Senator Dick Durbin angry that 9/11 terrorists not getting plea deal

Good day all. A couple of weeks ago a report came out that the planners of the 9/11 attack were being offered a plea agreement. When this got out, pretty much the entire country exploded in anger. The secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin did something right for a change and canceled the deal.

Islamic Terrorist hijacked airliner about to hit the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

There was one person who was very unhappy that the 9/11 terrorists lost their deal. This was Senator Dick Durbin, aka Durbin the Turban. He is demanding that Austin reinstate the plea deal. Here are the details from Fox News:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., pleaded with Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to reinstate plea deals that were struck with three accused masterminds behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks after they were revoked last week, (August 2nd). 

“I urge Secretary Austin to reverse this deeply disappointing decision, which denies finality and justice to 9/11 families and exposes yet again the lack of independence that has haunted the military commissions from the outset,” Durbin wrote on X.

I honestly can say that I am not surprised that Durbin the Turban would ask/demand that the plea deal be reinstated. He has consistently opposed anything that holds the Islamic world accountable for terrorist actions against the United States. He stood four square with Saddam Hussein prior to the start of Gulf War 2. (Something that Hussein could have avoided if he had just stuck to the agreements he signed after Gulf War 1)

The Department of Defense initially revealed last week that pre-trial agreements were entered with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi. 

And that announcement is what set off pretty much everyone. How dare these pantywaist progressives take the death penalty off the table after these scum murdered over 3000 people. Lloyd Austin was looking at a potential impeachment with a fair chance of conviction in the Senate. He announced that he wasn’t aware of this deal, revoked it and got rid of the morons who proposed it.

Now we have Durbin, who, to be blunt, would be considered a traitor in almost all other countries. (He might have reached the level under our laws but that is another issue) I am not at all surprised that he would back mass murdering terrorists over their victims and their families. The good news is, he can’t do squat about it. Yes, he is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, but he has no real support to try and force the Pentagon to reinstate the plea agreement.

Hopefully, when his term is up, someone, either in the primary or in the general election in 2026 will bring this up. It would be nice to see him try and justify protecting the planners of the worst terrorist attack on the United States in history. Sadly, I don’t see this happening.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Senator Dick Durbin angry that 9/11 terrorists not getting plea deal

  1. The only choice they should get is 5.56 or hemp. Burial in unconsecrated ground sewn into a pig skin is non negotiable


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