Greater Idaho updates

Good day all. Stepping away a bit from national politics, we have an update on the Pacific North Left. Over the last few years, the Marxists and Communists have managed to take over the state government of Oregon. As is always the case with these “Progressive” types, they’ve been busily stripping away people’s tights and running the cities and state right into the ground.

One of the problems for people living in Oregon is the literal split between the city dwellers, who are the problem and the people in the Eastern part of the state. These people are a bit more rural and a lot more conservative and independent. They have been trying for years through the ballot box and the courts to stop some of the worst offenses by the Progressive Liberal Democrats. The problem is that they simply do not have the numbers to fight the Progressives in the cities at the ballot box.

The next state to the east is Idaho, and they are the dead opposite of what is happening in Oregon. The people tend to be a lot more independent minded and politically moderate to conservative. Generally a “Leave me the Hell alone!” attitude. This has attracted the attention of the eastern counties of Oregon. Since the Eastern Counties and the Western, coastal counties no longer have anything in common, if they ever did, some people came up with the idea of a divorce.

The handling, or mishandling of the Covid-19 virus during the Great Panicdemic of 2020 by the Progressive Elites finally pushed people in Eastern Oregon to far and they decided that the best way to deal with this was to secede from Oregon and join with the state of Idaho. This became known as the Greater Idaho Movement.

At first, it was treated as a joke by the Ruling Progressive Elites in Oregon. That is, it was until counties began holding referendums on the idea and the vote for Greater Idaho kept winning. Now some 12-13 Eastern Counties have voted to leave Oregon and join Idaho, and things are really heating up. Here are the details from Fox News:

Oregonians who are fed up with the blue state’s policies are seeking to relocate the Beaver State’s border to neighboring Idaho, where the red state policies “actually match their values.”

The Greater Idaho Movement’s Executive Director, Matt McCaw, told Fox News Digital that the movement to shift Oregon’s border 200 miles west was created to bridge the growing “tug of war” in the Beaver State. 

“The state of Oregon is divided geographically by the Cascade Mountain Range and that geographic divide is also a huge cultural divide,” McCaw said. “So, on the west side of Oregon you have a different climate, it’s a different economy, it’s a different culture and more urban. It’s a very different place than the east side, where there are agricultural people who are very conservative and traditional.”

“You have these two very different groups of people in Oregon that try to play tug of war over state government,” he said.

Tug of war is putting it mildly. The two sides pretty much hate each other. During the 2020 “Summer of Love, Riots and Arson,” you had the Progressive Liberal Democrats in cities such as Portland keeping the police from shutting down the riots and letting the rioters, all leftists belonging or supporting the Black Communist Lives Only and Antifa groups do what they wanted, including attacking Trump supporters.

The people in the Eastern parts of the state had a different idea and flat out threatened to shoot these thugs if they tried anything in their counties. With the politicians in the Western part of Oregon actively supporting these terrorists, the people in the Eastern part had enough and the Greater Idaho movement began.

McCaw said that the difference between the west and east sides of Oregon were only exacerbated during the coronavirus pandemic and helped “supercharge” their movement.

“During COVID, the state of Oregon was one of the most extreme. They closed businesses across the state, they closed churches across the state, they closed schools, they imposed mask mandates and later vaccine mandates,” McCaw said. “This was all state policy handed down through the government institutions like the Oregon Health Authority, which made these policies for the entire state.”

“It was very heavy-handed, and here in eastern Oregon, people [here] did not want those policies,” he said. 

“You had just this amazing amount of conflict and frustration out here, tension, because these policies were being forced on the east side of the state that we didn’t want. And all along, just to our east in our neighboring state, Idaho, you had a completely different government response from the state,” McCaw said.

There is a lot more in the Fox article about this. Basically the people in the Eastern part of the state have had enough of the socialists, communists and fascists from the western and coastal parts of the state. They were left with very few options. One, flat out violence. This would have meant thousands of people basically going after the political elites and hanging them. Since this wasn’t something anyone really wanted, they looked at other options.

A second thought was splitting away and creating a new 51st state. That is extremely hard to do and I think the last time this happened was back during the Civil War when part of West Virginia broke with the rest of the state and joined the Union. The organizers finally landed on an idea that has been used many times in this country’s history. Just shift the state boundaries.

With this idea, the organizers began talking to people and looking at what needed to be done. At first, the state legislatures of both Idaho and Oregon thought this was a waste of time, then the counties that wanted to leave started holding referendums. Now a good chunk of the eastern part of the state has approved the Greater Idaho plan and they want the Oregon legislature to start talking with the Idaho legislature about shifting the state borders.

Idaho has indicated they would welcome the counties in Oregon that want to leave Oregon and join them. Their legislature has voted to begin talks with Oregon. However, progressives being progressive, the Oregon legislature doesn’t appear to be interested in anything the Eastern counties want regarding “Moving out.” According to an article at KGW8, people in the Western part of Oregon consider the people pushing this to be cranks.

Regardless, KGW political analyst Betsy Johnson said that the matter is not a joke to many eastern Oregonians, no matter the odds stacked against it, and the grievances that inspired it shouldn’t be ignored.

“Many people in the urban areas, particularly Portland dismiss this as just a bunch of cranks in eastern Oregon — this is visceral, real anger,” Johnson said.

This kind of anger is dangerous. The arrogance of the Progressive Liberal Democrats, along with their contempt for anyone who doesn’t bow to their will, could very easily lead to violence, and it won’t be the kind of violence that the Left is noted for. (Riots, arson and looting) It will be a flat out assault on the city and state governments. The “Ruling elite” could find themselves looking down the barrels of rifles and shotguns and told to allow the border shift, or else.

The problems are real, but Johnson also suggested that Greater Idaho moving forward would be a net negative for Oregon — chilling economic development in the Oregonian rump state, and becoming a “national embarrassment.”

I looked up this Betsy Johnson, and yes, she is part of the problem. She was in the state legislature and ran to replace Govno Kate Brown. She obviously didn’t win and now is a paid hack. Like many Democrats, she doesn’t appear to really understand the issues, although she, unlike most Democrats, appears to be trying to figure out why Eastern Oregon wants to move out.

“Quit treating the symptoms, get at the root problem and try to figure out, why would a portion of Oregon want to leave here?” she said. “What has made it so bad that they are prepared to go through the administrative and expense and political hassle of trying to separate a piece of Oregon and move it into Idaho?”

Why? Because the Democrat Party has gone full on Totalitarian, that’s why. It’s all about absolute power, and depravity. People in the Eastern part of the state are tired of being treated like serfs and slaves. The Democrat Elites just won’t listen and insult these people instead of working with them to solve their issues.

After the Idaho House approved its Greater Idaho resolution, Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer issued a short statement that echoed the sentiment voiced by Idaho’s Rep. Rubel, if more succinctly and with tongue firmly in cheek: “I would entertain a trade for Boise and Sun Valley.”

Earl Blumenauer is one of the problems, not someone looking for solutions. He’s just another Progressive Liberal Elitist who has never worked a day in the Dreaded Private Sector. His attitude is one of the reasons the people in the Eastern part of Oregon want to leave.

I suspect that this event, the moving of the state boundary, will happen eventually. It’s going to take time of course. The issue now is the Oregon State Legislature and State Government flat out ignoring what is happening. I fully expect those morons to try to actively suppress the people in the eastern counties. That won’t end well. For now, the Greater Idaho movement is busy working to increase local support, crossing the “T’s” and dotting the “I’s”, and forcing the issue on the governor and state legislature. We shall see where things go.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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