Biden threatens America, says he’s not done governing

Good day all. Now that the coup to remove Biden from the ballot has been successfully concluded, what happens next? By rights, Biden should either step down or be removed from office.

This isn’t going to happen. In fact, it looks like Dementia Joe is going to double down on his destruction of the United States. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

The White House dismissed concerns about President Joe Biden‘s light public schedule, with the president hosting no public events for the second consecutive day. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was repeatedly pushed Wednesday on Biden’s schedule since Vice President Kamala Harris replaced him as the 2024 Democratic nominee last week.

No, he’s not done governing at all. I think that appearance would be false,” Jean-Pierre told reporters.

Biden isn’t done governing? That doesn’t sound all that reassuring to me, it sounds like an outright threat.

The Washington Examiner story then has the incompetent liar White House Spokesthing Karine Jean-Pierre listing all the things that Dementia Joe has been doing.

Jean-Pierre reiterated how Biden spoke with reporters on the South Lawn at 1 a.m. Tuesday after he returned from his own trip to Texas on Monday.

After he was shot up with enough amphetamines to raise a dead horse.

On Wednesday, Biden received his intelligence briefing, known as the “president’s daily brief,” or PDB, and was updated on the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act before having lunch with Harris.

As the old saying goes, “Big Whoop.” Presidents get that briefing every day, hence the name Presidential Daily Brief.” The question is, how much of it does Mashed Potato Brains remember?

He is also scheduled to be briefed on his administration’s work cracking down on drug traffickers and meet with U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker.

What crackdown on drug traffickers? They’re driving truckloads of product across the border hourly under this incompetent idiot. As for the “Economic Recovery” of the Ukraine? He and Pritzker are probably figuring out what their cut will be.

All five items on his agenda were not permitted to be covered by members of the press.

Ahh! Schrodinger’s Agenda. If they weren’t covered, then did it actually happen?

During her own briefing, Jean-Pierre could not say when Biden and Harris would appear publicly for the first time together since Biden stood down.

That’s a good question. I don’t have anything for you now,” she said.

That’s probably the first truthful answer she’s given in her entire career. I have a suspicion that the Biden’s are going to avoid being seen with Kackling Kamala as much as possible, and it won’t be for political reasons.

As much as I hate the idea of “President Kameltoe Harris,” Biden needs to leave. He’s always been a vindictive bully and I have little doubt that he and Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” are going to go scorched earth on the country. That will be his idea of “Governing.” We’re already seeing it with his assault on the Supreme Court.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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