The Great Biden Replacement Theory

Good day all. Since the Great Debacle Thursday, June 27th, there has been talk of getting Joe Biden the Hell off the ballot before he takes down all the down ticket races in November. (They also are hoping someone can “Stop Trump!” as well) However, forcing Dementia Joe off the ballot has a lot of problems, especially of Biden won’t go.

Even if the Grand Poobahs of the Democrat Party do somehow get Biden off the ballot, probably at the convention, there are a few other issues they have to consider. Would their choice even be on the ballot in some of the states? Here are the details from the Gateway Pundit:

The Democratic Party is facing a potential crisis. Following Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, concerns about his fitness to serve have intensified.

The debate has left the party in a state of panic, with whispers of Biden stepping down becoming louder.

The Gateway Pundit article goes on to say that this was always the plan. To get Biden up against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump as early as possible to reassure the liberal sheep and the donors. If Biden should fail, which he did, spectacularly, then Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton and Chuck Schumer would meet with him and tell him to step aside. I won’t go into how dumb bring Clinton and Pelosi into this sounds. However, even if they succeeded, there is a major problem.

There is another potential complication. Biden could stubbornly refuse to step down and continue his campaign until Election Day.

Which he is doing

If Biden refuses to step down, it would put the Democratic Party in a difficult position. They would have to contend not only with a stubborn incumbent but also with potential backlash from leftists if Kamala Harris is passed over for the nomination.

Harris’s only hope of ever becoming President is to get Biden reelected, and then either force him out, he leaves on his own, or drops dead. She can’t win on her own since her poll numbers are even worse then Dementia Joe’s. Even if they get past all that, there is one more issue. Biden’s replacement won’t appear on several swing state ballots.

However, it may already be too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is gearing up for a counter-fight should Democrats attempt to pull Biden off the top of the ticket, the Daily Mail reported.

We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed,” said Mike Howell, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

That will be a challenge. Since when have the Democrats ever let things like election integrity and official procedures get in their way?

The Heritage Oversight Project has identified three swing states – Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin – where they believe removing Biden from the Democratic ticket would prevent anyone else from replacing him.

The issue with Georgia is that back in 2020, the RINO’s running the state allowed major voting and ballot counting irregularities to stand. The Govno and Secretary of State flat out refused to look into anything. Since then a number of issues have been found, especially in Fulton County.

Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death, while in Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year unless ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’ In Georgia, if Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name would remain on the ballot but no votes would be counted.

It just so happens that the fourth Friday in June was the 28th. Of course, adjudicating Biden as mentally incompetent would be fairly easy to do, but would require that he be removed from office under the 25th Amendment. That will take a good deal of time, especially if the Biden’s fight it, which Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden most assuredly will.

If Biden is removed by any means other than death or the 25th Amendment, it looks like his replacement will not be on the ballot in those three states. Currently, Nevada is starting to swing towards President Trump. Wisconsin is a toss-up, however I wouldn’t hold my breath that it will go for President Trump, UNLESS the Democrat candidate isn’t shown. I expect that Georgia will go for President Trump this time. Without question, the RNC and the Trump campaign are going to be keeping a very close eye on things down there.

The Democrats have managed, once again, to screw themselves sideways. Dementia Joe Biden was always meant to be just a filler who followed Obama’s instructions. He wasn’t supposed to run again. There is little doubt that they knew Biden wasn’t all there in 2020, but they never expected either his stunning incompetence or his mental degradation to be so extreme. Time to buy more popcorn futures. The show is getting underway.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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