SPLC cuts 60 jobs, Union explodes

Good day all. The Southern Poverty and Law Center, (SPLC), was once known for suing the Ku Klux Klan into oblivion. Since then they have mutated into a hard left wing hate organization that accuses anyone who doesn’t toe the Progressive line of being racists, hater and threats.

The SPLC’s actions have caused mentally unstable leftists, (Are there any other kind?) to attack people and groups they have named as hate groups. They really hate Christian groups and organizations. The Family Research Council has been accused by the SPLC of being a hate group for years, and they were attacked by a lunatic who shot the place up. They have been sued and lost at least once.

Even with all this, the SPLC is sitting in huge amounts of cash and they are always getting donations from moonbats and morons. This makes what has happened seem odd. The SPLC laid off 60 people June 12th. Here are the details from Fox News:

The left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center reportedly laid off more than 60 employees late Wednesday, leading at least one member of its union to assail the Montgomery, Alabama.-based organization on X, formerly Twitter. 

The organization has long been known for its cataloging of purported “hate groups” and “enabler” groups or individuals, including several evangelical and Catholic entities, conservative members of Congress and the late radio icon Rush Limbaugh – all of which are sprinkled among its monitoring of groups more widely considered racist or misogynist such as the Ku Klux Klan and Proud Boys.

There is no question that the Klan was a racist group. Also they were all Democrats. I don’t recall anything about the Proud Boys being racists. (I pay no attention to the SPLC’s pronouncements of course) All the others? They tend to be pro-family, pro-Christian and pro-America. (You may want add pro-Israel and pro-Jewish to the list of groups the SPLC hates)

Several of the reported layoffs affected top officials in the organization’s union, which was reportedly organized in 2019 to fight “inequitable” practices at the organization.

I recall reading that Fox article on the SPLC’s flat out hypocrisy. They are a classic progressive “Do as I tell you, and don’t pay attention to what I’m doing” organization.

“Today, SPLC – my employer – laid off over 60 of our union members, essentially shuttering multiple departments,” Hannah Gais wrote on X. 

“Speaking in a personal capacity, I endorse each and every single word of this statement from our union. [A]n organization with this much money has no excuse,” she added.

They have every excuse. No one likes unions, even companies and organizations that claim to be pro-union.

The referenced union statement, also posted to X, said more than 60 union members, including its chairperson and five stewards, were informed their jobs would be cut.

“We are devastated for our union and for our colleagues,” the union said. In another tweet, the union said SPLC has nearly $1 billion in reserves and is facing allegations of “hoarding” donations while “gutting its staff by a quarter.”

Of course, the Union is going to say things like that, and in most cases, no one would pay any attention to their blathering. However, this is the SPLC and they are not noted for actions and activities that are beyond reproach.

In a statement to the Alabama Reflector, the group said it would be taking actions to streamline its activities and operations in order to better advance its cause.

Now that concerns me, considering their past actions.

“We announced internally the consolidation of certain programs and activities as well as the elimination of others, resulting in staff reductions,” the press team wrote. 

“This was a difficult but necessary decision to focus and align our work with our programmatic priorities and goals. We deeply value the contributions of all our staff and their commitment to ensuring the promise of equal justice is a reality for all,” the group told the outlet.

The SPLC should be considered a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and potentially a terrorist front organization. They exist for one reason only, the enrichment of the people running the organization. They long ago outlived their usefulness and these days make leeches green with envy. As for the union? So sad, to bad, sucks to be you.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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