Democrat channels Smollett, fakes racist remarks at himself

Good day all. I wrote this before the Debate and haven’t had the chance to post it until now.

Progressive Liberal Democrats love to accuse pretty much anyone who doesn’t follow the WOKE, DEI philosophy of being racists. The reality is that most people flat out don’t care about about a person’s skin color. They look at the individual, which was the goal of Martin Luther King Jr., and ignore the physical aspects of the person.

This is diametrically opposite of what Democrats think. They, like all Socialists and Communists don’t consider the individual, only the group. They also judge people by their skin color, especially Black Americans. In the Progressive’s mind, especially White Progressives, Black Americans are to dumb to succeed on their own and that they must be helped by the White Progressive Elite.

Then came the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump and his plan to Make America Great Again. President Trump treats everyone the same and wants everyone to succeed. He looks at each person as an individual. When he was president, things started improving for Black Americans and other Americans.

This really angered the Leftists and we saw a large increase in alleged “Hate Crimes.” The problem with this increase is that almost all of them were fake. The accusers were the ones creating the alleged “Hate Crimes.” The most notable of these was the Jussie Smollett case.

Smollett was a second rate actor on a cable show and was concerned his career was not progressing as he expected. He cooked up a fake assault by “MAGA hat wearing White Supremacists.” The case was investigated and eventually his story collapsed. He was eventually convicted, no thanks to the prosecutor, Kim Foxx.

In ca classic case of not learning from others mistakes, we have another case in Texas where a Democrat office seeker thought it would be a good idea to fake hate crimes against himself. Here are the details from the New York Post:

An ex-Biden White House appointee and current Democratic candidate for a county commissioner seat in Texas allegedly created a dummy social media account to post bogus racist comments about himself.

Taral Patel, 30, the challenger running for county commissioner in Fort Bend County Precinct 3 just outside of Houston, was arrested for online impersonation last week after an investigation initiated by his opponent, incumbent Andy Meyers.

This should tell you the level of quality of Biden appointees. They keep getting arrested for really stupid things. This is what happens when you look at skin color and not actual qualifications.

The Fort Bend District Attorney’s Office started the probe in October, shortly after a lengthy Facebook post Patel made in September in which he painted himself and his family as victims of a vicious race-based smear campaign perpetrated by his opponent’s supporters.

We take these things very seriously. People who do these sort of things, go after others solely on their skin color or other surface things are basically trash. What is interesting is who actually does things like this. It’s almost always Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

Included with the post was a collage of about a dozen racist messages he claimed he received over the course of his candidacy, calling him vile names such as “monkey” and “subhuman” and attacking his Hindu faith.

Insert eyeroll brain

I can’t think of anyone who has anything against the Hindu religion except possibly Muslims and that’s over in India and Pakistan. Most Americans don’t know much about it and don’t care. You’re Hindu? That’s nice. How about them Red Sox?

Patel’s campaign website says he previously worked for the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division in the Public Integrity Section and was appointed by President Biden to serve in the Office of White House Liaison, as well as the White House Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Committee.

This morons should have known better. These fake accusations always fall apart when authorities start looking into them. Did this clown really think he would get away with it and “Shame” conservative into voting for him? (Yeah, he probably did) He then posted all the “Evidence” that it was those horrible Ultra MAGA Deplorable Racist Republican Racists who committed racism on him.

These hateful images (a small sample attached here) are from a place of deep and misguided fear – incited by people like former President Donald Trump, and today’s extremist Republican party fear that immigrants are ‘taking their jobs’ and setting out to hurt our own communities.” Patel wrote.

There was just one tiny problem with this clown’s cunning plan. His opponent saw something in the “Evidence” that made him go “Wait a minute!”

Meyers became suspicious when he recognized one of the names in the collage, “Antonio Scalywag,” as someone who had previously assailed him online, ABC 13 wrote, prompting him to request an investigation into Patel’s claims.

And that’s when he contacted the authorities.

Investigators subpoenaed Facebook and Google to obtain account information about the user profile, which led them right back to Patel — including his address, phone number, bank card number and more.

On Wednesday Texas Rangers arrested Patel for online impersonation in the third degree — a felony — as well as a Class A misdemeanor charge for misrepresentation of identity. He was briefly held in Fort Bend County Jail before posting bond Thursday morning, putting up $20,000 for the felony charge and $2,500 for the misdemeanor. His next scheduled court appearance is July 22.

And that’s that for the campaign of yet another Jussie Smollett wannabe. That this “Evil Genius” actually thought he could get away with this is astounding. Now his campaign is over, and he may end up spending a few years in a Texas prison. I wonder how many other Biden appointees might be joining him and Sam Brinton?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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