Besides Hamas, who else is unhappy with the IDF’s rescue mission?

Good day all. When the Israeli Defense Forces hit the Hamas safe houses holding 4 hostages. The IDF basically went in shooting and terminated a number of Hamas terrorists and their supporters who were providing active aid with extreme prejudice.

When the news broke that the IDF had rescued four hostages, most people were very happy. However, there was one group that wasn’t. In fact they were furious that Israel had actually, once again, put the interests of Israel and it’s citizens over that of Hamas. Here are the details from Fox News:

Some liberal media pundits and commentators were outraged over Israel’s rescue mission to save four hostages taken by Hamas, questioning whether the country’s efforts were worth the civilian deaths.

Former MSNBC host and Zeteo founder Mehdi Hasan, a staunch critic of Israel, voiced anger over the rescue mission in several posts to X on Saturday. Responding to a post about President Biden celebrating the rescue of the four hostages, Hasan asked if the president said “anything about the dozens of innocent Palestinians killed in the raid.” 

Those “Innocent” terrorists were anything but innocent. They were involved in taking and holding the hostages. Of course Hasan and MSNBC are pro-terrorist so we can safely ignore them.

Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 22, Shlomi Ziv, 41, and Andrey Kozlov, 27, were rescued by Israel in two separate locations in a complex special daytime operation in the heart of Nuseirat in central Gaza. They had been held in captivity by Hamas for 246 days.

Hamas-run authorities in Gaza claim over 270 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli operation. Israeli forces claim around 100 were killed. 

Hamas has a long history of lying and the MSM has a long history of publishing Hamas’s propaganda as fact.

Rep. Daniel Goldman, D-N.Y., responded to Hasan’s social media post and said that it was “misinformation.”

“Israel made a ceasefire offer favorable to Hamas that the United States, Qatar, Egypt and the international community strongly endorsed. Hamas has not accepted it. Hamas is the obstacle to peace. Your focus should be on Hamas,” he said. 

A few things here. Goldman is a walking turd. Saying that, he is correct. The Biden Maladministration tried to trap Israel into an unfavorable cease fire, which they weren’t going to sign off on, and Hamas and the Palestinians lived up to their reputation of never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity. That plan is dead and buried.

Hasan, in another post on social media about the rescue mission, acknowledged that the hostages deserved their freedom, but said those fine with the Palestinian deaths were “heartless.”

“Please do celebrate 4 hostages getting their much needed and well deserved freedom back. But if you’re fine with scores of innocent Palestinians, including kids, getting killed in the process, you might be a racist who doesn’t value Palestinian life. You’re definitely heartless,” Hasan said.

MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin sounded the alarm on the Palestinian deaths during his show on Saturday, and said the mission raised ethical questions.

“Israel’s tactics should raise ethical and moral questions among the international community. How many innocent Palestinians killed is acceptable to rescue Israeli hostages? Especially since more than hundred hostages are still believed to be held by Hamas and their families also want to see their loved ones home safely,” Mohyeldin said. 

Many believe that most of those hostages are dead. As for worrying about the IDF’s tactics? No one with any common sense, which lets out these bozos, have any problem with them. Speaking of someone with common sense, (And in this case, rather surprising), we have Donny Deutsch.

Donny Deutsch, a frequent guest on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said on Monday that the media’s coverage of the mission was “demeaning.” Deutsch suggested being more careful with the word “civilian.” 

“And we need to start to look at that word civilians — and obviously war is ugly — but when in the case of this instance, when the hostages are being held by a Palestinian journalist, ‘a civilian,’ and a Palestinian doctor, ‘a civilian,’ these are not civilians, these are Hamas ambassadors,” he said.

That is something most of the MSM hasn’t really bothered to report on, that the hostages were being held by people who you would think were civilians. That they aided and abetted, ended any consideration that they were civilians.

Actor Mark Ruffalo also lamented the death of Palestinians on Sunday and said the hostages were “returned.” 

Oh God, this moron.

“A ceasefire would have gotten many more hostages back and no civilians and children killed. This siege is cruel and senseless. Grinding innocent human beings and their culture into blood soaked rubble and dust, to be buried and forgotten. 4 for 274 including kids. It’s a sinful equation that keeps repeating,” he wrote. 

That worthless piece of human debris is a mediocre actor who got luck with his roll as the Hulk in the Marvel universe. In real life he is the classic barking moonbat. He is also a stereotypical “Manhattan Marxist.” He has his and wants to make sure no one else gets theirs. He also also dumb as a stump. There is no way Hamas is returning any surviving hostages, not that there are all that many left.

The list of Terrorist supporters continues in the Fox article. However, you also have those, mostly Jewish, who have no problem with the IDF’s methods.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., was among the progressive voices who praised the operation, however. In an MSNBC interview on Monday, she also called out the narrative that Israel bore sole blame for the deaths of Gazans.

“The joy in the faces and the reunions of the hostages who have been brutalized for eight months since October 7th and the reuniting with their families was just amazing, and I’m so proud of the operation to get them out and Hamas, again, should be condemned because they leave civilians, their own people in harm’s way,” she said. “It’s part of their strategy, because they want to turn the world against Israel, and then they fire on the Israeli IDF soldiers who are trying to get them out, so that means that they likely injured and killed some of their own people.”

I personally have no use of Wasserman Schultz. However, she is showing the split in the Democrat Party that will with a little work and a lot of luck, collapse it completely. It is splitting with AOC and the Squad more or less backing Hamas and rooting for the destruction of Israel. One of the Squad members, Jamaal “False Alarm” Bowman looks to be on track to lose his primary. Hopefully, other will as well or be crushed in November.

Good work Israel and just ignore that dementia case in the White House. Do what has to be done to finish off Hamas and save as many of the surviving hostages as you.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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