bragg, “With President Trump in NYC to sit through this sham of a trial. This trial is a travesty of justice. I stand with Trump.”

If Ken Paxton was selected by President Trump and confirmed by the Senate, you can expect the Deep State Trolls to go after him the way the Texas RINO’s did. However, being an outsider, Paxton will probably bring in others who are not part of the Washington Swamp. Look for some serious actions against the previous administration, including potential criminal charges against Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray. Paxton might even go all in and have Felonia von Pantsuit charged under the espionage act and James Comey picked up.

You can see why the Democrats are so terrified of a second Trump presidency. Unlike most Democrats, and certainly not Dementia Joe Biden, Donald Trump tries to learn from his mistakes. Without question, if this all comes to pass, Paxton could be compared to the utterly corrupt Merrick Garland. However, unlike Garland, Paxton will follow the law and the Constitution. However, none of this will happen if we don’t remember in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Ken Paxton for Attorney General?

  1. Angry Webmaster says:

    And, of course, Faceplant deleted this claiming it’s spam. That’s two this week.


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