Now Obama worried that Trump will arrest him

Good day all. I’ve been writing posts on various people who have gone full Trump Derangement Syndrome paranoid over the last few weeks. Most of these people are Hollywood barking moonbats who have posted nasty tweets regarding the Greatest President of the 21st Century. There have also been some current and former government officials who have announced that they’re terrified of a Trump victory.

Now we have a senior member of a previous government who has announced that he’s worried that he might be arrested. That would be former President Barack Obama. Here are the amusing details from the Daily Fetched:

Former President Barack Obama is becoming increasingly nervous and agitated as the 2024 election looms, according to insiders.

Obama is reportedly making panicked moves to prop up Joe Biden‘s campaign as it becomes increasingly obvious he has no chance of beating former president Donald Trump. Democrats are terrified about Trump taking back the White House, and more so Obama, who is heavily invested in Biden’s victory, because he has everything to lose.

Now what could Obama and his thugs be so worried about if President Trump returns to the White House? Could it be all the law breaking and corruption by both administrations? Are they concerned that no one is above the law now and the two-tier justice system will be shut down?

If Trump wins, everything they have done will be fully exposed, and the wheels of justice will ultimately turn against them, especially Obama.

Breitbart News reported:

Former President Barack Obama is anxious about President Joe Biden’s chances of reelection, so he has “increasingly involved” himself in the Biden campaign, sources told New York Magazine.

Obama’s involvement reportedly began after Biden campaign officials realized in late 2023 that they would face former President Donald Trump in a historic rematch.

Trump has about a two-in-three chance of completing the greatest political comeback in modern American politics, an Economist model forecast in June. In addition, 73 percent of voters think Biden is too old to be an effective president, a New York Times/Siena College survey in March showed, including 61 percent who supported Biden in 2020..

The problem isn’t so much Dementia Joe’s age as his physical, mental and moral decrepitude. President Trump is only a few years younger, yet physically and mentally, he is heads and shoulders above Joe Biden. It’s so obvious, that there are reports of a “Secret Plan” to get Biden off the ballot.

As we reported last week, White House insiders leaked a secret plan to replace Biden if his poll rating continues to plummet.

As Kari Lake warned last November, feeble Biden would be replaced at the last second, adding it is “pretty obvious” to anyone paying attention.

According to Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, Biden will” likely” be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee by November.

There are a number of others in the Daily Fetched story saying that Biden will be replaced. There are a few problems with that. Problem one, Joe Biden. He won’t leave. Then there is Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. Frankly, she should be criminally charged with elder abuse. Then there are a number of people in the maladministration and cabinet who have to much to lose if Biden is removed.

Finally, who would replace him? Kamala Harris? Nope. she’s out the door with Biden. Govno Hair Gel Newsom? He has the problem that people and businesses are abandoning Kalifornistan. His recent pretend campaign tour and debate with Governor DeSantis was a flat out disaster. Finally, he’s to white and to rich. That leaves Obama’s Husband. Michelle Obama and she isn’t interested.

Meanwhile, Obama is hedging his bets on Biden. As NY Magazine reported:

As he has become more plugged into Biden’s political thinking, Obama speaks more often with O’Malley Dillon — the campaign’s chair and functionally its executive — including about Biden’s efforts to target hard-to-persuade young and Black voters.

Biden’s racism is finally coming out, along with the economic devastation for black Americans and they are walking away from Biden and the Democrat party.

Though “his anxiety about the election is real,” in the words of one Obama friend, the ex-president’s concerns sounded a lot like those of other top Democrats, according to others who’ve spoken with him.

And those concerns may be that President Trump is going to come for him? If anyone has anything to worry about, it’s Barack Obama. He could technically be charged with murder. He had a couple of American citizens, one of whom was under 18, killed in a drone strike in a country we were not engaged in hostilities with. There are a number of other potential crimes Obama could be charged with as well, and unlike the garbage they’ve been trying to “Get Trump!” with, these would be real with solid evidence.

Those who are in regular touch with Obama say these nerves are not a reflection of any particular angst about Biden or his team but of the broader reality: The country is closely divided, the media landscape is fractured, and Donald Trump may very well win.

Going back to 2020, it’s looking more and more like President Trump actually did win that election and that it was stolen by the Deep State and the Democrat Party. As to the country being fractured, that is all on the Democrats and you. Race relations, (And I hate that term. There is only one intelligent race known on this planet and that is the human race), prior to your election were very good. Then you came in and your hatred of white people and America came out. It will be decades to fix the damage you and the Democrats have done.

Obama has always acknowledged to friends and worried supporters in search of reassurance that the race is likely to be a nail-biter.

Honestly, it looks like it’s President Trump’s to lose. I don’t think he’s going to be caught off guard the way he was in 2020. One thing about President Donald Trump, he learns from his mistakes. Everything the Democrats have thrown at him has failed miserably. The civil and criminal kangaroo courts in New York were so blatantly unfair, that companies are pulling out of New York as fast as they can.

The Republicans are now being seen as competitive in races that the Democrats thought were theirs, and now they have to push resources into them. President Trump is campaigning in states that he has no expectations of winning and yet, he just might. Perhaps Obama can join the exodus of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and Deep State operatives who are looking at immigrating to a non-extradition country.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Now Obama worried that Trump will arrest him

  1. Jon P says:

    “If anyone has anything to worry about, it’s Barack Obama. He could technically be charged with murder.”
    The presidential immunity ruling cuts both ways. Presidents are immune from prosecution for official actions. Having the military conduct drone strikes, even against countries we’re not officially at war with, is pretty official if you ask me (not that you did :P).

    • Part of that drone strike was the killing of a 16 year old American citizen. His father was the target, and also an American citizen.

      This was brought up in court (Not this case), and Obama was ruled to be immune from court action.


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