Cocaine Mitch announces his support for Transnational globalism

Good day all. Senate Minority leader, Mitch McConnell, has announced he is stepping down from his leadership post next year. This is probably his last term as he’s older then the Earth. While the Uniparty is sad that he’s on his way out, most people the Republican base are quite happy that the old swamp dwelling Deep State Uniparty RINO is on his way out.

Cocaine Mitch is one of the Jurassic Pols in Washington. He’s never held a real job and has no idea how the people he allegedly represents live. He’s also not a fan of Making America Great Again. In point of fact, he’s what is known as a “TransNational Globalist.” Basically, the United States is not important and the Global elites, generally in Brussels or the U.N. are the ones who should be running things. Needless to say. “America First” is not something he supports. Here are some details from Breitbart:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Friday that the foreign policy vision that former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Trump’s running mate, espouse is “nonsense.”

McConnell has long tried to eliminate the “isolationist” wing’s increasing influence over the Republican Party.

Cocaine Mitch is one of the Uniparty warmongers. He was always ready to send American forces anywhere in the world to help the Globalists. What most Americans wanted? It didn’t matter. With President Trump’s election in 2016 the Globalists came under a full bore assault by the party base. The RINO’s started seeing what was coming and decided it was a good idea to retire. McConnell, being part of the Deep State elite, fought the Populists tooth and nail, to the point of throwing elections to the Democrats.

Although he did not directly reference Trump or Vance, McConnell called the “America First” foreign policy doctrine “nonsense.”

I mean, even the slogans are what they were in the 30s — ‘America First,’” McConnell added.

While McConnell may have been in office back then, today’s definition of America First is very different from the version from the 30’s. Back then, people were talking about almost total isolation other than trade, and even then there were tariff’s designed to keep foreign goods out. Most of this was due to WW1 and the United States getting dragged into it.

Today it’s different. Americans have no problem trading with other countries, but we want fair trade. You buy our stuff and we will buy yours. You block us from selling in your country, we will block you. Militarily, Americans are tired of spending our treasure and blood on wars that the Uniparty Elites don’t have any intention of winning and have no bearing on American security. In many cases, the average American can’t even see a reason to be in many of these third world hellholes in the first place.

Despite McConnell’s strong support for Ukraine’s protracted war, he admitted in an interview in July that he is not sure what a Ukrainian victory against Russia looks like — after spending more than $175 billion in aid to Ukraine.

[The Ukrainians] know they need to have some signs of success here, which will reassure the democratic countries that they can win,” McConnell said.

The Ukrainians were doing very well for the 1st year, but things have stalemated. One of the issues is they are running out of people. (So are the Russians, but they have more people) They are also getting just enough to keep things going and not enough to actually defeat the Russians decisively. In a few cases, the Biden Maladministration actively stopped the Ukrainians from an action that would have crippled the Russian military effort. However, Cocaine Mitch McConnell’s defense stock portfolio is probably doing very well.

Attendees at the Republican National Convention in July booed McConnell, even though he served as the Kentucky delegate for the convention.

Cocaine Mitch “Brain Freeze” McConnell’s time has long past. Like many of the old Bush/Cheney types, they never really believed in American Exceptionalism. They were firm believers in Globalism and the United Nations. Now the old dinosaur is on his way out. He stayed far to long and now he will be remembered with complete contempt by the Republican party. This comment on America First once again showed just how out of touch he is.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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