Do the Democrats have a secret plan to oust Biden?

Good day all. This was written just before the Biden Debate disaster. It looks like I was prophetic.

In the realm of “Yeah, I’ll believe this when I see it.” there are rumors that the Democrat Elites are worried that the Senile idiot, Joe Biden, is going to get hammered by the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, in the first debate.

Joe Biden should never have run for President in 2020. His mental decline was showing even then. (Never mind all the corruption that has since come out), However, the psychopath decided “This is it!” and Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden, I mean Joe Biden jumped in with the help of the party elites. I won’t bother going over the whole tainted election of 2020. The data out there is leaning to the election being rigged.

Now we have the Rematch of the Century! President Trump is challenging the dementia patient for a second term. This panicked the Democrat and Deep State elites for a very simple reason. They are terrified that this time, President Trump, having learned how bad things are, is really going to drain the swamp and burn it to the ground. They have done everything they can to “Get Trump!” and watched as everything backfired including the recent Kangaroo case in New York.

Now the first of the debates is coming up and the Democrats are in a full blown panic. Biden’s recent trip to Europe for the D-Day anniversary was such a debacle that the Democrats are now actively, if very quietly, trying to figure out a way to dump Biden and Harris and replace them with a team that has a chance. Here are the details from the occasionally accurate Daily Mail:

Nearly every time President Joe Biden appears in public these days, he fuels the chatter: Will aging Joe bow out of the 2024 race? Will he be forced to step aside? In the latest incident, former president Barack Obama was seen on Saturday reaching for Biden’s hand and seemingly guiding the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief off the stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser. 

And that came after Biden stood motionless and stared blankly for a full minute at a Juneteenth celebration at the White House on Monday, as others sang and danced around him. Eventually, Philonise Floyd, brother of the late George Floydnoticed Biden’s concerning pause and wrapped his arm around him to help.

I won’t bother with the rehash of the Floyd incident and the blatant miscarriage of justice, not to mention the Summer of Fiery Love” his overdosing on Fentanyl caused. That Biden has been freezing up more and more, and apparently having more “Trousers Accidents” has started moving beyond meme level and into the active consciousness of the American voters.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates is denying that Biden froze in the viral video, calling it a ‘cheap fake memo’ being spewed by the media. 

There was a small problem with that denial. It was caught live and by multiple sources. Deep Fakes are generally single source only. This is why people are curious about the “Great Joe Biden Replacement Theory.”

It’s the idea that somehow, some way the President will be swapped out as the Democratic Party‘s candidate ahead of the 2024 election.

‘Dropping out would be a big risk. But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk,’ polling guru Nate Silver wrote on social media last week. ‘Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.’

The Daily Mail story continues with several other quotes from Democrat movers and grifters shakers talking about how Biden should not have run for reelection. Of course, he shouldn’t have run for election in 2020. Since then his actions have done enormous, potentially irreversible damage to the United States. This is just fine for the Democrats and the Deep State of course. However, if President Trump wins, he’s going to go full bore to reverse everything he can that Dementia Joe has done and this can’t be allowed.

Now, a last-ditch effort by Biden’s backers to silence his critics inside the party may prove to be his ultimate undoing.

One can only hope.

According to Democratic bigwig, Obama campaign guru David Axelrod, the Biden team scheduled one of the earliest presidential debates in history (June 27 on CNN) to prove to naysayers that Joe’s not going anywhere. But the gambit carries tremendous risk.

While an efficient debate performance by Biden could help rally Democrats behind him – a significant misstep would only stoke more replacement chatter.

There is no way that Biden can pull off a debate without massive cheating. Even with that, he will probably still fail. While President Trump is a few years younger then Dementia Joe, the differences in their health, vitality and mental acuity couldn’t be more obvious. Even with the moderators rigging things to favor Biden, (Which will, as all these things the left has been doing, backfire), all it’s going to take is one freeze up, one load in his pants or tripping and falling down and it’s game over.

Now has learned that if Joe stumbles in that first face-off with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it’ll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.

That won’t happen. Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden won’t permit it.

‘The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,’ one Democratic strategist told ‘It would have to be the four of them collectively.’

Oh that’s amusing, Pelosi has her own issues coming out and that crone is older then Biden. Bill Clinton has no real influence any longer. Obama and Schumer might be able to convince Biden to step aside, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

Political columnist Joe Klein theorized in a recent newsletter that if Biden were to stand down, ‘a vigorous young candidate — don’t ask me who — could win over the country with a single convention speech’ in August.’

In Klein’s scenario, the Democratic party savior would deliver an Obama-esque inspirational speech, akin to Barack’s famous 2004 Democratic Convention address, that would quickly bring together disaffected Democrats and moderate independents.

And who might that be? It won’t be the Retired Prostitute, Kameltoe Harris. She has been an abject failure as Vice President, which is a remarkable achievement in and of itself. She’s hated by everyone and if Biden goes, she’s out the door soon after.

Strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power to the new candidate.  Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.

They would also have to convince Harris to throw her support behind the substitute, which would be a painful experience for someone so fiercely protective of their political future.

That isn’t going to happen and they know it. Harris is stupid, and arrogant. If they try to force her to stand aside, she will fight them tooth and nail. She will lose of course, but the damage she would do would cripple the Democrats. (Not a bad thing of course)

The other potential choice is Kalifornistan Govno Gavin Hair Gel Newsom. However, he has a huge number of problems of his own. He’s pretty much destroyed what was once the golden state of California and thanks to him and the other Democrats, Kalifornistan is loosing population for the first time ever. His recent tour across the country, which looked like a campaign tour, failed epically. He has no chance nationally. That doesn’t mean that sanctimonious idiot won’t try if presented with the opportunity.

The simple fact of the matter is that the Democrats have no one to replace Biden. The only person who might have had a chance was Tulsi Gabbard. The only problem here is that Gabbard quit the Democrat Party in disgust. There really isn’t anyone available who’s not to the left of Karl Marx available in the Democrat Party.

Even if they do somehow boot Biden and Harris out, there will be a major question of why wasn’t Biden removed under the 25th Amendment 2 years ago? If, as everyone believes, Joe Biden has been mentally incompetent since basically day one of his maladministration then the Democrat Party has willingly put this nation in major jeopardy, up to and including a potential nuclear attack. If this is the case, the next administration is going to need to look at criminal and RICO charges against every cabinet member, certain congressional leaders and the DNC. This goes to the level of sedition and potentially, actual treason. Let’s see what happens during the debate and afterwards.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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