Biden planning on granting criminal aliens legal status

Good day all. Once again, the Senile Psychopath installed into the White House is showing his contempt the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. He is looking to grant millions of criminals who illegally crossed the border legal status.

Apparently, the plan is to legalize anyone who has successfully hidden from ICE for about 10 years, without question, Biden, his handlers and the Democrat Party fully intend to legalize every single one of the criminals that crossed the border. Here are the details from Newsmax:

The Biden administration is poised to unveil one of the largest immigration relief initiatives in recent history, granting legal status to long-term illegal immigrants, CBS News reports.

According to four anonymous sources familiar with the plans, the proposed policy aims to grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who have resided in the United States for at least 10 years.

One group that will get screwed by this, besides American citizens, are those who came he lawfully or are trying to come here lawfully. All the available resources that would have gone to handling their cases will go to dealing with the criminals instead.

A vital component of this plan, developed by White House officials, is to offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens. The proposal, known as “Parole in Place,” would also create a pathway to permanent legal status and U.S. citizenship by removing a legal barrier that prevents immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without first leaving the country.

I did a quick review of that Parole in place thing and it’s meant to be done on a case by case basis. With the numbers the maladministration is planning on dealing with, they’re going to just throw a blanket out and say everyone is covered.

The “Parole in Place” program would be the most significant immigration initiative for unauthorized immigrants since DACA, which President Barack Obama introduced in 2012. This new policy would benefit a portion of the estimated 1.1 million undocumented immigrants married to American citizens, provided they meet residency and other requirements.

The problem with DACA is that it’s illegal. It was an executive order put in place by the second worst president, and outright traitor, Barack Obama. President Trump moved to reverse the order but a number of crooked Obama judges wouldn’t allow it. Never mind that they had no authority to rule on this, they did it anyway because Obama judges.

Biden’s increased use of executive actions on immigration ahead of the upcoming presidential election underscores part of his administration’s election strategy. Recently, he invoked executive authority to implement a partial ban on asylum claims at the southern border, a move facing legal challenges from the American Civil Liberties Union.

Dementia Joe has a long history of utter contempt for the Rule of Law and the Constitution, predating his mental decline into senility. His use of Executive Orders to bypass congress is a case in point. Granted, I doubt that moron knows what he’s signing most of the time. He just signs whatever he’s told to by his handlers, most of whom are Obama holdovers.

Political analysts suggest that the “Parole in Place” policy could bolster Biden’s support among Latino voters, especially those in mixed-status families.

Yeah, I don’t think so. A lot of the people in the group the Democrats are trying to buy off are furious with the illegals crossing the border. Those who are immigrants generally came here lawfully.

The “Parole in Place” program is expected to encounter similar legal obstacles, potentially from Republican-led states that oppose Biden’s overly lenient immigration policies. Republican lawmakers, who have vehemently opposed amnesty for undocumented immigrants, are likely to criticize the initiative.

So what are those lunkheads going to do about it?

The criminality of the Biden Maladministration has brought the United States to the brink of collapse. If this is allowed, we will be one step closer to the National Divorce and total dissolution of the Greatest Nation in history. We do need a full and complete overhaul of the immigration system, just not how Dementia Joe and the Democrats want it.

Despite the opposition, Biden blames Republicans for his unilateral actions, which he argues are necessary due to the Republican-controlled House of Representatives’ failure to pass immigration reforms.

“Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue through bipartisan legislation because that’s the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that’s broken fixed, to hire more Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, more judges. But, Republicans left me no choice,” Biden said in remarks from the White House, The Hill reported.

Oh, you have a choice you lying treasonous senile crook, you just don’t like playing by the rules. Your plan to use “Parole in Place” is an example. You intend to use it for something it wasn’t meant to be used for.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has administered a limited “Parole in Place” program for military families for over a decade. This policy allows some undocumented immigrants who are immediate relatives of U.S. service members or veterans to obtain green cards without leaving the country.

There are a number of Immigrants who have joined the United States military and granting them certain privileges such as helping their immediate families, parents, spouse or siblings, is not seen as an issue, especially since these people are putting their lives on the line to defend their new nation. What Dementia Joe and his maladministration of traitors, criminals, communists are planning will destroy the program.

Assuming that this mental midget signs yet another EO pushing this. Look for the next president, (Donald Trump), to revoke it. One thing President Trump will need to do is go to congress to get the legislation he should need to begin the mass round ups and deportations of the 10’s of millions of illegal aliens Biden and his masters, (Soros), let in.

He will also need to shut down the courts when they try to protect these invaders. I honestly think that several federal judges will try to protect the illegals and will need to be made examples of. Never mind impeachment, although that would be needed, but just plain flat out arrest them for assuming authority they do not have.

Having a few taken out of a courtroom in handcuffs will encourage the rest to mind the Separation of Powers and understand that illegals do not have many rights. It will be interesting to see if the Democrats up for reelection back this idiocy. They should be confronted by their opponents if they do or refuse to respond.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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