The Trump vs Biden debate tonight

Good day all. This is going to be a quick post. The first debate between the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump and the Worst President* in American History, Joe “Hairsniffer” Biden will be kicking off on CNN at 9PM Eastern Daylight time.

There will be millions of people watching the debate, expecting Biden to be hopped up on drugs, the “Moderators” trying to both protect Biden and “Get Trump! And President Trump mopping the floor, walls and ceiling with Joe Biden.

I won’t be one of them.

I despise CNN and won’t provide them with any help in their viewership. I understand that the debate will be carried on TwitterX. I’ve also read that CNN threatened TwitterX and Elon Musk with a copyright hit. Elon Musk told them to pound sand. I suspect that CNN doesn’t have a leg to stand on legally.

I’ll catch up on the debate in the morning and probably do a post mortem. Of course, if Biden should drop dead of a drug overdose we might be looking at an actual post mortem. As to what I’m going to be doing? Watching The Boys on Amazon.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to The Trump vs Biden debate tonight

  1. Facebook called this spam and removed it. It may be time to close down our facebook accounts. It’s obvious now that they are censoring this site.

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