Paranoia running rampant among Top FBI officials

Good day all. The FBI was once considered the premier investigative and law enforcement agency in the world. Then came the election of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. At that point, the FBI went from Law Enforcement to a secret police force trying to “Get Trump!” Since the Worst President* in American history was sworn in, they’ve become nothing more then a modern Gestapo.

Now that it looks like the Greatest President of the 21st century, Donald Trump, is going to win the 2024 election, panic is beginning to set in among the FBI and DoJ brass. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe revealed that several high-ranking FBI personnel are getting ready to flee the United States if Donald Trump takes back the White House in November.

The three-letter agency officials turned CNN puppet told Kaitlin Collins that intelligence community members are spanking because they are worried Trump will prosecute them for their participation in several hoaxes, such as the “Russian collusion” lie, and falsely labeling Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell as “Russian disinformation” before the 2020 election.

It’s terrifying. It’s frightening,” McCabe said.

The former assistant director pointed to one of Trump’s rally quotes in which he claimed he will be ‘retribution’ for disenfranchised American voters, predicting that it will culminate in “really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI,” he added.

And the problem with this is what exactly?

McCabe also revealed he was informed by former colleagues who worked under the Obama Administration that they’ve had “torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained.”

I mean, people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extrajudicial detention,” McCabe told Collins.

McCabe is crook. He is, or was a corrupt FBI senior official who was fired by Sleepy Session. He was looking at being prosecuted for certain actions and probably would have been except for the Tainted Election of 2020. One of first things that happened under the Worst President* in American history was McCabe being told he wasn’t going to be prosecuted.

Now I don’t know how this might work of course or even if the statute of limitations may have run out on McCabe’s alleged crimes. What I do know is that sleazeball is indulging in a classic case of projection. He is accusing President Trump of doing the things he and others in the DoJ and FBI have been doing for the last 3+ years.

Meanwhile War Room Host Steve Bannon had some words of warning for McCabe, saying , “Andrew McCabe, go ahead and run, run as far as you want, we’re going come and get you. And it’s totally going to be Constitutional.”

Bannon is currently expected to report to jail after being convicted on a trumped up charge of contempt of Congress. (look for a pardon from President Trump on that one) The contempt charge was his refusing to aid the kangaroo January 6th Committee in the attempts to “Get Trump!” Considering the potential criminal charges that could possibly be brought against the committee members, I’m surprised the courts haven’t vacated the conviction. But what do I know? I’m not a lawyer and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

Intelligence officials penned unwarranted investigations into low-level Trump aides like Carter Page before leaking details of the investigation to the media in order to give validity to their hoax.

They went after Carter Page and flat out lied to the court to get the FISA wiretap warrants. The Daily Fetched article lists all the activities by the three letter agencies and how they covered up the activities of the Biden Crime Family and how they used the fake dossier paid for by Felonia von Pantsuit to start a two year investigation into President Trump.

I have little doubt that President Trump’s new Attorney General, whoever that may be is going to be extremely busy for the next four years. First, cleaning out the DoJ of all the corrupt officials who have abused their authority. Then reviewing all the information from President Trump’s first administration to determine if crimes were committed. What won’t happen is a general roundup with an all expense paid trip to Guantanamo Bay. I do expect a lot of people will be shown the door.

What I do find both interesting and amusing is the levels of paranoia that McCabe is claiming exists among all these people in the various three letter agencies. If they did nothing illegal, (Immoral is another matter, but we’re talking actual crimes here), then they won’t be arrested and “Disappeared.” That’s what Progressives, Liberals Democrats and Communists like to do. It will be interesting to see if a bunch of those idiots do flee the country. That will trigger an investigation for sure.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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