SCOTUS confirms Presidential immunity. Democrats go off the deep end

Good day all. I wrote this prior to all the news on the Biden collapse and haven’t had time to post it.

Today the Supreme court released their decision on Presidential immunity. The short version, Presidents have substantial immunity for official acts. The decision was the expected 6-3 with the Liberal justices not thinking about what denying immunity would mean.

Right on schedule, the morons of the Democrat Party attacked the Court and the decision. Here are a few details from Fox News:

“This is a sad day for America and a sad day for our democracy,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., wrote on X. “The very basis of our judicial system is that no one is above the law.”

“Treason or incitement of an insurrection should not be considered a core constitutional power afforded to a president,” he continued. 

Schumer is of course, stupid. He also doesn’t know anything about the Constitution or the charge of Treason. If any group could be charged with treason, it’s the Democrat Party. As for insurrection, that narrative has fallen apart. That won’t stop Schumer and the rest of the liars of the Democrat party of course.

Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt., claimed in a statement, “This Court has lost all credibility—made painfully clear by the fact that Justice Thomas and Justice Alito refused to recuse themselves from this case despite their glaring lack of impartiality.”

The Vermont lawmaker has been an advocate of ethical reform for the nation’s highest court.

This jerk’s idea of ethical reform is that the court goes back to ruling against the constitution, the American people and doing what they’re told to do by the Democrat Party.

The ruling sets a “dangerous precedent,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said in a statement. “House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution,” he added.

Yeah, good luck with that. The courts can and will ignore you. As to bringing them into compliance with the Constitution? They are in compliance. It’s the Progressive Liberal Democrats that have been tearing up the Constitution for over a century.

The Fox News story continues with the Democrats screaming, ranting and raving about this decision, not thinking about several Democrat presidents that this ruling covers, such as Barack Hussein Obama. Right off the bat, without this immunity, he can be charged with 1st degree murder of two United States citizens.

The problem for the Democrats is their utter contempt for the Constitution. It limits their desires to assert absolute power of the American people. For almost a century, the courts have been used by the Democrats to ignore those pesky ignorant peons who objected to being told what to do by “Their betters.”

Even the leftist supreme court justices in their dissenting opinion were ignoring the law and the constitution. For them it was all about “Orange Man Bad!” Frankly, Sotomayor needs to be removed from the court, but through lawful and constitutional means, something she doesn’t grant those she considers “Lesser Beings. She and the others, like all Progressive Liberal Democrats, are unable to think past the moment and look at what could happen down the road.

One thing this will probably do is kill the cases against President Trump. I expect there will be a number of motions in the next few weeks. One of those, and I think it’s already being made, is the question of the legality of Jack Smith’s appointment. Justice Thomas pointedly commented on that in his concurring opinion. For now, we just need to sit back and enjoy the fireworks as all the liberal heads go POP!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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