Corrupt former Intel officials double down on Biden laptop

Good day all. In the firearms trial against Hunter “Hoovernose” Biden, one of the pieces of evidence submitted was the infamous laptop. This is the same laptop that everyone knows about of course. It’s also the same laptop that 51 former intelligence officials, all Democrats, announced was “Russian Disinformation.”

This disinformation claim was organized by the Biden election committee. In fact it was all put together by the current Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. The reason for this was to discredit the laptop and protect the Biden Crime Family. Again, we now know that what was on that laptop was real. Now the Department of Justice, (All Hail Merrick Garland!!), in submitting it to the court, has confirmed this.

When this happened, real reporters and journalists, as opposed to the Democrat Party Propaganda writers, went to the 51 officials and asked them in light of current events, if they would recant their claims that the contents of the laptop were Russian Disinformation. Here are the answers from Fox News:

Dozens of former intelligence officials who signed a letter warning Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop “has all the classic earmarks” of Russian disinformation are either declining to retract or doubling down despite the device being entered as evidence in his ongoing criminal trial.

Fox News contacted all 51 individuals asking if they regretted signing the letter. The answer was no.

“No,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper simply said, also declining to publicly remove his name from the letter or concede that those signing onto it should have waited longer for more information to develop.

James Clapper is scum of course and should be prosecuted for some of the things he did. I think we can add election interference to the list.

Mark S. Zaid, an attorney representing signatories Ronald Marks, Marc Polymeropoulos, Douglas Wise, Paul Kolbe, John Sipher, Emile Nakhleh and Gerald O’Shea, sent Fox News Digital a statement on behalf of his clients that doubled down on the importance of the letter and claimed it was “patriotic” to sign it.

Doubling down on stupid is the least of what they are doing. They are telling you that your eyes are lying, the DoJ is wrong and that the 51 officials are the only ones who are correct.

“There continues to be by many a calculated or woefully ignorant interpretation of the October 2020 letter signed by fifty-one former intelligence officials concerning Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Zaid, who once posted online that Trump’s election was “very scary,” said in the statement.

“A careful and objective reading of the document reflects that even today its content is accurate. It served as nothing more than a warning letter of what we have known for decades: certain foreign governments – including Russia – continue to try and actively interfere in our domestic affairs and our guard must remain vigilant. Every patriotic American should have signed that letter.”

Except that it wasn’t Russian disinformation. What these liars did was help wreck a man who handed the laptop and it’s contents, after making copies of the data, to the FBI. He has no idea what was on it until Hoovernose didn’t pick up the laptop and abandoned it at the shop. At that point he inventoried to contents and the rest as they say, was history.

Greg Treverton, a signatory who previously served as chair of the National Intelligence Council, defended the letter in a statement to Fox News Digital. 

“This is very old news,” Treverton said. “What we said was true, we were inferring from our experience, and it did look like a Russian operation. We didn’t, and couldn’t of course say it was a Russian operation. Enough said.”

No, what it looked like and has now been confirmed was the absolute corruption of Joe Biden and the entire Biden Crime Family going back decades. The Fox News article goes on with comments from these dishonest incompetents. Several refused any comment, since they know they are in big trouble if/when President Trump returns to office and a couple had the good sense to just die.

Hunter Biden’s laptop, the contents of which were first published by the New York Post in 2020, has long been dismissed by Democrats as Russian disinformation and news outlets across the country seized on the letter from former intel officials as definitive proof the laptop was not legitimate.

What is it with the Democrats and Russia? When President Trump was in office, Putin didn’t try anything after getting a few hundred of his Wagner Group mercenaries bombed into oblivion. Once the worst president* in American history was installed into office, Putin invades the Ukraine. (And I just had a wave of conspiracy theories on this run through my imagination. I blame the head cold I’m dealing with right now)

Several members of the Biden campaign vigorously denied the legitimacy of the laptop leading up to the November election while appearing to be coordinating the release of the Politico story. The article was published days before a debate between Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and President Trump, where Biden claimed, “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant.”

To bad for you, Hairsniffer, your own DoJ has just confirmed that it’s all real.

Despite claims from former officials that the laptop had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation, Fox News Digital reported that federal investigators with the Department of Justice knew in December 2019 that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “not manipulated in any way” and contained “reliable evidence,” but were “obstructed” from seeing all available information, according to an IRS whistleblower involved in the probe – nearly a year before the former intelligence officials and Joe Biden declared it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

There are a number of Federal officials from assorted three letter agencies that need to be investigated, and if the evidence warrants, criminally charged for what they did during the first Trump administration. We can start with the surviving members of the signatory list. I’m not sure what the charges would be, but election interference, perjury for those who testified under oath and perhaps sedition. (Can’t charge treason sadly. What they did doesn’t rise to the constitutional definition)

The laptop was introduced into evidence in a Delaware courtroom last week by prosecutor Derek Hines and handed to FBI agent Erika Jensen, who had earlier explained how the FBI authenticated the laptop and extracted data. In the gun trial, she testified about dozens of text messages, metadata, photos and short videos found on phones and iCloud accounts belonging to Biden. 

Hoovernose was recently convicted on all counts on the weapons charges. Personally, I have serious issues with those charges and this conviction, even though I want to see all the Bidens die in prison. However, that the FBI knew in 2019 that the contents of the laptop were genuine, and that there is a good chance that at least some of those 51 former intel officials knew this shows the level of Deep State corruption in Washington. Hopefully next year will see true justice happen.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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