Trump plans to unleash Elon Musk on bureaucrats

Good day all. It’s no secret that the Federal United States Government wastes hundreds of billions of dollars each year. There are many reasons for this. There is duplication, (two groups doing the exact same thing), incompetence and a significant amount of fraud.

There have been some attempts to reign this is, however you have both the bureaucrats and the Congress constantly throwing wrenches in the works. President Trump started working on this in his first term, however, he hired exactly the wrong people to fix the problem. (Many made it worse) By the time President Trump started getting the correct people in place, we had the Tainted Election of 2020 and the installation of the worst president* and vice president in American history.

Now it’s election season again and with a little luck, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump will be returned to office. He has spent the intervening time, among other things, looking at where the problems with his first administration were and how to correct them. One of the answer’s he’s come up with is to hire Elon Musk and turn him loose on the Deep State Swamp. Here are the details from Insider Paper:

Republican White House candidate Donald Trump unveiled a plan Thursday to install tech billionaire Elon Musk at the head of a government efficiency commission to eliminate “trillions” of dollars in wasteful spending.

Trump told business executives at a speech in New York that Musk — the world’s richest man, according to Forbes — would oversee a “complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” in a second Trump administration.

As the first order of business, this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months. This will save trillions of dollars,” he said.

When Musk took over Twitter, one of the first things he did was take a look at what people were doing. As it turned out, very few were actually producing anything and were actually a drain on the company. In short order, Musk laid off about 80% of the Twitter staff, or about 6000 out of the almost 8000 people “working” there. While there was some initial strains and a few of the slots had to be refilled, Twitter, or “X” as it’s now known, appears to have suffered no real ill effects. (And saved millions in salaries and benefits as well)

As you might expect, most of the Democrat Propaganda Corps, formally known as the Main Stream Media, don’t like the idea and have attacked both President Trump and Elon Musk over the idea. (This includes the Insider Paper) Many of the “Usual Suspects” on the Left have said that it is a bad idea to let Elon Musk do this and that it would set him up as an American Oligarch.

As usual, these pointy headed Liberal Morons missed the point. Elon Musk will not be going in and firing people wholesale or closing down government offices, as much as we would like him to. He is going to go in and basically “Look at the books.” Then he will report back to President Trump on what he found, with a copy to Congress along with recommendations. (Mine would be get into a Crew Dragon, take off, and nuke DC from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure)

Without question, Musk and the people he brings in with him are going to find a lot of garbage that can be cut from the budget. The question will be, will there be a chance for Congress to actually do anything? I suspect that President Trump’s people in the White House will put together a formal budget submission to Congress listing everything that can be cut with a concurrent reduction in the requested funding.

Now we do have recent precedent for this being done. Recently, the current president of Argentina, Javier Melei did just that. He closed departments, cut spending and laid off thousands of bureaucrats. He also set fire to a huge number of regulations. In short order, Argentina, which has been an economic basket case for decades, suddenly had a budget surplus and lots of new businesses and job growth. They’ve got a long way to go, but it looks like President Melei is in the process of Making Argentina Great Again.

Thanks to President Melei’s example, we now have proof that the same thing can be done in the United States. This, of course, is the absolute last thing that the Deep State swamp dwellers, Bureaucrats or the Progressive Liberal Democrats want to do. Closing down agencies and laying off hundreds of thousands of useless government employees, many of whom are unionized, means the loss of the Democrats indirect taxpayer funding of the Democrat Party. They will fight this tooth and nail.

However, if the GOP takes solid control of both houses of Congress as well as the White House, there are ways this can be done that the Democrats can’t stop. If nothing is done, then economic collapse is inevitable with all of the horrors that will bring, not that the bureaucrats, Deep State, Uniparty or Democrats care. It will be up to the voters in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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