Yet another Rich Progressive terrified Trump is coming for him

Good day all. I have yet another instance of extreme TDS induced paranoia to comment on. Well to be honest, make snide remarks about and laugh hysterically over. The levels of terror the impending reelection of the Greatest President of the 21st Century is bringing to certain people is heartwarming.

In this case we have one of the founders of LinkedIn who is looking over his shoulder and checking under his bed for President Trump. Here are some of the details The Hill:

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, one of the largest financial backers of Democrats, said he’s concerned there could be retaliation against him from former President Trump if he’s elected in November.

Hoffman has argued that President Biden would actually be a better president for business leaders because he respects the rule of law.

I think Hoffman needs to pull his head out of his ass if he thinks that Dementia Joe has any respect for the Constitution or the Rule of Law. That corrupt pedo has been selling his office and probably national secrets for decades.

Maybe [Trump] will persecute his political opponents with the instruments of state,” Hoffman said Wednesday in a CNN interview with Matt Egan. “I’ve literally talked to business leaders who are fearful about speaking out against this because they’re fearful of retaliation.”

Have they actually broken the law? If not, then all they need fear is a landslide of mean tweets.

Hoffman argued that despite Trump’s advocacy for lower taxes and less regulation — policy generally favored by business leaders — that’s not the full picture in this election.

And what, pray tell, is the “Full picture?”

The rule of law is what has made America very special,” he said. “It has made an environment for business that has been spectacular and a glowing beacon to the entire world.” 

Not wrong so far.

It’s the trust that other countries have in us in our system and how we interact, which allows our industries to export and allows the dollar to be the reserve world currency of the world,” he continued. “And that’s the reason why Biden is fundamentally, no matter what, more pro-business than Trump.”

Hoffman has been one of the loudest voices against Trump among the billionaire class. He has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to political causes opposing him, and even helped fund author E. Jean Carroll’s rape civil case against him last year.

That was another kangaroo case that was set up to “Get Trump!” It will eventually be overturned just like the fake fraud case and the recent fake conviction on something. However, Hoffman is no saint. Here is what the Daily Fetched found out about him.

As we reported last year, Hoffman admitted he had visited Epstein’s island, Little St. James, telling the Wall Street Journal, “It gnaws me that, by lending my association, I helped his reputation, and thus delayed justice for his survivors.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that Hoffman made plans to stay overnight at Epstein’s townhouse in Manhattan, New York, the same year, where he joined globalists like Bill Gates for a “breakfast party.”

Uh huh. So, was that “Breakfast party attended by naked 15 year old girls?

In 2015, Hoffman joined other Silicon Valley leaders to meet with Epstein again at his home in Palo Alto.

I wonder what his entry in Epstein’s infamous book has to say about him? Perhaps there might actually be something to this delusional paranoid’s terror of President Trump. He might actually be guilty of something that might get him dumped into general population with people who don’t like Pedos and aren’t getting out of prison in any case.

If this isn’t the case, then we are seeing the classic tendency of Progressives to project on their “enemies” everything that they actually do. I can’t wait to see what he does if/when President Trump is elected to a second term.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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