Kackling Kamala can’t hold on to staff

Good day all. I’ve written about how Kackling Kamala is a Hell of a boss to work for. By that, I mean between working for her and Satan, Satan is considered to be the better employer. Since her successful coup to remove Dementia Joe Biden from presidential race, people have started looking into her past record. One of these is the turnover rate for people working in the Vice President’s office.

Harris’s staff turnover is a bit on the high side. Actually, it’s quite a bit on the high side. It seems no one can stand to work for the entitled Diversity hire. Here are the details from the Federalist:

Kamala Harris’ office has had a staggering 91.5 percent turnover rate since she became vice president, an investigation from government watchdog organization Open The Books (OTB) revealed on Monday. Of the 47 staff members hired when Harris took office in 2021, only four reportedly remained in her employment as of March 2024. 

That is an extraordinarily high turnover rate. You would expect some turnover of course. People who came in to help get things set up and moving on, others who found better opportunities and some who were flat out fired for reasons. 91.5%, if this were a private sector employer, would be sending up flares that there was something very wrong with this organization.

The report comes as Biden’s X account announced he will “stand down” from his reelection campaign and “fully support” Harris as the new nominee.

OTB utilized U.S. Senate disclosures to obtain records from the vice president’s office, including 2021 and 2024 payrolls. 

Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff,” wrote OTB founder Adam Andrzejewski.“Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate.”

Basically, there is no one who knows the ins and outs as it were, of how things need to be done in the VP’s office. Some of the more senior people who bailed took off a year after the installation of Biden and Harris.

Payrolls provide further insight into the “staff exodus” in Harris’ office. As The Atlantic reported in October 2023, Harris’ communications director, national security adviser, chief of staff, and numerous aides left within a year and a half of her taking office in January 2021. 

Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees,” Andrzejewski wrote.

And this bimbo thinks she can be president? Apparently, not only can’t her own staff stand her, she can’t manage her office budget either, or there isn’t anyone competent who can still there.

OTB’s investigation also revealed budget discrepancies and a lack of transparency from Harris’ office. As Andrzejewski said, “Kamala Harris, Office of Vice President, is committed to the opacity of its payrolls and all other office information.”

Apparently, Open The Books (OTB), filed a Freedom Of Information Act request. The response from the VP’s office? It boiled down to “No and go away.” They claimed that the wasn’t subject to the FOIA. I have no information if the Vice President is covered under FOIA or not. I think it’s safe to assume they are covered by Congressional oversight since they approve the budget.

The VP’s rejection makes her the least transparent elected office holder in the country,” Andrzejewski wrote in a 2021 Forbes article detailing the interaction. “Citizens ought to be concerned that the person next in line for the presidency is so unwilling to disclose how she spends their money.”

Apparently, there is a reason that the Kackling Kameltoe doesn’t want anyone to know where the money for her office has been going.

OTB’s investigation also revealed an over $2 million discrepancy in Harris’ allocation of taxpayer dollars.

We calculated that for VP Harris’s 28 staff listed in the Senate report, the 2021 salaries added up to $2,334,223,” Andrzejewski wrote. But the vice president’s office “got $5 million for 23 full time staff in 2021 and requested over $6 million for 27 full time staff in 2022.”

So where did that money actually go?

Staffers in Harris’ office have reported a toxic work environment since 2021, when The Washington Post spoke with 18 individuals in Harris’ orbit. Descriptions ranged from “uncomfortable” to “soul-destroying.”

So Kackling Kamala is also blowing Satan for some help then?

Others said Harris blamed staff for her lack of preparation.

It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,” a former anonymous staffer told the Post. “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”

I have little doubt that this will be buried by the Democrat Propaganda Corps, aka, The Main Stream Media. Therefore, we need to make sure that the voters of this country know that Harris will probably end up repeating this on a far larger, and frankly more dangerous scale if she somehow sleazes her way into the Oval Office.

Compare this with the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. He should have fired more people in his first term a lot sooner then he did. One of his mistakes was in selecting people to help him administer the nation and push his agenda through. Far to many were Deep State RINO’s who hurt President Trump. The good news is, unlike Kackling Kamala, President Trump learns from his mistakes. Harris will just continue repeating them.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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