The Hunter Biden Laptop confirmed to be real

Good Day All. Back in 2020, during the Tainted Election, reports came out that Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hoovernose, had abandoned a laptop at a computer repair store. The owner, per his policy, kept trying to reach Hoovernose, (Who was probably snorting coke of a teenage hookers ass), but wasn’t able to. Per policy the laptop became the property of the store.

This is when things get interesting. The shop owner started going through the laptop and quickly realized that there was some serious documentation, not to mention some really disgusting pictures, that showed some serious criminal activity by both Hoovernose and “The Big Guy.” The shop owner cloned the hard drive and tried reporting what he found to the FBI.

I won’t bother going into all the goings on with how the FBI tried to bury the laptop, or how they were really not amused when the shop owner contacted Rudy Giuliani and provided a copy of the drive to him. Rudy released it when the DoJ stonewalled him and all hell broke loose. The MSM tried to bury the whole thing and 50+ Democrat operatives who had been in the various intelligence services all lied saying it was Russian disinformation.

This went on for several years until Hoovernose was finally indicted and is now on trial. The DoJ has finally admitted what all us conspiracy theorists, UltraMAGA Deplorables and anyone with a brain have known all along. The laptop was real and the data on it was valid. Here are the details from Fox News:

The “Russian information operation” narrative that was pushed by dozens of former intelligence officials and amplified by the Biden campaign a couple weeks before the 2020 election took a major blow this week when the federal government entered Hunter Biden’s laptop into evidence for his gun trial.

After years of the authenticity of the laptop being downplayed by former intel officials, prominent Democrats, and the White House, Hunter’s laptop was officially entered into evidence by Biden’s Department of Justice and is being used to attempt to prove that Biden was addicted to drugs at the time he purchased a gun in 2018, a violation of federal law. 

I think the images of Hoovernose snorting up coke and virtually comatose with a crack pipe pretty much confirmed that. What’s better is that the FBI has to admit that, yes, the laptop is real.

The laptop was introduced by prosecutor Derek Hines and handed to FBI agent Erika Jensen, who explained earlier this week how the FBI authenticated the laptop and extracted data. For the gun trial, she testified about dozens of text messages, metadata, photos and short videos found on phones and iCloud accounts belonging to Biden. 

This blows major holes in the credibility of those so called “Intelligence officials” who flat out lied and said everything was Russian Disinformation.

One of the most significant denials of the authenticity of the laptop came two weeks before the 2020 presidential election when 51 former intelligence officials claimed in a letter that the laptop may have been fabricated by Russia to influence the presidential election.

Of course they had nothing to say about the fake Trump files which turned out to be paid for by Felonia von Pantsuit. If I recall correctly, a lot of them said President Trump should be removed because of that fake file.

The crafting of that memo, which was ultimately published by Politico, involved coordination between the Biden campaign and the former officials, House Republicans concluded in an investigation.  

Fox News Digital previously reported that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner, R-Ohio, sent a letter to Secretary of State Blinken last year saying, “Based on Morell’s testimony, it is apparent that the Biden campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election.”

That was the whole intent of the letter. Nice of you to figure that out Representative Jordan. This, along with any number of other things that happened during the Tainted Election of 2020 were all designed to “Get Trump!” and install a compliant, (In this case senile), president* who would do what the Deep State told him to do.

According to the GOP’s report, former CIA senior adviser Nick Shapiro drafted a media pitch and shopped the letter to The Associated Press, The Washington Post and Politico. He then forwarded the letter to then-Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates, who is currently the White House deputy senior press secretary, tipping them off before publication and saying, “This is what I gave them.” 

“Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say,” Bates tweeted after the Politico story was published, including a link to the article.

And with that the move to suppress the truth, which if the media had actually done it’s job would have sunk Joe Biden’s campaign, began. The Fix story then regales us with all the Democrats spewing the exact same talking points and the Democrat Propaganda Corps eagerly lapping it up. Now, thanks to the case against Hoovernose, the lies by the Democrats have just blown up in their faces.

Fox News legal editor Kerri Urbahn posted on social media on Tuesday that the prosecution’s introduction of the laptop was a key moment in the case.

“Biggest takeway from court today: the laptop is real, we saw it with our own eyes, it belongs to Hunter Biden, and the FBI/DOJ are using information extracted from it in the gun case,” Urbahn said. “Curious if the 50+ intel experts plan to put out an updated letter in time for this year’s debates.”

At least one of those liars has said he won’t. James Clapper was asked if he would retract his signature on that letter. His answer? No. I haven’t heard about any of the other 50 liars Democrat Operatives, but I suspect they won’t either. What I and many others would like to see is the RNC and Trump campaign using this against Biden and all the other Democrats. They can basically say that we now know that the Democrats will lie, cheat and steal their way to power. (Obviously, I am not a marketing person) As to Hunter Biden’s case? Who knows how that will go? Stay tuned!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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