CNN’s Jim Acosta claims that President Trump was adequately protected

Good day all. The Lame Stream Media, for the most part is somewhat tippy toeing around the incredible screw ups that almost got the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, killed. Then there is CNN.

CNN has a long history of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Add to that, President Trump mopped the floor with Dementia Joe during the debate with CNN’s Propagandists, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash acting as the “Moderators.” Many at CNN were upset that Tapper and Bash didn’t protect Biden from himself. Personally, I think they saw what was coming and knew they couldn’t stop it.

Then came the assassination attempt on President Trump. The investigations on how the Secret Service could have screwed up this badly are still ongoing. Everyone who knows anything about working a protective detail has already said that the set up was a disgrace. Then you have CNN’s Jim Acosta. His TDS has just gone into overdrive. Here are the details from the Federalist:

CNN’s Jim Acosta claimed during his afternoon segment on Tuesday, July 23rd, that it was “wildly irresponsible” for former President Donald Trump to accurately note that the U.S. Secret Service failed to protect him from an attempted assassination that left him with a wounded ear.

The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!” former President Donald Trump wrote Tuesday on Truth Social.

The 2024 Republican presidential nominee also pointed out shortly after U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned in disgrace that she “never gave me proper protection, so I ended up having to take a bullet for democracy.”

Frankly, she should have been fired for her incompetence. The problem is, she’s pretty much the standard level of competence for all the Biden Maladministration’s hires. Of course, we have CNN’s usual “Cover up liberal incompetence at all costs!” and this is where Acosta comes in.

When you hear the former president saying something like that, what’s your reaction?” Acosta asked his guest. “I mean, obviously, the Secret Service is a professional operation. To say something like ‘they did not protect me,’ it just sounds just wildly irresponsible.”

I wonder if Acosta has watched the same videos, testimonies and reports that everyone else on planet Earth has been watching?

Acosta’s insinuation that the Secret Service offered Trump adequate protection on July 13 is not only factually inaccurate, but it’s also “wildly irresponsible.”

The Federalist story then goes on to list all of the failures by the Secret Service known as of the publishing of the story. Even more have come out including the Secret Service refusing the offer of drone support. Acosta, like most of the so called “Journalists” so hate President Trump that they will outright deny reality.

They would have celebrated if President Trump has been assassinated, not understanding what would have happened next. This is why most of the people flat out don’t trust or believe anything that the MSM says, unless they can confirm it themselves. As far as most of the people are concerned, the MSM lies about everything.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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