Major Lithium discovery! Liberals so confused!

Good day all. The Progressive Liberal Democrats have been pushing electric cars, (EV’s) down people’s throats since January 21st, 2021. Beside the issue that no one actually wants them, there is another problem. The batteries in these cars use a rare earth mineral called lithium.

Finding and mining lithium has always been an issue. Most of the lithium mines are controlled by the People’s Republic of China. There have been a few major discoveries of lithium in the United States. However, you have to deal with the EPA’s tyrannical hatred of anything that puts a scratch on a rock. Now a new potential source of lithium has been found, however, the source is going to cause liberals real conniptions. Here are the details from Fox News:

The discovery of the potential for thousands of tons of lithium to be extracted annually from wastewater generated by fracking in the Marcellus Shale leaves proponents of a green energy future at a crossroads, Republicans said Thursday.

A University of Pittsburgh study suggested processing byproducts from natural gas production in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale basin could potentially meet nearly half of U.S. lithium needs. The typical electric vehicle (EV) requires nearly 18 pounds of lithium to power its battery. That figure grows exponentially for Teslas, according to reports.

This is really big if it proves out. Filtering the water used to break apart the shale and pulling recoverable and economic amounts of lithium is going to be a major financial boon for the companies drilling in that area. It also is causing issues with the Progressives. They hate fracking and want all fracking stopped right this minute. However, they also love their EV’s and those need batteries, and the current best means of storing electricity involves lots of lithium. You can see how this can cause a full blown mental breakdown for them

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., who represents much of the Marcellus territory, told Fox News he wants to see those on the left change their tune.

“Now nearly 40% of our nation’s domestic need for lithium can be found right here as a byproduct of fracking,” he said. “I fully expect every single Democrat to join Republicans in supporting domestic natural gas development.” 

I can just see the Democrats trying to resolve this. They want to shut down fracking and kill all energy production that doesn’t involve unicorn farts, yet they also know they need lithium for their toy EV’s. I actually have a video of the Democrats trying to resolve this.

In the study, published in Nature’s “Scientific Reports,” estimates of annual lithium yields from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale totaled 1,278 tons. The Marcellus Shale range covers large swaths of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia.

That’s an awful lot of battery powered cars, and cell phones and smart watches. It will also be a nice kick to the groin for China’s plans to corner the market on lithium.

One of the researchers, Justin Mackey, told KDKA that in addition to supplying substantial amounts of lithium, processing the wastewater in that way “reduce[s] the cost of remediating and handling” it, adding there may likely be similar lodes of lithium in West Virginia and Ohio shale deposits that could lead to an “economic boom.”

The one thing these companies hate is the costs involved in cleaning and recycling the waste water. They budget and plan for it when they start planing the projects of course. Now that they might have a way to actually make a profit on this recycling? They will jump at it.

State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the GOP’s 2022 gubernatorial nominee, said common ground should be found on the prospect of fracking to produce both natural gas and electric battery components.

“The great irony is the same climate extremists who oppose harvesting fossil fuels under all circumstances are dependent on lithium for solar panels and for the battery components they need for things like electric cars, which often are powered on electricity generated by natural gas,” he said.

“Fracking may provide the cleanest, most environmentally friendly way to produce natural gas energy and harvest the domestic lithium we need for the green future endorsed by my colleagues on the extreme left.”

The problem we have with the Envirowhackos is that they flat out lie about fracking. The big thing the like to say is that it poisons ground water. When someone points out that the actual fracking takes place thousands of feet below the water table, they tend to go silent and just continue regurgitating that “Fracking bad! Unicorn Farts good!”

Fox News Digital reached out to several other top Democrats, including Green New Deal co-sponsors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Edward Markey, D-Mass., for comment about their stance on obtaining EV components from fossil fuel-based sources but did not receive responses. 

Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., told Fox News Digital the lithium discovery is a “significant development” but added there is still a “moral obligation to wean ourselves off dirty fossil fuels and raise the bar on mining domestically and internationally.”

“Sourcing lithium and other critical minerals from waste could potentially reduce the environmental footprint of our mineral supply chains, but it must be done responsibly. It’s critical that we align our environmental regulations with legislation that will ensure the safeguarding of local ecosystems and communities from the adverse impacts of irresponsible mining and fossil fuel extraction,” Grijalva said.

That clown Grijalva is a communist, is just fine with the open borders and wants anyone who likes President Trump tossed into FEMA camps. (A slight exaggeration) He is one of those who wants the United States basically reduced to nonexistence and totally subservient to World Economic Forum and the One World Government types.

You are seeing a political breakdown of course. The Republicans want to look into this and use this and other things to make the United States not just energy independent, but a net energy exporter. The Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are torn. They want the lithium for their progressive toys, but hate the way that it involves actual production of useful sources of energy. If the Republicans are smart about this, they can use this to bounce a few of the moonbats from office.


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