It doesn’t rain for the Secret Service, it pours

Good day all. Every day we see news stories coming out about the growing levels of incompetence and stupidity from the Secret Service. Most of this is revolving around the assassination attempt against President Trump. However, other bits of sheer stupidity are cropping up.

The most recent case involves a salon in Massachusetts. Apparently, the owner had to close down due to Kackling Kamala being in town and, I guess, her building being in the security zone. The owner did this, but when she reopened after the event, she found her business had been broken into. Geuss what her security cameras found. Here are the details from Fox News:

The U.S. Secret Service was forced to apologize to a Massachusetts salon owner after using her building’s bathroom without permission ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

The salon owner, Alicia Powers, says Secret Service agents put duct tape over her security cameras and broke into her building by picking the lock. They then allowed various people to use the salon’s bathroom over a two-hour period.

Powers told Business Insider that she was aware she had to close her salon but was not informed about the Secret Service’s other plans.

“They had a bunch of people in and out of here doing a couple of bomb sweeps again – totally understand what they have to do, due to the nature of the situation,” Powers told Business Insider. “And at that point, my team felt like it was a little bit chaotic, and we just made the decision to close for Saturday.”

That makes sense. Why bother dealing with the hassles of all that security if you don’t have to? Back in 2012, Obama came to my city for an event just down the street from me. What a pain in the backside that was! SWMBO had to leave for work 3 hours early or she wasn’t going to get there. (They blocked all the streets) add to that, the line for the Obama worshipers was routed by the Secret Service and the city PD right past my front door.

Footage from the salon’s front-door Ring security camera shows a Secret Service agent approaching the door with a roll of tape and observing the locked door and the camera. The agent then grabbed a nearby chair and stood on it to tape over the security camera.

Nothing says legally authorized then taping over a security camera.

“There were several people in and out for about an hour-and-a-half – just using my bathroom, the alarms going off, using my counter, with no permission,” Powers told BI.

From the Secret Service/all Federal Law Agencies: We don’t need no permission, we’re from the GOVERNMENT! Just shut up and do as we tell you or we will shoot your dog.

The Secret Service says it has been in contact with Powers following the incident. The business owner said she received an apology from the Secret Service’s Boston office.

Like they had a choice? While the agent did tape over the camera lens, the video caught everything up to and including the agent approaching the door with a chair and the roll of tape.

“The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative missions. The Secret Service has since communicated with the affected business owner,” USSS spokeswoman Melissa McKenzie told Fox News Digital. “We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission.”

And yet you did. What’s your explanation? Do you have one?

The building’s landlord, Brian Smith, says no one gave the Secret Service officers permission to use the building or even enter it.

“Me and my dad own the building, and I have a crazy eccentric guy that lives upstairs,” Smith told BI. “And he didn’t tell the Secret Service they could use it, and I didn’t tell them, and my father didn’t tell them, and they had no permission to go in there whatsoever.”

Their attitude appears to be “We’re the Secret Service! We are protecting important people. We can do whatever we want to and if you don’t like it, to bad. Well, it looks like someone from the local office, once they heard about this mess, understood not only just how bad it looked, but how bad it actually was.

Powers says a representative for the Secret Service’s Boston field office called her to apologize after BI contacted the agency about the incident.

“He said to me everything that was done was done very wrong,” Powers told the outlet. “They were not supposed to tape my camera without permission. They were not supposed to enter the building without permission.”

Did the representative say anything about corrective actions to be taken? How about who was responsible for authorizing the break in? This wasn’t done by some low ranking agent. It had to be a supervisor. Is anyone being disciplined? Fired?

The Secret Service is in serious need of an enema. It beginning to look like most of the middle and senior management are going to need to invited to seek new opportunities in the food service industry. Sadly, I don’t think anything will be done under the current maladministration. Perhaps a lawsuit?


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