Trump once again demonstrates true humanity, reaches out to family of murder victim

Good day all. A week or so ago, a pair of illegal aliens brutally assaulted and murdered a 12 year old girl in Houston. The murderers have been caught and will be dealt with under Texas law. (They have the death penalty) This tragedy, which should never have happened, has been pretty much ignored by the Biden Maladministration.

One person who didn’t ignore it is the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump. He reached out to the family about 10 minutes before last Thursday’s debate. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former President Trump called the mother of murdered 12-year-old Houston girl Jocelyn Nungaray just minutes before he took to the debate stage against President Biden on Thursday, with the slain girl’s mother reportedly “shocked” by the goodwill gesture.  

I don’t know why she was shocked. President Trump has always tried to do what he can in such terrible circumstances. Compare this with Biden who finds doing things like this to be a chore, especially when it’s his actions that caused the tragedies.

Jocelyn, who police say was strangled to death last week by two illegal immigrants, was laid to rest earlier in the day at a cemetery in north Houston.

Those vermin did a lot more than just murder that poor girl. I have a suspicion that they won’t last long in General Population.

During the debate, Trump mentioned he had spoken to Jocelyn’s mother before his high-stakes clash with Biden, but Trump’s campaign tells Fox News Digital the conversation took place a mere 10 minutes before the debate kicked off. 

As I mentioned the other day, I wasn’t going to watch the Biden Debacle Debate so I wasn’t aware that this call had taken place or that it happened just before the debate.

“I just spoke to the mother and they just had the funeral for this girl, 12 years old, this is horrible what’s taken place,” Trump said during the debate where he repeatedly raised the issue of illegal immigration and highlighted several high-profile murder cases police say were perpetrated by migrants.

I’m sure it went in one ear and straight through unrestricted and out the other ear of Joe Biden.

Victoria Galvan, who was with Alexis when Trump called, told the New York Post that the former president conveyed that there was no one he would’ve preferred to talk to before the debate than her. 

“He was like, ‘I’m actually about to come on for a debate’ … He gave his condolences and he said that he would be reaching back out to her,” Galvan told the Post. The outlet was first to report that Trump and Alexis spoke 10 minutes before the debate. 

“He wanted to… say that he was praying for Alexis and that he’s been thinking about her and he wanted to reach out. He said that he was going to reach out in a couple days to her … I mean, she was really … we were all shocked,” Galvan said.

The two murderers are, as I said earlier, illegally in the United States. They had been caught by the Border Patrol, but per the “Let all the criminals in” policy of the Biden maladministration, they were released. They then found, raped and murdered Jocelyn Nungaray. As for the Biden maladministration’s response?

A White House spokesperson last week, in a statement to NBC News, said “our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Jocelyn Nungaray. 

“We cannot comment on active law enforcement cases. But fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this type of heinous and shocking crime should be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law,” the statement added. 

There was no attempt by anyone in that corrupt maladministration to reach out to the family. This is not the first time that President Trump reached out to the families of people murdered by Biden’s policies. He did the same with the family of the late Rachael Morin, another victim of Joe Biden, Alejendro Mayorkas and the Democrats refusal to defend the borders of the United States.

I have no doubt that Texas will give these two scumbags a fair trial and then a nice execution. The question now is what happens next year. If things go as I hope, President Trump will be returned to office. The Democrats will be electorally slaughtered in the down ticket races, and around May of next year, Operation Wetback II will kick off and we will see mass roundups and deportations of the millions of criminals Biden and the Democrats let into the country.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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