Rep. Jamie Ratface Raskin says congress must disqualify Trump

Good day all. Jamie “Ratface” Raskin is a representative from the state of Maryland. He is a Democrat. It goes without saying this also makes him a scumbag. He was on the J6 Kangaroo committee and actively suppressed anything that put President Trump in a positive light.

Now that President Trump is running for President again, and looks like he may win, Raskin has announced that Congress must disqualify the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Here are the details from the Federalist:

If you listen to U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the real insurrection will be led by Democrats and it will begin on Jan. 6, 2025 — should the American people dare to elect former President Donald Trump president again. 

In a video clip making the rounds Monday on social media, the far left firebrand laments what he characterizes as a lazy U.S. Supreme Court interfering with the Democratic Party’s plan to interfere with the 2024 election. 

And so [the court] want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin said in a panel discussion on Feb. 17, as the Supreme Court was mulling the constitutionality of the leftist Colorado secretary of state’s use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot.

And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions all because nine justices — not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not much work to do, have a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin declared at a Washington, D.C. bookstore gathering of self-important leftists. 

Ratface Rankin has no idea what would happen if he manged to pull this off. (He won’t) His comment about needing bodyguards for “Civil War conditions” doesn’t even scratch the surface of what would happen.

Raskin’s rant may rank among the more incendiary comments about the court since U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unleashed his “release the whirlwind” diatribe at a pro-abortion rally on the steps of the high court in 2020. The congressman’s vitriol simply cements the fact that the same people calling Trump a threat to democracy would assault the will of the people to keep the Republican from governing.

Congressman Raskin continues to stoke the flames of division in this country through his use of incendiary language aimed at his political opponents, and once again proves the hypocrisy of leftists like him who slander conservatives in an attempt to mask progressives’ proclivity towards violence which has been on full display in cities and college campuses across America in recent times,” U.S. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, R-N.Y., told The Federalist Monday evening. 

The Democrats have basically gone all in on using anything they can to take and maintain absolute power. They went violent in 2016 when it looked like Candidate Trump was going to win the election. When he did win, the gloves came off. The Democrats have tried literally everything to “Get Trump!” and this might include setting things up so that so that President Trump would be assassinated.

Raskin’s office did not respond to a request for comment. 

His bellicose statements will mean nothing if Republicans take back the Senate and hold the House, but they are a look into the Trump-hating radical mindset of Democrats that will stop at nothing to maintain power.

In a tinder box election year seared by an assassination attempt against the GOP’s presidential candidate, Raskin’s threatening rhetoric now seems more like the release of the whirlwind than ever.

I don’t think Ratface Raskin and the Democrats really comprehend what they’re doing. Thanks their rhetoric and actions over the last 8 years, the United States is in a cold civil war. If that assassination attempt on President Trump had succeeded, we would be seeing really bad things happening, starting with retaliatory attacks on Democrats. President Trump’s standing up and doing that fist pump stopped a hot civil war from starting.

Along with Ratface, there were several other communists spewing their desire to “Get Trump!” and shut down both Make America Great Again deplorables and conservative, as opposed to Neocon, to the point of potential concentration camps. (Democrats love concentration camps. The first ones were called plantations)

Raskin and Sherrilyn Ifill, leftist law professor and former president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, were discussing the latest book by Rick Hasen, director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at the UCLA School of law and vehement critic of basic voter integrity tools such as voter ID.

Barking Moonbat

The basic progressive idea of a “Right to vote” includes illegal aliens, legal resident aliens, the deceased and everyone but voters who don’t support the Democrat party. So, basically, no Republicans.

He and his fellow leftists assert the Supreme Court historically, and particularly today’s conservative-led court, has been “no friend of the people.” 

Correction. No friend of those who think the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says. This is a major problem with way to many judges. Almost all of them are on the left, but there are a few who might be considered on the right as well. What these bozos want is a constitutional amendment that outlaws all voter integrity laws. In other words, he wasn’t to codify voter fraud into the Constitution.

Acknowledging that “the path to a constitutional amendment is undoubtedly hard,” Hasen insists that changing the constitution by outlawing fundamental state election integrity laws is the way to save democracy. In the meantime, militant-sounding Democrats believe they’re on a righteous mission to save democracy —  even if it means destroying it.

Passing an amendment is damn near impossible unless there is widespread support for it. Tearing up voter laws to enable the massive fraud machine the Democrats used to steal the 2020 election isn’t popular. (Except with the Progressive Liberal Democrats of course)

Now this whole thing started when Colorado’s communist Secretary of State announced that they were taking President Trump’s name off the ballot because they continue to insist what happened on January 6th, 2020, was an insurrection.

Colorado’s far left secretary of state agreed with leftist lawfare groups that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment barred Trump from running because he, without being convicted of the crime, in their eyes engaged in an insurrection.

There was a small detail the left ignored. No one had been charged with insurrection, especially President Trump, never mind convicted of it. Why? Because there wasn’t one. Then there is the issue that it’s Congress, not the States that have enforcement authority. This eventually ended up at the Supreme Court and they ruled unanimously, (This includes the three Leftists on the bench), that this was not something the states could do.

This decision set off Ratface Raskin. He was fully on board with disenfranchising 550K voters who selected President Trump in the Primary.

Last night I was most worried about the Supreme Court’s prospective, imminent abdication of its very clear duty to disqualify Donald Trump form the ballot … and what that might mean if their decision says it’s really up to Congress on Jan. 6, 2025 to disqualify him at the counting of electoral college votes, which really could lead to something akin to a civil war,” Raskin told his fellow D.C. leftists. 

Ratface isn’t wrong. If President Trump wins in November and in some way Congress disqualifies him, you will see the guns coming out. It won’t be hundreds, it will be hundreds of thousands, potentially millions. Of course, the reality is that if/when President Trump wins, he will be sworn in January 20th at 12PM EST. After that? It depends on how well the GOP does on the down ticket races and if they take and expand control of the House and Senate.

Ratface might actually want a civil war. He is a sociopath. He might actually think the Democrats will win this time. The reality is, if this scenario were to actually happen, is the Federal government will lose and the Democrats will be destroyed. Frankly, the last thing any sane person should want is a second American Civil War. The last one was bad enough. But then Ratface Ratkin is not sane. Frankly, he should be expelled from Congress for any number of reasons. We can add this garbage to the list.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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