Gavin Newsom not interested in replacing Biden?

Good day all. With the fallout from the Great Debacle still falling all over the Democrats, and the talk of getting rid of the Dementia Patient in the White House, people are wondering who is going to replace Dementia Joe Biden if he is somehow removed from the ballot. One name bandied about has been Govno Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom.

He has been looking like he’s been sucking around for the candidacy for the better part of a year. However, he has a few minor issues, both with the Democrat base and the general electorate. For the base, he’s to white, to male and to rich. For the rest of the country, he’s seen as the incompetent governor of California who has turned the formally golden state into a literal third world shithole.

Now with the problem of Biden’s obvious mental incompetence and the Democrat Propaganda Corps no longer able to cover it up, people are wondering who should replace Biden on the ticket? Kamala Harris thinks it should be her, although no one else does. Someone suggested Felonia von Pantsuit but she’s a proven loser and as crooked as the Biden Crime Family. This leaves Govno Hair Gel Newsom. The problem is, he may not want the job. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance has Democrats scrambling for a plan B on Friday, but one of the top contenders, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, keeps saying he’s not interested.

Newsom insisted he will not be the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, telling a scrum of news reporters following the debate, “Our nominee is Joe Biden. I’m looking forward to voting for him in November.”

Newsom also said the chatter about who could replace Biden on the ticket is “unhelpful” and “unnecessary.” 

We’ve got to have the back of this president,” Newsom told MSNBC. “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that? Democrats deliver. The president has delivered. We need to deliver for him at this moment. With all due respect, the more time we start having these conversations, go down these rabbit holes, it’s unhelpful to our democracy, our fate, and the future of this country.”

I wonder what Newsom has been smoking? Biden’s performance, or lack there of, demonstrated that not only does he need to be removed from the ballot, but from office as well. The Washington Examiner story has a lot of comments and quotes by the usual Progressive suspects who know that it’s basically all over for Biden. This is why they are trying to find someone, anyone else to replace him. (Other than Kamala Harris)

Even though Newsom has indicated he’s sitting 2024 out, his actual odds of winning improved dramatically with a number of bookmakers, Newsweek reported

I looked at that Newsweek article, and it is an exercise in wishful liberal thinking. The baggage that Newsom carries killed him a few months back in his “Not actually campaigning” national campaign tour. If they were to put him on the ballot replacing Biden, President Trump and the Republicans will flat out destroy him and I suspect that narcissistic idiot know this.

I also suspect that the last three and a half years of the worst administration in American history has turned those who stupidly voted for Biden against the Democrat Party. Govno Hair Gel Newsom may want to be president, but he knows that the odds are President Trump is going to win. Newsom needs to protect his future chances. I think this is why he is walking away from replacing Biden. Still, things may change.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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