Mike Johnson taking lessons from John Boehner?

Good day all. When former Speaker of the House and all around RINO, Kevin McCarthy was ousted and Mike Johnson was voted in as the new speaker, people looked at his record and were, at the time fairly comfortable, (Unless you’re a Democrat), with his positions.

However, he soon started doing things that royally pissed off the GOP Base and people like Marjorie Taylor Greene. It’s reached the level that should the Republicans maintain control of the House of Representatives next year, there is an excellent chance that Johnson won’t be returning to the Speaker’s chair.

Now a story has come out that may explain why he suddenly went from a descent Republican to a spineless Uniparty RINO. He’s taking advice from John Boehner. Here are the details from Breitbart:

John Boehner, the conservative nemesis turned lobbyist ousted from the speakership in 2015 for pushing Obama administration priorities, has reportedly emerged as a “quiet mentor” to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Boehner — “an establishment Republican who was speaker a decade ago chronologically, but an eon ago in the GOP’s radical evolution — has become a surprising tutor” to Johnson, Axios reported Monday.

That explains so much. Boehner, who I had hoped to never hear about ever again, was a disaster as Speaker of the House. He became Speaker after the GOP blowout that bounced dozens of Democrats due to Obamacare, among other things. In fact, it was the Tea Party that enabled the takeover of the House. They were paid back by being trashed by the GOP(e) Uniparty Republicans.

The report comes days after Boehner headlined a fundraiser in his native Ohio on May 30 for Johnson’s PAC. In reporting on the upcoming fundraiser, Punchbowl News noted, “If you’ve listened to Speaker Mike Johnson recently, there is some John Boehner influence poking through.”

I wonder if Matt Gaetz or Marjorie Taylor Greene are aware that Boehner has his hooks into Mike Johnson. If they don’t, someone should let them know.

Boehner surrendered his gavel in October 2015 amid a conservative mutiny due to his ushering through of Democrat priorities in a spending bill — and multiple previous violations of the Hastert Rule. Roughly two dozen Republican members, led by then-Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), indicated they would vote against Boehner in a “vacate the chair” resolution, which led to Boehner resigning.

For those who may not remember, Boehner was basically kneeling under the Resolute Desk giving Obama blowjobs, politically speaking of course.

The Hastert Rule is an informal rule predicating that a Speaker must only advance legislation supported by a majority of the majority.

Hastert was another Deep State Uniparty GOP(e) RINO dirtbag who retired to a nice jail cell. Like most of the Establishment Country Club Republicans, all he really cared about was holding on to his position, power and wealth.

In only seven months, Johnson has passed legislation in violation of the Hastert Rule twice — in March on a $1.2 trillion spending bill and in April to pass $62 billion in Ukraine aid — the latter of which Johnson vociferously opposed for months before flip-flopping after intense lobbying from the Biden administration.

As a result, Johnson faced his own motion to vacate vote in May. However, unlike with Boehner, Democrats rushed to Johnson’s aid. An astounding 163 Democrats voted to keep Johnson as Speaker.

That should be the death knell to any hopes of Johnson retaining the speakers gavel in 2025, assuming the Republicans do as well as anticipated in the November election. By rights, he should have lost his primary race, however, his betrayals weren’t as well known back in March.

Johnson’s agenda has been so indistinguishable from Democrats’ that House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) boasted of wrestling away control of the House from Republicans under Johnson.

Even though we’re in the minority, we effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority because we continue to provide a majority of the votes necessary to get things done,” Jeffries said on 60 Minutes. “Those are just the facts.”

The Democrats “Agenda” has been so destructive to the foundations of this country that we might actually be beyond the point of no return. The only reason Johnson still has the Speaker’s gavel is the Democrats and the Deep State RINO just like him. As for that drunken scumbag Boehner, he spends the next few paragraphs chortling over how he has pulled one over on the GOP base.

Boehner revealed to Axios the depths of his under-the-radar relationship with Johnson — with his trademark vitriol toward conservatives.

Boehner, a notorious imbiber who narrated his autobiographical anti-conservative gripe-fest with copious amounts of red wine, told Axios, “For a guy who doesn’t drink, smoke, or cuss, [Johnson is a] really an affable guy.”

He’s got to do this Kabuki dance every day to keep some of his more — I don’t even want to call them conservatives,” Boehner said:

I don’t know what you — I think that’s the wrong word for them. He’s got to go through this dance every day to try to appease his caucus. But at the end of the day, he knows what has to get done, and he finds a way to get it done.

And in Boehner and the rest of the RINO’s, “Getting things done” means ignoring the wishes of the people who put them into office. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Boehner was just fine with the railroading of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, by the corrupt Judge and Soros DA in New York.

Johnson’s biggest battle remaining in 2024 is advancing 2025 fiscal year spending bills before the end of September deadline. Johnson says he is considering passing a continuing resolution – another bugaboo for conservatives – to extend the deadline until the lame duck session of Congress.

By doing so, Johnson would ensure the House considers spending legislation after the November elections but before the new Congress is sworn in, minimizing accountability for himself and other members until another round of elections in two years.

I don’t think Johnson or the rest of the Republican leadership are going to politically survive next year no matter what happens. They have angered to many of the GOP base. Under the absolute worst case scenario, (The one we must try to avoid), they might find themselves hanging from lamp posts. What I do expect is that they will find themselves completely on the political outside and looking in from the so called “Back Benches.” Who knows? We might have Speaker of the House Marjorie Taylor Greene.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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